Feral Jundi

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Arizona: The Owner Of Gunsite Is Running For Governor

Filed under: Arizona,Training — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 10:31 AM

   Right on and thanks to Matt for sending me this.  I am sure this Marine will give the competition a run for their money in this race. I know he would probably out shoot whomever he is running against. lol –Matt


About Buz Mills

A leader who has served our country.  A businessman who has created hundreds of jobs.  A defender of our freedoms and liberties.  Buz Mills believes the trying times in Arizona call for new leadership, new ideas, and a committed philosophy based on conservative principles.  Low taxes, limited government, individual liberties.

Owen Buz Mills was born in Texas and grew up in a loving household with his mom and dad, a World War II Navy veteran.

When he was 17 years old, Buz took the oath to protect and defend our Constitution and our country.  He spent six years serving in the United States Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve.  His service to our country taught Buz about leadership, about commitment, about sacrifice.

Following his service to our country, Buz became an ironworker.  He built bridges, got his hands dirty, and earned an honest living.  Buz learned much about the value of hard work and sweat equity and decided to go to work for himself.

In the years to follow, Buz became a successful communications entrepreneur developing public emergency communications systems.  He helped design and build 911 emergency operations centers and Emergency Medical Communications Systems.  Buz created hundreds of jobs, built many successful businesses, and became an example of an American success story.

In 1999, Buz bought Gunsite Academy, a firearms and self-defense training facility in Paulden, AZ.  He has since trained thousands of our country’s law enforcement officers, members of our nation’s military, and citizens from all over the world.  Buz still offers Gunsite Academy classes to military veterans, free of charge.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Training: University Of North Dakota Offers Degree Program In UAV Piloting

   How cool would that be, to get a degree in UAV piloting?  Although I do think that a four year degree is a little excessive for the task.  I do think UAV’s will become easier to fly and will be more intelligent as time goes by.  I could see maybe a two year degree or something like that, just to give some kind of a foundation for this stuff.

   What is interesting about the future of our industry, is that UAVs will become more common on jobs, and knowing how to use them, will definitely give you a leg up for that contract.  It is much like how many guys end up operating CCTV or XRay Machines on gigs, along with all the other duties of security operations. There might even come a day where this skill will be a requirement of a company, along with managing other robotics and fancy devices. I am sure security specialist felt the same way about GPS or high tech radios some thirty or forty years ago, when they were told that they might have to use that stuff on a job.  All I know is keep playing those video games guys and gals. lol –Matt


A first: UND offers degree program in UAV piloting

5 January 2010

The number of unmanned aircraft systems has jumped from a fleet of about 50 vehicles nine years ago to more than 2,400 in use today; these UAVs need trained operators to operate them, and the University of North Dakota offers the first-in-the-U.S. degree program in UAV piloting.

The UAV market is exhibiting all the characteristics of a maturing market. There are four steps to this maturation process: first, innovative start-ups and entrepreneurs dominate the sector; in the second phase, the big guys move in, buying up smaller companies; in the third phase there is litigation over intellectual property infringement; in the fourth phase, colleges and universities begin to offer degrees in the field.

In evidence: The University of North Dakota is offering the world’s first bachelor’s degree for pilots who will never leave the ground. Discovery news’s Irene klotz reports that these pilots are not afraid of flying. There is just less of a need to be airborne with the rapid growth of so-called unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs. “College students like to be employable when they graduate,” said Jeffrey Kappenman, director of the school’s Unmanned Aircraft Center. “This market is a growing market.”


Sunday, December 27, 2009

History: Tracker Combat Units–Zambezi Valley Manhunt, by David Scott-Donelan

This is some old school Soldier of Fortune material, but still really good.  The Tracker Combat Units in Rhodesia were impressive, and as you can see below, this unit produce some interesting folks for their war.  In particular, Andre Rabie and Allan Franklen, both founding members of the Selous Scouts.

And just so we don’t forget, I talked about David Scott-Donelan’s school awhile back and how important these combat tracking skills are.

The one point that really struck me, was this quote ‘troop strength was low and resources to patrol a 1,000-mile border and 150,000 square miles of hinterland were severely limited’. Boy that sounds like the US/Mexico border, the Saudi/Yemen border, the Afghanistan/Pakistan border, the Iraq borders, etc., etc., etc…..

In a world where manpower and resources are hard to come by and terrorists and criminals exploit miles of borderland to accomplish their deeds, the solutions that the Rhodesians came to are more relevant today than they ever were before. They were forced to do border stuff on the cheap, and developing a combat tracking capability was the outcome of that.

