Feral Jundi

Monday, May 4, 2009

Weapons Stuff: GTUL and Caring For Your Glock Magazines

Filed under: Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 9:54 PM

     How cool is this?  A total Glock magazine care system, complete with easy base plate removal tool/brush and punch set. Man those base plates are such a pain in the neck to remove, and anything to make that easier is FJ approved.  Check out the video on the site as well. –Matt


     Remove the floorplate of 9MM/40S&W magazines while preventing wear on the locking tabs and damage to the metal liner.  Keep those magazines clean and help prevent loose fitting floorplates.  The material used will withstand thousands of cycles.

     Designed specifically for use with the Disassembly Tool. The handle has a punch which can be used to depress the retaining pin on Glock magazines. The brush is used to clean away dirt, grime, and powder residue from inside the magazine tube and other parts. The punch can be used by a qualified gunsmith to dissassemble a Glock.  

     GTUL has developed an integrated system to disassemble and clean all 9MM/40S&W Glock magazines. For use by Law Enforcement, competitive shooters and all those who demand positive ammunition feeding. This system addresses an often overlooked area of firearm maintenance for your Glock, cleaning the magazines. You can now take apart your magazines without marring, gouging, or damaging the metal liner. Quickly remove dirt, dust, powder residue and grime that may hinder reliability and cause a failure to feed.

    The Patent Pending GTUL minimizes wear and maintains the structural integrity of the locking tabs and notches, and limits the force that may be applied to the magazine. It can be used with Generation I, II, and III Glock magazines. The precise fit, and compact design allows the magazine to be secured with one hand and apply force to disengage the locking tabs. This allows the other hand to be used to depress the retaining pin (if present), and slide the floor plate off. The Mag Brush has a punch built into the handle to depress the retaining pin, the nylon bristles are used to clean the magazine tube.

     These products are proudly made in America. Thank you for looking at our website. 

     Buy the products here.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Training: Grey Group Training

   Hey guys, I want to give a heads up to a quality vendor and outstanding training resource.  Grey Group Training has it all, and I highly advise checking them out.

    They will help to facilitate the training that you need, and can hook you up with the best (TigerSwanLarry Vickers, LMS Defense, etc.).  Their pro-shop is impressive too, and stocked with  quality gear (Arc’teryxTactical TailorBlue Force Gear, etc.).   They ship APO as well.

    All of this tactical goodness will help you out big time, and I can’t stress enough how important it is to have solid training and good gear for going out on contracts.  The best part is that Grey Group Training is one stop shopping for the security contractor, military professional, and law enforcement officer. –Matt


Grey Group Training was formed in early 2007 as a limited liability corporation. Our staff is made up of people exceptionally qualified in Personnel Recovery, Executive Protection, Reconnaissance, Trauma Medicine and other Special Operations capabilities as well as experienced professionals from the tactical equipment industry. We are unique in providing the gear, instructors and technical expertise needed for your requirements. Our belief is that there is a synergistic effect between the tools of the trade, the skill sets to use them, and the ability to buy them both from one place. No other company in the world can provide access to the level of instructors we work with and our gear line is constantly being evaluated and improved for the best solutions to whatever requirements the end user might have.

Grey Group Training Pro Shop

Grey Group Training 

Grey Group Training Calender 

Grey Group Training Myspace 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Weapons Stuff: Samson AR-15 Field Survivor-A2 Pistol Grip Tool Kit

Filed under: Video,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:57 AM

     I actually think this is kind of a cool little deal.  It’s like a Leatherman for the AR-15.  Some of the tools on this, I could see being very helpful.  Plus it fills the hollow pistol grip of the standard AR-15 and M-4 weapon systems out there.  

     The most impressive aspect of this tool, is the magazine feed lip gauge.  To be able to constantly check your issued magazines, and even repair them, is a very handy capability.  And out in the field on contracts, sometimes magazines are hard to come by, and to be able to check that stuff is key to being ready out there.  The broken shell extractor and the front sight adjustment tool are very hand to have as well. Good stuff.  –Matt


Samson AR-15 Field Survivor – A2 pistol grip tool kit

The Samson Field Survivor is a multi-tool system that has a patent-pending mechanism which secures inside the pistol grip.

