Boy, that is a ton of trainers needed. What is really crazy is this is how many trainers are needed, on top of the massive billion dollar contract the Army has already with DynCorp for ANP/MoI facility and training? Amazing. I can tell you one thing though, if NATO cannot produce these trainers, DynCorp certainly will.
If you are a retired police officer, or out of work for whatever reason, I suspect that your experience and qualifications will be in high demand for awhile over there. Between this requirement and the UN stuff, or CNTPO stuff you will have plenty of opportunities. –Matt
NATO: 740 trainers still needed for Afghan forces
DynCorp International LLC Awarded Afghan Training and Mentoring Contract Valued at up to $1 Billion
NATO: 740 trainers still needed for Afghan forces
By DEB RIECHMANNSunday, February 13, 2011
More nations are pledging support, yet NATO still faces a shortage of 740 trainers needed to get Afghan soldiers and policemen ready to take the lead in securing their nation, the coalition’s top training official says.
Needed most are 290 police trainers, including those to work in new training centers opening in Afghanistan this year, U.S. Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, the commander of NATO’s training mission, told The Associated Press in an interview Saturday.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai wants his nation’s police and army to take the lead in protecting and defending their homeland by 2014, a deadline that will be reached only if the training effort – already on a fast track – gets even more support from NATO and other nations. Caldwell said the coalition wants to have the additional 740 trainers in place by this summer.