Feral Jundi

Monday, February 14, 2011

Industry Talk: NATO–740 Trainers Still Needed For Afghan Forces

     Boy, that is a ton of trainers needed. What is really crazy is this is how many trainers are needed, on top of the massive billion dollar contract the Army has already with DynCorp for ANP/MoI facility and training? Amazing.  I can tell you one thing though, if NATO cannot produce these trainers, DynCorp certainly will.

     If you are a retired police officer, or out of work for whatever reason, I suspect that your experience and qualifications will be in high demand for awhile over there. Between this requirement and the UN stuff, or CNTPO stuff you will have plenty of opportunities. –Matt

NATO: 740 trainers still needed for Afghan forces

DynCorp International LLC Awarded Afghan Training and Mentoring Contract Valued at up to $1 Billion

NATO: 740 trainers still needed for Afghan forces

By DEB RIECHMANNSunday, February 13, 2011

More nations are pledging support, yet NATO still faces a shortage of 740 trainers needed to get Afghan soldiers and policemen ready to take the lead in securing their nation, the coalition’s top training official says.

Needed most are 290 police trainers, including those to work in new training centers opening in Afghanistan this year, U.S. Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, the commander of NATO’s training mission, told The Associated Press in an interview Saturday.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai wants his nation’s police and army to take the lead in protecting and defending their homeland by 2014, a deadline that will be reached only if the training effort – already on a fast track – gets even more support from NATO and other nations. Caldwell said the coalition wants to have the additional 740 trainers in place by this summer.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Industry Talk: War, Fickle Clients, A Corrupt Government… And PSCs In Afghanistan Press Forward

     It looks like this government is doing all they can to make life very difficult for these companies to operate. It is so bad, it looks like the very air that companies breath will be regulated and taxed, and if not, the companies will be fined for even thinking about breathing. Ridiculous.

     The other thing here that is important to note is that even under all of this pressure by such a corrupt government, or the constant media and congressional pressure, or fickle clients, or the toils of an active war zone, that these durable companies are still operating and overcoming adversity. Imagine an Apple or Toyota operating in such an environment?

     Private security companies like these not only have to protect a client’s life and reputation, but must also work hard to protect their own operations and people.  Talk about pressure and adverse operating conditions?  Either way, this industry will overcome all and any obstacles, just like it always has, and continue to provide vital security services in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Just as long as governments like Karzai’s do such a terrible job of governing or providing adequate security for locals and foreigners, the services of my industry will still be in high demand. –Matt

Security firms face possible fines in Afghanistan

Afghan government accuses 16 security firms of violations

Security firms face possible fines in Afghanistan

Feb 10, 2011

Private security firms operating in Afghanistan will in future face fines for breaking their operating rules, President Hamid Karzai’s office said Thursday, the latest tightening of measures against them.

In August, Karzai ordered that all private security firms — many of which are foreign-owned and provide guards for embassies, NGOs and businesses in violence-hit Afghanistan — be banned.

But he later rowed back on this under pressure from his Western allies, who said the firms were necessary to provide adequate security in the country, whose own police and military are still being built up.

“The interior minister presented a plan regarding fining private security companies that unlawfully recruit foreign staff, unlawfully import armoured vehicles from outside the country, or distribute illegal weapons,” a statement from Karzai’s office said, after a meeting of the National Security Council.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Industry Talk: CIGNA Provides Access To Health Care For Workers On Military Bases In Afghanistan

     This is excellent news and I am glad CIGNA is providing this access. It sounds like about 20,000 folks will benefit from this latest move. –Matt

CIGNA Provides Access to Health Care for Workers on Military Bases in Afghanistan

February 08, 2011

Customers now have access to high-quality medical care on military bases in Afghanistan through new agreements establishing onsite health care clinics on the Kandahar and Bagram air bases. The new clinics serve government contractors and other employees working in Afghanistan and are endorsed by the U.S. military, which, in 2008, began encouraging contractors to develop alternatives to military hospitals for routine care. CIGNA covers approximately 20,000 customers currently in Afghanistan.

To make the clinics possible, CIGNA, the global leader in benefits for expatriates and other globally mobile individuals, forged new relationships with TMH Medical Services and Onsite OHS to establish two health care clinics on the Kandahar air base. In addition, through CIGNA’s arrangement with Onsite OHS, a clinic will open soon on the Bagram air base.

”CIGNA is responding to our clients’ concerns and has already taken important first steps to make primary medical care more accessible for those assigned to work in Afghanistan,” said Timothy Blevins, chief network officer for CIGNA International Expatriate Benefits (CIEB). “We want to ensure that all customers, wherever they live or work, have easy access to high quality, affordable health care.”


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Publications: Contractor Support Of USCENTCOM AOR, 1st Quarter FY 2011

Contractor Support of USCENTCOM AOR, 1st Quarter FY 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Technology: Soldier Develops Smartphone App To Track Taliban

     This is pretty cool. Although the real test is if the guys out in the field will actually use this in combat? But the idea of how this guy dreamed it up and put his heart and soul into the project to get it out there is really inspirational.

     With that said, with a quick search you can find several programers out there that will build apps for a price. If you have an idea and have the 15,000 to 20,000 dollars to contract out the project, then maybe you too could come up with a life saving app, or even an enemy killing app that could give military or contractors the edge out there. No word yet on when the app will be available in iTunes, nor do I know the cost.-Matt

Soldier develops Smartphone app to track Taliban: Tactical Nav can pinpoint enemy and direct fire

By Paul Thompson27th January 2011

An iPhone app that tracks down the Taliban has been developed by a US soldier who used pds 17,000  of his own money into the project.

Captain Jonathan J. Springer said the idea for a Smartphone app to help soldiers in combat came to him in a dream last July.

The 31-year-old, from Fort Wayne, Indiana, has worked with programmers ever since to make the idea a reality.

Smart idea: Captain Springer (pictured here testing his invention in Afghanistan) used a variety of armoured vehicles, remote observation posts and harsh combat conditions to test the accuracy of his invention

Tactical Nav, which is expected to be available through Apple’s App Store next month, assists soldiers in mapping, plotting and photographing waypoints on a battleground and conveying coordinates to supporting units.

Captain Springer used a variety of armoured vehicles, remote observation posts and harsh combat conditions to test the accuracy of his invention, which can also be used to direct artillery fire on enemy positions or call in helicopter support.

The soldier, who serves as a battalion fire support officer in eastern Afghanistan, said most soldiers use smartphones and the app has been designed specifically for them. (more…)

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