Feral Jundi

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Black Swan Events: Volcano Illustrates World’s Interconnectedness

   What we call here a Black Swan (and capitalize it) is an event with the following three attributes. First, it is an outlier, as it lies outside the realm of regular expectations, because nothing in the past can convincingly point to its possibility. Second, it carries an extreme impact. Third, in spite of its outlier status, human nature makes us concoct explanations for its occurrence after the fact, making it explainable and predictable. I stop and summarize the triplet: rarity, extreme impact, and retrospective (though not prospective) predictability. A small number of Black Swans explain almost everything in our world, from the success of ideas and religions, to the dynamics of historical events, to elements of our own personal lives. –Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan


   I have decided to add a new category that actually talks about events that have far reaching effects.  Natural disasters and war are examples, and the reason we need to talk about that here is that contractors are very much needed in order to deal with these kinds of events.  Contractor operations are also impacted by these events, and this stuff can really screw up the logistics for some global operation. As I speak, there are contractors waiting to go home who can’t, or guys in airports just waiting around for their flight.  Logistics for the wars will be impacted as well.  That is why we need to care.

   BSE (Black Swan Events) can also arise from political upheaval or coups.  A BSE could be something small like a extremely deadly virus, or something odd that changes the dynamic.  Drones could be considered BSE’s, because they are something new to warfare that is forcing everyone to rethink strategies.

   I also don’t want to get in the habit of calling everything new a BSE.(I will use Nassim’s three attributes for BSE’s) This category will be for only the big stuff, that really shakes the world.  This volcano is one of those events, much like the Haiti earthquake or the Polish leadership getting killed in a plane accident.  Thanks to Matt for giving me the heads up and cluing me in on the BSE potential. –Matt


Volcano illustrates world’s interconnectedness


April 17, 2010

CHICAGO — A volcano erupts in Iceland, and the effects ripple around the globe: A mom in Romania frets about making her son’s wedding in Texas. A florist in New York worries shipments won’t arrive. Patients awaiting treatment in Nigeria have to wait another week for the doctors.

The fallout from the ash cloud looming over Europe illustrates just how interconnected our world has become.

Thousands of planes fly millions of passengers and tons of cargo each day, providing the economic lifeblood of nations and businesses. The flights deliver products for sale or items as small as a specialized tool that lets a factory keep operating.

The planes also bring medicines to hospitals and food aid to earthquake or hurricane victims. And they bring war and peace. Soldiers are often transported to and from hot spots by air.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Afghanistan: Taliban Targets U.S. Contractors Working On Projects In Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan,Industry Talk — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 5:44 AM

   Rest in peace to all those contractors who have fallen at the hands of the Taliban.  My heart goes out to the friends and families of these heroes.

   What I also want to mention is that it sounds like what these contractors are doing, is a threat to the Taliban.  That is awesome!  These USAID implementing partners are the ones going around and dishing out the money and projects that make the government look good, and keep potential Taliban fighters busy with work.  I say double the size of the program if this is the effect it has, and give these guys what they need for success.

   I also want to highlight all the Afghan guards that have perished in the defense of these folks.  Just read all the incidents below and it is filled with Afghan security contractor KIA’s.  Perhaps it is time to supplement the security for these implementing partners with some expat security, just to make sure that security is being properly done?  Or dress up some military folks to look like civilians, and have them soup up the security for these guys?  The point is, if this current aid strategy is a threat to the Taliban, then maybe we should work a little harder on providing proper security for it? Or maybe these Afghan security forces are sufficient? Tim would probably have something to say about it. –Matt


Taliban targets U.S. contractors working on projects in Afghanistan

By Joshua PartlowSaturday, April 17, 2010

KANDAHAR, AFGHANISTAN — The Taliban has begun regularly targeting U.S. government contractors in southern Afghanistan, stepping up use of a tactic that is rattling participating firms and could undermine development projects intended to stem the insurgency, according to U.S. officials.

