Feral Jundi

Friday, September 4, 2009

Weapons Stuff: Sig Sauer Gives You $200 “Cash For Your Klunker Handgun”

Filed under: Funny Stuff,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 4:15 AM

     Thanks to Matt for sending me this cool little deal.  Check it out. –Matt


Sig Cash for Klunker

SIG SAUER – Gives you $200 “CASH For your KLUNKER* Handgun”Purchase a new SIG SAUER® P220®, P226®, P229®, 1911, SIG556 pistol, or SIG556 rifle from your dealer’s inventory from September 7th through November 30th, 2009, and SIG SAUER will give you $200.00 for your old KLUNKER* pistol or revolver.To receive your $200.00 payment, simply send your old KLUNKER* with a copy of your form 4473 and proof of purchase of your new Classic pistol (no later than Friday, December 4, 2009) to:SIG SAUER, Inc., 18 Industrial Drive, Exeter, NH 03833, ATTN: CK-1*KLUNKER refers to a handgun from any manufacturer that you wish to trade in for the $200.00 payment. Gun must beoperational and free from cracks in frame or other key components. KLUNKER must be a semi-auto pistol 9mm or larger, or revolver of .38 caliber or larger. SIG SAUER reserves the right to reject any firearm submitted as a KLUNKER that does not meet our criteria. Rejected firearms will be returned to sender. Please allow six (6) to eight (8) weeks for delivery of your check. This offer cannot be combined with any other program or offer.Klunkers will not be accepted for payment after Friday, December 4, 2009. NO EXCEPTIONS.

All transactions subject to federal, state and local firearms regulations.Click here to download this promotion.

SIG SAUER Website here.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weapons Stuff: Ammo Engine

Filed under: Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , , , — Matt @ 9:38 AM

   This is neat, and for those of us in the US, ammunition is tough to get at a good price.  So anything that helps the buyer out in finding the best price, is alright with me. I wish I was in the ammo business as well, because those guys are making bank right now. Check it out. –Matt


Frequently Asked Questions for Ammo Engine

1. How many stores do you search?


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weapons Stuff: Brownells AR-15 Multitasker Tool

   This is a cool tool.  I just got it in the mail the other day(no wait and very prompt), and now I get to talk about it.  My overall impression of the tool is high, and it does exactly what I want it to do.  The big one for me was to get a multi-tool that had a buffer tube castle nut spanner.  This tool has that, and so much more.  The only down side would be a lack of a lanyard attachment on the tool and the limited pouch color selection.(black is the only color)

   But back to the spanner wrench.  On a few of my contracts, I have been issued weapons where the castle nut on the buffer tubes were loose and not peened.  The reason being is that guys would take their issued weapons, undo the castle nut and buffer tube assembly, and put one of those single point attachment plates on the weapon so they could run a single point sling.  Because the castle nut and buffer tube was not placed back on properly, you get issues with the thing loosening and rotating.  Not good, and it pays to have a spanner wrench to tighten the thing.  Of course you could use a hammer and nail to tighten the thing, but having the right tool for the job is far better for doing field repairs and maintenance.

   I also recommend getting a DVD of AR-15 repair or lining up some online videos that you have collected, in order to work on your weapon when you have to. Do not depend upon the company to repair your weapon and keep it functional(although that would be nice), because most companies just don’t care. Sad, but true, and most of the weapons I have been issued out there were pretty sad. Being prepared for that reality is a necessity.

   The other thing I like about this tool is the socket tool (with the front site adjustment on it).  It is a 1/4 socket bit driver, so it will accept the double-ended bits that it comes with (Torx double ended), as well as any others that you have.  I really like this feature, because this allows you to carry the socket pieces that are applicable to your equipment (computers, knives, weapons, etc.) and you can expand or take away from that collection what you want. Especially for the multitude of star, hex, and allen type bolts that all the various weapon and equipment manufacturers use out there.

   The pouch is pretty cool too, despite the color.  It has a molle attachment system with snap (single channel), and it has a front pouch and a zippered pouch on the cover piece.  It would be nice though if it was a Fastex closure system, as opposed to just velcro.  I would be paranoid about losing this tool out in the field, unless I had a secure pouch and/or lanyard system.  Perhaps the second generation Multitasker Tool will have these features, along with offering OD and Coyote Brown to the colors. Maybe throw in a lanyard system from 215 Gear, and that would be a cool system that you could carry on your kit.

