Feral Jundi

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Executive Protection: China’s New Status Symbol–A Bodyguard

Filed under: Africa,China,Executive Protection — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 11:08 PM

This is really not news if we remember my prior posts about the rise of private security in China. But what I like about stories like this is that they identify the up and coming players in the PSC market there. Or a PSC that could easily transition into more of a PMC role for ventures in places like Africa.

Yun Hai Elite Security was mentioned in this article and they have done some big name work for celebrities visiting China. They also give their guys a ton of training and they seem to attract some high end soldiers and police. These are the companies I like to watch, just because it is not that big of a step for them to cross into the realm of doing what they do in other countries and regions. China also allows these companies to exist for a reason, and these companies are really not private per se.

The other thing I have been watching lately is China’s intense focus on Africa. Businessmen from China are canvassing that continent and doing all they can to establish roots. With the amount of projects and money they bring, there is also the security required to bring peace and stability to those endeavors. That security will either come from Chinese security companies, local police or military they have agreements with, or regional private security companies–or folks that specialize in providing security on the African continent.

In other words, I expect that the Chinese will be really hitting up South African companies and individuals for all types of work. Either protecting projects or making security assessments. I could also see the Chinese contracting with companies to help professionalize the local police and military that the Chinese would make agreements with, or to help advise Chinese security companies. The Chinese are not at all afraid to set up shop in the crappiest places of Africa to get what they need. In order to make that a success, they need the right people that know how to solve problems there.

What I am interested in though is what will the Chinese do in some of these places when the local rebels or whatever group, begin to attack and give problems to these projects. Would they contract a PMC to take care of problems? Would they soup up a local military with weapons and training to go on the offensive? How far will the Chinese go in to order to restore commerce and protect their business ventures in Africa?  Who knows and it will be something to watch as these new ‘East India Companies‘ of the modern era do their thing. –Matt

Edit: 07/05/15– I found a great video by Vice about female bodyguards in China that I had to share here on this post. It also has extensive footage of Yun Hai Elite Security and how they train folks. Check it out.



China’s new status symbol: a bodyguard
Hannah Gardner
Jan 8, 2012
In a badly lit housing complex on the edge of Beijing, one building burns bright late into the night.
This hall, once a community centre for workers at Beijing’s airport, is now home to Yun Hai Elite Security – one of hundreds of companies that have sprung up across China in recent years to provide bodyguards for the country’s newly minted rich.
Here until 10 every evening, six days a week, former soldiers and athletes learn the skills required to protect people who are increasing resented in this nominally communist county.
“I don’t lack clients,” says Xin Yang, one of Yun Hai’s founders and a former member of the special services in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
“I have a waiting list for my bodyguards. Our trainees have a 100 per cent employment rate.”
Just over a decade ago there was little call for a business like Mr Xin’s. Politicians were more respected, international stars rarely visited and the county didn’t have a single billionaire.
Now, China is home to at least 243 individuals with assets worth more than US$1 billion (Dh3.67bn) and last year the socialist state produced its millionth millionaire.


Friday, September 30, 2011

Africa: LRA Crisis Tracker

Excellent news, and this is great to see a resource like this.  With so much focus on the other problems of the world, these animals continue to rove the jungles of Africa and terrorize and kill. There must be a more coordinated and serious effort to kill or capture Joseph Kony and his LRA.

The other thing with this is that if you look at the concentration of incidents (heat map), you can get a basic idea where the LRA operational area is.  This is where a drone or satellite should be pointed, and a task force could be on call, just waiting to pounce on these guys as soon as movement or activity gets seen or reported.

Or how about we take every village that has ever been attacked by these scum in these areas, and do a massive lion hunt type operation?  If you can flush the LRA out of their hiding spots, and set up ambushes or blocking forces to kill them, then that might be a good use of the thousands of people who would love to see their destruction. There is strength in numbers, and something like this would empower the people.

The other thing I like about this service is that data like this will help those who want to defend against the LRA. If you can see the main group moving closer to a village, then that village could be warned and the children and women could be hidden. Every little tip and report, is a vital piece to this game. The design of the website and service also reminds me a lot of Ushahidi. Check it out. –Matt


LRA Crisis Tracker
The LRA Crisis Tracker is a real-time mapping platform and data collection system created to bring an unprecedented level of transparency to the atrocities of the Lord’s Resistance Army.
Using information sourced from Invisible Children’s Early Warning Radio Network, UN agencies, and local NGOs, this tool allows for better response from governments, policy-makers, and humanitarian organizations.
This joint project, developed by Invisible Children and Resolve, marks the first time data surrounding the crisis has been comprehensively aggregated and made publicly available.

