Feral Jundi

Monday, December 29, 2008

Weapons Stuff: WeaponSurvey, A Site Detailing Palestinian Weapons Capability

Filed under: Israel,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , — Matt @ 12:12 PM

   This website is great.  It even covers the tunnel situation that I talked about yesterday.  I think what struck me with this site, is the increase of rocket and mortar attacks over the years and the increasing range of these weapons.  They talk about every incident, and the quality and type of weapon.  

   The other thing that was interesting to me, was the smuggling techniques used by Hamas and others.  When we hear of breaches along the Egyptian border in Gaza, you usually see crowds protesting and overwhelming these checkpoints.  These periods of disruption at the border are prime opportunities to smuggle weapons, and the cover of this chaos is used to great effect.  So this latest border chaos after the Israeli strikes, could have produced some more opportunities like this. –Matt


An objective analysis of Palestinian terrorism is essential for those seeking a comprehensive understanding of the Arab-Israeli conflict. WeaponSurvey offers readers a detailed presentation of Palestinian military capabilities by meticulously cataloging, analyzing and archiving relevant data, including:


Monday, December 15, 2008

Technology: Update, Jundi Gear, Youtube and Lloyd’s List Security and Piracy Widget

Filed under: Books,Technology,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 2:46 AM

     Hey guys and gals, I made some updates and added some cool stuff to the site to test out.  The Feral Jundi Youtube page is just a collection of youtube videos, and you can click on the Youtube icon to the right to check it out.  The Lloyd’s List Security and Piracy widget is a cool deal, and self explanatory. And finally, the Jundi Gear page and site is a great place to find some of the books that I have reviewed.  Also check out some of the other goodies I found for sale on Amazon.  –Head Jundi

Monday, November 17, 2008

Weapons Stuff: Tactical Life

Filed under: Tactical Thought Process,Weapons,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , — Matt @ 12:08 PM


     Check this out.  Tactical Life is an incredibly comprehensive website dedicated to  weapons.  In other words, this is some serious ‘Gun Porn’.  LOL The one section I really liked was the calender of events.  They post the various training dates for training classes of most of the tactical schools out there.  Although I don’t think the classes list is entirely comprehensive, it is a good start if you are researching available schools to attend. You can also sign up for their newsletter.  –Head Jundi

Website Here

Monday, November 3, 2008

Weapons Stuff: LaRue Tactical AK-IronDot

Filed under: Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , — Matt @ 10:55 AM

    This optic set up sounds like a pretty cool deal.  I like it because it is low profile and lightweight.  And it is a LaRue Tactical product, which everything they make is outstanding and built like a tank.  I own their Aimpoint mount they make, and the thing is solid.  

    I also like the cowitnessing of the sight’s Iron sights and the red dot.  That way, if the red dot becomes damaged or doesn’t light up, then you can just use the iron sights.  This would be a good set up to bring with you on contract, incase you get issued an AK-47.  –Head Jundi





LaRue Tactical AK-IronDot

Simply remove your AK’s rear sight and drop this robust, yet lightweight, mini red-dot in its place. Built around the excellent Burris FastFire Mini Red Dot (included), the AK-IronDot has an integral rear-sight blade for cowitnessing irons. An armored shroud protects the optic, and has access cutouts for the power switch and windage control. The entire unit pivots up and out of the way for easy removal of the receiver cover when cleaning your weapon. Replaces the stock rear sight in seconds.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Weapons Stuff: The CSAT Rear Sight for AR-15/M-16, by XS Sight Systems

Filed under: Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 3:04 PM

    This sight is brand new, and there really isn’t much input about it.  It looks promising though and I just wanted to get this up on FJ so guys know that it exists. 

     I do like the fact that this rear sight has a notch, just like a pistol.  I also like the horizontal serrations carved into it, and this falls in line with the sight that Larry Vickers likes called the Slantpro Straight 8 by Heinie.  I have that sight on my Glock, and it is an outstanding rear sight aperture for pistols.

    But like I said, I do not own this rear sight and I haven’t heard any feedback about this sight, except for one comment at the XS store website where you can buy this sight.  On the CSAT website, they give a better description of how to use this new rear sight, so be sure to check that out as well.

    Also, I wanted to give a heads up that CSAT is coming out with a new rifle based on the AR 15 platform and that this rear sight will probably be a standard feature of this rifle.  It will be great to see the final product in the near future.  –Head Jund

The Combat Site

CSAT Rear Sight for AR-15\M-16

By XS Sight Systems 

AR-15 rear sight aperture from Paul Howe

Use the notch for 7 yard zero.

Use the small aperture for 100 yard zero.

AR-0005-7 for the CSAT rear sight aperture with the 24/7 tritium front sight $95.

22-2300-A-0009 replacement rear aperture CSAT $35.

Buy it here


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