Feral Jundi

Friday, January 22, 2010

Weapons Stuff: Bible Versus On Trijicon Scopes? Who Cares….

Filed under: Military News,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 7:33 AM

   I am ashamed at the reaction the military ‘PC police’ is having towards this.  So I guess the dollars that we spent on purchasing these scopes should have the ‘In God We Trust’ part removed as well? Also, get rid of all of those chaplains and the thousands of bibles that are handed out to the military too.  The political correctness in our military and society is killing me.  This same political correctness is what allowed Major Hasan to get as far as he did in our military, and do his deed at Ft. Hood, and there comes a point where someone in charge needs to make a stand.

   From a collector’s point of view, I think this is pretty cool, and now I am glad I have an ACOG with that little JN 8:12 on it.  Not because I am a religious guy, but because the value of my scope just doubled.  It will probably triple in value, and in twenty or thirty years from now, collectors will be drooling over these things. So with that, I will gladly keep using my ACOG for work, just in spite of this ridiculous reaction to ‘bible versus on scopes’.  Ridiculous. That is my take on the whole thing, and I guarantee that I am not alone in that thinking.

   The really frustrating part about all of this, is that soldiers will have to turn in scopes so the little inscription could be removed.  Thousands of scopes with armorers dedicating valuable time to this idiotic task, when instead they could be working on more important tasks like changing out barrels or tuning up weapons.  Ridiculous. –Matt



Company offers to stop putting biblical references on military scopes

January 21, 2010

(CNN) — A manufacturer that has been inscribing Bible references on rifle sights used by U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan announced Thursday that it will stop putting scripture references on products the U.S. military uses.

Gen. David Petraeus, commander of United States Central Command, said Wednesday — apparently before learning of the company’s announcement — that the references were a “big concern” to the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps, which have contracts for the scopes.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Cool Stuff: Shot Show 2010

   One of these years, you will see Feral Jundi at a booth at Shot Show.  These things are so much fun, and filled with tons of networking possibilities and all sorts of new weapons, weapons parts and gear.  There are a few blogs out there that track shot show, but probably the best is Soldier Systems. If any readers have gone to this year’s SS, let us know what grabbed your attention there. –Matt



Shot Show 2010 Blog here.

Shot Show Home page here.

Shot Show Facebook here.

Soldier Systems blog here.

Shot Show 2010 on Youtube here.

ITS Tactical blog here.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Weapons Stuff: Major Revamp Possible for M4 Carbine

Filed under: Afghanistan,Weapons,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Matt @ 4:29 AM

   Cool, I guess.  My choice would be to just switch to a higher caliber rifle, as opposed to dressing up this varmint shooter we call the M4.

     If I was to add one more little addition to this list, that would be to make the Mk 262 round the standard round. Sure it would be expensive, and tough to make enough of them, but it could it be done. That 77 grn. bullet is awesome for this weapon, and truly juices every last drop of effectiveness out of the weapon called the M4. (just as long as you have the barrel to support that kind of ammunition)

     In my opinion, for the cross canyon fire fights in Afghanistan, you need something with reach and with knock-down power.  That little 5.56 round just doesn’t do it for me. Hell, I wouldn’t even use that round for hunting deer.  Any way…. –Matt

Edit: I want to point the readership to a voice of reason about these recent so-called ‘weapon failures’ in the war.  Paul Howe has a running newsletter, and he discussed this issue and his thoughts.  His focus was how to properly maintain your weapon and shooting accurately.  If a soldier goes through thirty magazines in a fight, then there should be a ton of dead enemy soldiers surrounding him. The M4 should not be used as a noise maker to scare the enemy to death. Anyway, check out what Paul had to say here.


Major revamp possible for M4 carbine

Army wants new barrel, faster fire and 4 other improvements

By Matthew Cox – Staff writer

Sunday Nov 22, 2009

The Army is considering a major redesign of the M4 aimed at making the weapon shoot cleaner and longer — at high rates of fire.

As the Army awaits Defense Department approval of a competition to find a new carbine, weapons officials have identified six fixes intended to address shortcomings in reliability, durability and handling of the Army’s inventory of more than 400,000 M4s.

Army weapons officials presented the proposed changes to Congress on Oct. 30. They are:

• Adding a heavier barrel for better performance during high rates of fire.

• Replacing the direct-impingement gas system with a piston gas system.

• Improving the trigger pull.

• Adding an improved rail system for increased strength.

• Adding ambidextrous controls.

• Adding a round counter to track the total number of bullets fired over the weapon’s lifetime.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Weapons Stuff: Filipino NPA (New Peoples Army) Hitman Teddy Medina, Circa 1980s

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Technology: The Bedazzler–A $250 Less Than Lethal, DIY ‘Puke Gun’

Filed under: DIY,Technology,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 10:45 AM

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