Website here.


LRA Crisis Tracker Introduction from INVISIBLE CHILDREN on Vimeo.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Funny Stuff: Primate Studies– Chimpanzee With AK 47, West Africa

Filed under: Funny Stuff — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 10:13 PM

Just as a side note, this video is obviously a fake. The original source was from 20th Century Fox and the Youtube channel it came from was called Apes Will Rise, which is a movie coming out in the near future.

But what must be noted here is the incredible viral value of this short clip. It has been out since July 6 of this year, and it already has 3,035,389 views!(and rising) The thing is also getting passed around on places like Facebook and Twitter. Why does this have value? The return on investment is what makes it valuable. The cost to film and produce this clip was cheap, compared to how many viewers have checked it out and commented on it. All because it was downloaded on youtube.

If you were to pay for that kind of ad through television or film, you would not only have to pay for the production cost, but pay the networks involved to run the ad. Viral videos are a great tool for business, because of this ROI. But it also takes imagination and luck to make a viral video that works. –Matt

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Industry Talk: Somalia TFG Cancels Contract With Saracen International

     Yarow said his government, which controls only part of Mogadishu in a country that has seen mostly anarchy for two decades, wanted assistance, but only from companies with distinguished records.

     “The Cabinet has today overwhelmingly voted against Saracen International,” Yarrow said. 

     Yes, but the Puntland contract is still in place. But as far as this contract, who knows who they will choose to replace Saracen? Whomever the donor country is, they are they ones forking over the money and will find a company the TFG can deal with.

    As for dropping Saracen purely because of Erik Prince’s supposed involvement, is pretty stupid if you ask me.  More than likely he was just advising the main planners.  I am sure his connections were useful as well.  But really, you use guys like this because they can see the whole picture and have experience with really dangerous projects.  And because someone else was paying for his services, why would the TFG care? Hell, that government needs all the help they can get, and here they are ditching a security training contract.

    Of course the media loved fueling whatever negativity they could.  Blackwater does not exist anymore, Xe has nothing to do with Saracen, and Erik Prince is doing his own thing in another country.  And yet as soon as Prince was mentioned in some report (that I have yet to see), all of a sudden Saracen International becomes the new Blackwater. Pffft. Meanwhile, islamists and pirates win another one. –Matt

Edit: 01/28/2011 – Check out the story I posted in the comments.  The reporters at the Associated Press are really going off on this deal. All I can say is bravo to the Puntland government for not being influenced by a biased media.

Somalia cancels military training project linked to Blackwater founder

By Mohamed Sheikh Nor

January 27, 2011

MOGADISHU, Somalia — Somalia’s government decided on Thursday to cancel an agreement with a private security company linked to the founder of Blackwater Worldwide to train Somali forces to go after pirates and insurgents, a senior official said.

Deputy Security Minister Ibrahim Mohamed Yarow told The Associated Press that the Cabinet, meeting behind closed doors, ended the agreement with Saracen International in a decision he said is “irrevocable.”

The AP reported last week that Erik Prince, whose former company Blackwater Worldwide became synonymous with the use of private U.S. security forces running amok in Iraq and Afghanistan, had quietly taken on a new role in the project to train troops in lawless Somalia. Blackwater guards were charged with killing 14 civilians in 2007 in the Iraqi capital.

Yarow said his government, which controls only part of Mogadishu in a country that has seen mostly anarchy for two decades, wanted assistance, but only from companies with distinguished records.

“The Cabinet has today overwhelmingly voted against Saracen International,” Yarrow said.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Quotes: “Nation States No Longer Have A Monopoly On Military Force….”

    This article just rehashes everything that I have posted previously about the Saracen International contract in Somalia.  What is quote worthy though is this gem below. The last sentence really cracked me up.

     Pass this one around folks, and I put this up on the Facebook Page for FJ as well. Hell, I would even say that this is the quote of the year. lol –Matt

     “Nation states no longer have a monopoly on military force, intelligence, diplomacy or anything else,” Mr. Clarridge said. “What’s going on in Somalia, where you have skilled contractors training a counter-piracy force, is an example of where the future of the military is going. No government or group of governments can get their act together to do it, but someone has to do it, and they are doing it.”- Duane Clarridge, From The Article “Private Firm Trains Somalis To Scuttle Pirates“, December 28, 2010

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