Within the past month, there have been at least five attacks in Helmand and Kandahar provinces against employees of U.S. Agency for International Development contractors who are running agricultural projects, building roads, maintaining power plants and working with local officials.

The USAID “implementing partners,” as they are known, employ mainly Afghans, who are overseen by foreigners. The companies’ role is becoming increasingly important as more aid money floods into southern Afghanistan as part of a dual effort to generate goodwill and bolster the Kabul government.


Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kidnap And Ransom: Family Rejoices At Release Of Contractor Issa Salomi In Iraq

   Excellent news and I am glad this ended well for the family and Issa. –Matt


Family rejoices at release of contractor in Iraq


March 28, 2010

SAN DIEGO — The family of an Iraqi-American contractor said to have been kidnapped in Baghdad in January rejoiced Saturday over his release, saying they did not believe they would see him alive again.

Issa Salomi, 60, spoke with his 27-year-old son Roger Friday and told him that memories of the birth of the oldest of his four boys sustained him during captivity, said Vivian Tilley, a niece.

A few hours later, Salomi called his wife of 30 years, Muna Salomi, and asked for her homemade tabbouleh when he arrived home.

“I was screaming,” Muna Salomi said in interview Saturday. “Really, I didn’t think he’d be alive … I can’t wait to hug him and put him in my arms.”

A Shiite extremist group claimed responsibility for the Jan. 23 kidnapping and posted a video online that showed a man wearing military fatigues, reading a list demands for the release of militants, the prosecution of Blackwater guards and an immediate U.S. troop withdrawal.

A Pentagon statement Saturday said only that Salomi was back under military control, but gave no details on his disappearance or return. The statement said the circumstances of the case are under investigation.

Muna Salomi was told to be prepared to reunite with her husband within the next week at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. She, like other family members, said she didn’t know the circumstances of his abduction, captivity or release.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Book: Living In The Shadow Of The Iraq Conflict–From A Military Contractor’s Wife, By Linda Johnson

Filed under: Books,Iraq — Tags: , , , , , , — Matt @ 11:43 PM

    I am glad a book like this is out there.  The haunting truth about this industry, is that there is absolutely no support mechanism for the families of contractors.

   With the military, there are all sorts of resources available to the families of soldiers, all with the intent of helping wives or husbands and the families through long and tough deployments.  Or worse yet, helping families during times when their loved one has been hurt in time of war.  With contractors, there is nothing.

   Often times, families just create their own support mechanisms and do what they can to survive.  The one real benefit with contracting is that guys can just go home if things get too rough for the family. That and deployments are usually shorter.

   Another factor of contracting, is the families of third country national contractors.  Often these contractors are in Iraq or Afghanistan for years and not months. They too must create their own family support mechanisms back home, in order to support such long deployments.  Yet again, these contractors could go home to deal with problems, but the jobs they fill are highly competitive and most guys and gals who are contractors fear losing their job more.  Hence why you have folks who work for such long deployments.

   So with that said, I would like to present to the readership a book written from the perspective of the families back home.  Like the military family, the ups and downs and yearning for loved ones far away is just the same for this community. If you have a wife or girlfriend or family who would like to read a book about what to expect as a family member of a contractor serving overseas, this is it.  I have not read the book yet, so I will not give it a thumbs up or down, but I will promote such things, just because there isn’t anything else like this out there. If any of the readership has read the book or has something to say, feel free to share in the comments. –Matt


Shadow of Iraq

     This book is being dedicated to all of those brave men and women who have sacrificed home and country to work inside Iraq or Afghanistan during a time of conflict. You have worked alongside our military, and I thank you for your valiant efforts. To the families left behind, I applaud your bravery and selfless dedication as you supported your loved ones in their decision to go. ….I also wrote this for him, he will have a more cohesive and complete picture of what this journey has been like for me …back home with him gone.


     Many Americans only know military contractors from the little they have read in the media, which hasn’t always portrayed a pleasant picture.