I also got a kick out of the similarities between the old west, and Rhodesia’s war.  We used Indian Scouts and Mountain Men to do just what these guys were doing, and that is tracking humans.  Why we are not emphasizing the use of more of these tracker teams in places like Afghanistan, is beyond me.  As long as this war has been going on, there should have been entire schools in place over in Afghanistan, whom have produced hundreds of competent man trackers and scouts for that war.  Where are the Jezailchis Scouts and why are we not learning from the lessons of others in this current war? –Matt

Edit: David Scott-Donelan is no longer associated with TTOS, and his new school is called The Scott-Donelan Tracking School. His website is located here.


Tracker Combat Unit


Tracker Combat Unit (TCU) Trails Terrs

Soldier of Fortune Magazine

March 1985

By David Scott-Donelan

Rhodesia was hardly a nurturing environment for an experimental military unit. Most soldiers were concerned with simple survival, particularly in the earlier days of the country’s no-holds-barred bush war against communist guerrillas. In those times, the government’s troop strength was low and resources to patrol a 1,000-mile border and 150,000 square miles of hinterland were severely limited.

But history demonstrates some of the toughest life forms spring from harsh environments. In Rhodesia, when you talked tough, you talked about the Army’s Tracker Combat Unit.

From TCU’s small nucleus of original members came an impressive roster of military leaders including Andre Rabie and Allan Franklin, founding members of another innovative and deadly organization, the Selous Scouts. Other original TCU members included Brian Robinson, who later commanded Rhodesia’s Tracking School and Special Air Services at the height of battlefield commitment of that unit. TCU plankowner Joe Conway was decorated for tackling four terrorists while armed only with a bayonet. And ‘T.C.” Woods survived an underwater battle with a crocodile, even after the man-eater chewed off one of his balls. The original members of the Tracker Combat Unit were veterans and genuine hard-cases. They had to be.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Training: Bill Scott, Founder of Summit Point Motorsports Park and BSR Inc., Dies at 71

   Sorry to see him go, and what a legend.  BSR Inc. is one of the top security driver schools out there, and Bill definitely created an excellent product that hopefully will continue strong well into the future.  BSR is definitely on my list for driving schools, and they come highly recommended in the industry. –Matt


Bill Scott, Summit Point Motorsports Park owner, dies at 71



SUMMIT POINT, W.Va. — William H. “Bill” Scott, owner of Summit Point Motorsports Park and BSR Inc., and a 1970 Formula Vee world champion, has died, longtime friend and professional colleague Roger Lyle said Tuesday.

Scott, 71, of Middleburg, Va., died Monday. He had been battling cancer, Lyle said.

He is survived by his wife, Barbara, and children.

BSR Inc. trained thousands of drivers in accident-avoidance techniques, including defensive driving and counter-terrorism tactics, Lyle said. Drivers trained through BSR included those for government agencies such the CIA, the State Department and the Secret Service, as well as the U.S. Air Force and diplomatic agencies, Lyle said.

“Bill was a good man. He was a tough man. On the racetrack and off the racetrack, he was hard to beat. He was down-to-earth,” said Lyle, of Hagerstown.

Lyle is president emeritus of the Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Club, a motorcycle racing club based at Summit Point Raceway.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Training: Tigerswan Inc. Plans Shooting Ranges

Filed under: North Carolina,Training — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 8:08 AM

   This is great news if they can get this going.  That would be awesome to see these guys expand their training facilities so they can offer more classes.  Although I wouldn’t mind seeing them put up a facility out west. I realize thought that it pays to be near the action.

   Also, I don’t work for these guys or instruct for them, and this article is totally being posted for information’s sake. I promote all sorts of training companies. I like it all. –Matt


Tigerswan Inc. plans shooting ranges

By Francis X. Gilpin

Fri Dec 04, 2009

An Apex-based military training contractor plans five shooting ranges on 50 acres of rural Cumberland County farmland. Some neighborhood landowners have expressed concern about the proximity to their property.

The bullets could start flying as soon as next month, TigerSwan Inc. President Brian J. Searcy told Cedar Creek area landowners this week.

The proposed site is part of an 1,800-acre agricultural spread that Southern Produce Distributors Inc. nearly sold two years ago for more than $5 million to the military contractor formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide.

The sale was derailed after Moyock-based Blackwater, now called Xe Services LLC, came under criticism for defense-related work in Iraq and Afghanistan, TigerSwan Chief Executive James P. Reese told the property owners.


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