The Samson Field survivor contains:

    * Broken shell extractor

    * Wire brush for bore cleaning

    * Ampule for oil for one field lube,

    * Cable to pull the brush through the bore

    * Carbon scrapping tool

    * Flat blade screwdriver

    * Feed lip adjustment tool

    * Gas key cleaning tool

    * Cotter pin hook

    * Strike Plate

    * Front sight adjustment tool.  

    * Magazine feed lip gauge 

The Field Survivor fits all AR pistol grips and Hogue AR15 Rev 2 grips. 

Price: $119.00

Website Here


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Cool Stuff: SHOT Show 2009

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Gear Review,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 3:15 PM

   If you can make it to this show, you are really in for a treat.  All the newest equipment and weapons are introduced at this show, and it is a massive event.  Look for reviews of gear at a few of the forums on youtube, and especially at a few of the top equipment bloggers like Soldier Systems. The SHOT Show website has a lot of cool highlights as well.

    So far, I am liking the new and old stuff from Lewis Machine and Tool. Here is a tour brought to you by Defensetech.  –Matt

Edit:  The Gear Scout at Military Times has a great review of new products at SHOT 09.


About the Show

The SHOT Show is for the trade only and is not open to the general public.

The Shooting, Hunting, Outdoor Trade Show and Conference (SHOT Show) is the largest and most comprehensive trade show for all professionals involved with the shooting sports and hunting industries. It is the world’s premier exposition of combined firearms, ammunition, archery, cutlery, outdoor apparel, optics, camping and related products and services. The SHOT Show attracts buyers from all 50 states and more than 75 countries. The SHOT Show is owned and sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation and is produced and managed by Reed Exhibitions.

The 2009 Show

January 15-18, 2009 – Orange County Convention Center

Orlando, FL

The 2010 Show

January 19 – 22, 2010

The 2011 Show

January 18 – 21, 2011

2009 Show Hours:

Thursday,  January 15     8:30am-5:30pm

Friday, January 16            8:30am-5:30pm

Saturday, January 17       8:30am-5:30pm

Sunday, January 18         8:30am-4:00pm

Shot Show Website Here.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Crime: The ‘Real’ Lord of War, Viktor Bout

Filed under: Crime,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , — Matt @ 2:59 PM

   This guy is pretty interesting, and has definitely done some amazing things in the field of weapons delivery. But like most who walk the line between legal and illegal weapons delivery, you always face the potential of getting caught one day.  Viktor made things happen out there, but at what price to self and others?  But on the other hand, everyone has done business with the guy, because he could get things done in really crappy places.  The movie Lord of War staring Nicolas Cage was about his exploits, and there are plenty of stories, books, and articles about him.  And after he got caught in Thailand, the Economist wrote this recent article.  –Matt


International man of mystery

Flying anything to anybody

Dec 18th 2008

From The Economist print edition

The rise and fall of Viktor Bout, arms-dealer extraordinaire, shows a darker side of globalisation

VIKTOR BOUT knew, long before his plane lifted off from Moscow, that they meant to snatch him. For years he had hunkered down in the Russian capital, making only rare forays abroad. Western spies, the United Nations and do-gooder activists were after him. They said that he had smashed arms embargoes and struck deals with a remarkable axis of ne’er-do-wells: supplying weapons and air-transport to the Taliban, abetting despots and revolutionaries in Africa and South America, aiding Hizbullah in Lebanon and Islamists in Somalia. He also found time to supply American forces in Iraq, perhaps al-Qaeda too, and maybe even Chechen rebels.

He denied all wrongdoing and, no doubt, thought his accusers irritating and hypocritical. But until the fuss died away he knew that he was safe only in Russia, from where extradition was impossible.

Yet Mr Bout, a puzzling, amoral and intelligent man, made a poor choice in March, leaving behind his wife and daughter and flying to Bangkok. As a consequence he may end up in New York as the star of a trial that would provoke echoes of cold-war spy games, further chilling relations between the West and Russia.

A shy and plump man, for years his only public image was a grainy, Soviet-era passport photo. That shows a dumpy, youngish face, with drooping eyes peering above a thick, triangular, moustache—the sort one might buy in a joke shop. He was probably born in what is now Tajikistan but, as with the picture, details of his life are fuzzy. American prosecutors say that he uses at least half a dozen passports and more aliases, including “Butt”, “Budd”, “Boris”, “Bulakin” and “Aminov”. A gifted linguist, he slips easily between as many languages as he has names.


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