   One other thing.  The width of this tool when it is closed, will fit in standard pistol magazine pouches (not the 1911 style, the glock 9mm/.40 style), and I tested it in the Tactical Tailor knife pouch they have and it fits. For the pistol magazine pouches, it is a little tight.  So for you pouch manufacturers out there, there might be a market to make the ultimate pouch for this tool. This pouch should securely carry the bits and knife, and have various colors.  I just don’t know if Brownells will go this extra mile with the pouch, and a proactive manufacturer might be able to step in here.

   I would also like to see a multitool for AK 47 and maybe a mutitool that could cover both the AR and AK.  Now that would be the ultimate multitool for a contractor.

    This tool is new, but I think it should be a ‘must have’ for contractors. You must have the ability to do basic repairs out in the field, and this tool will be a nice addition to your deployment kit. Also, I do not work for Brownells and they did not give this thing to me for free–I bought it, and this is a completely independent review. –Matt

Edit: Also check out the Multitasker Tool website, the developers of this tool.

Edit: 01/28/2010 -Check out this forum and their review of the Multitasker here.  Excellent photos of the thing in action.


Multitasker tool

BROWNELLS AR-15 Multitasker Tool

Pocket-Packable Multi-Tool With Everything You Need For Field Repair & Adjustment Of Your AR-15

Rugged, compact, fold-open tool contains an amazing array of tools to service your AR-15 and many popular add-on accessories, all in a package that’s barely 4″ long when folded and fits in pocket, backpack, range bag, or the included nylon belt pouch. You get a castle nut wrench for collapsible carbine stocks, adjustment tool for four-prong A2-style front sights, 3/8″ box wrench for accessory mounts from LaRue Tactical and others, angled carbon scraper with radiused tip, file with chisel-tip carbon scraper, 440C stainless Tanto-style blade with liner lock safety, extended-length needle-nose pliers, wire cutter, and a bit driver with five, interchangeable double-ended bits. Comes with 2 slot-head, 1 Phillips, and 5 hex-head bit tips, plus T10 and T15 Torx® head bits. Bits have a ball-detent locking system to ensure they stay securely in the driver. The Multitasker is made of hardened, tool-grade stainless steel, with a scratch-resistant, matte black hardcoat finish for exceptional strength, and grip panels of durable G10 fiberglass composite with checkered surface pattern for a firm grasp.

SPECS: Stainless steel, matte black finish, with G10 fiberglass grips, matte black. 4-1?8″ (10.5cm) OAL folded; 6-7?8″ (17.5cm) OAL extended. Includes 5 double-ended driver tips with rubber storage sleeve and black 1000 denier nylon belt pouch.

AR-15 Multitasker Tool  $64.99

Buy the tool here or at the Jundi Gear Store.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Weapons Stuff: ACOG RCO Scope Cap Lanyard Modification

Filed under: Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 2:08 PM

Monday, June 1, 2009

Training: Tactical Impact TV, With Larry Vickers and Aaron Roberts

    Wow, talk about a cool show!  Larry Vickers is an incredible force of influence in today’s combat arms and training, and it is just a treat to be able to listen to what these guys have to say.  The link I provided below has a bunch of episodes to watch, and they will easily keep you captivated with all the industry best practices for shooting and tactics. Check it out. –Matt

Edit:  Be sure to check out more episodes on Youtube here.


Tactical Impact TV

From clearing a house to mounting a night assault on a fortified enemy, each episode of Tactical Impact will examine a real life tactical problem and the arms, accessories and tactics to prevail. Unlike traditional shooting shows that focus on gun reviews, features and interviews, Tactical Impact looks through the eyes of the guys who have really been there to tell the intriguing stories about the guns that have changed our world.

Watch the Episodes Here.


Larry Vickers is a retired career special operations soldier, having served more than 20 years in the Army’s most elite forces. He is a longtime firearms industry consultant, firearms trainer and a founding member of IDPA. 

Aaron Roberts is a former U.S. Army soldier. After the military he went on to become a Texas State Police Officer and was a Primary Firearms and Tactics Instructor at Blackwater Training Center. He is a highly regarded firearms and tactics instructor.

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