Now, Linda J Johnson is bringing to light the real story behind her family’s sacrificing for their country in this capacity. She believes her story reflects thousands of American families who have been involved in the deployment of a loved one in support of our troops!

Faced with a job shortage on the Island of Kauai; Linda’s husband responded to a recruitment ad for a military contractor and his decision changed their lives forever. Since 2005, Linda began writing a journal to capture what he and their youngest son was seeing out on the battlefield, as well as what she was seeing in the changing of America. That journal became her new book. Through drastic ups and downs, Linda and Richard persevered with faith and pride in his work and in the U.S., constantly battling the negative attitude portrayed by the MSM towards military contractors and the war.

Learn what their lives are like when Living in the Shadow of the Iraq Conflict. Richard returned home in August of 2009 after having served four consecutive years as a military contractor in Baghdad, Iraq.

     About The Author

Linda J Johnson received her doctorate in Christian education in 1999. She also holds certification as a CISD (critical incident stress debriefor) counselor. She is an ordained minister and an internationally endorsed community services chaplain with the Church of God, Cleveland, TN.

Currently, Linda resides in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where she contributes to the community as a substitute teacher and has headed up the 9/11 project for Awakening America. She has welcomed home her husband of thirty-two years and they are pursuing this project together as they tour and speak and sign books across the country.

Contact Linda J. JohnsonContact Linda J Johnson to book speaking engagements, book signings, or purchase author-signed copies. Leave your contact information in the body of the message.

Book website here.

Buy the book here.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Afghanistan: So As NATO Falters Or Members Leave, Will Contractors Pick Up The Slack?

   So here is one that you won’t hear discussed out there.  What happens when NATO falters or members leave unexpectedly, as the war drags on?  Each country in NATO has it’s own set of politics back home, and like most countries, they can get into a position where support for operations overseas just diminishes.  Call it the economy, or media/activist groups, unexpected rise in war deaths, natural disasters, Black Swan events, etc.  An example would be the Dutch, and their sudden switch-a-roo/’I am out of here’ move in Afghanistan.  I didn’t see that one coming, but that is exactly what I am talking about.  So who is next in NATO?  And most of all, who will take up their slack, if the war effort depends upon those troops?

   Well for one, my pick is contractors. Mostly because we are the fastest means of filling that vacuum, and we do the least at disrupting the mechanics of the war machine.  Especially if the Dutch were tasked with training or menial/defensive operations.  Or the coalition can play the game where they rob Peter, to pay Paul, and shift forces from one vital mission, to fill another vital mission.  Kind of like with the Georgian conflict with Russia, and how those Georgian troops had to leave Iraq immediately to respond to a crisis in their homeland.  The US military had to scramble to backfill, and problems like this cause vacuums in all sorts of places in the war machine. Especially if contractors are already doing the menial jobs out there–meaning troops are already filling vital positions in the war.  So you take troops from one effort, and move them to another– it has an impact on the machine.

   I also say contractors are a good choice for this ‘vacuum plug’ when it comes to non-offensive operations.  If that member nation was tasked with training, convoy operations, PSD or static security, then contractors could easily be called upon to fill that vacuum so the rest of the war machine continues to function properly.  Hell, I could put a call out on this blog for a small army, have them vetted, tell them to bring their own kit, secure weapons/vehicles/living quarters/ID cards/licenses and deploy them into Afghanistan to fill those PSD/convoy/static positions quicker than you can say ‘Eric Cartman’.  People would be amazed at how quickly security contractors could be spun up, and especially if a company has the resources to do a quick spin up. (and most companies do)

   Of course it would be ideal to use military forces to fill these instant voids, and in most cases they do. But my question is how could they possible act as fast as a private company, or how could this not impact another vital mission they are performing?  Now the military can do stuff like divert troops from one country, to the other, or do an early deployment for a incoming unit, but yet again, this is taking from one vital mission, to fill another.  To me, it makes more sense to not disrupt that harmony of planning, and just contract a company to step in. Especially for the defensive operational stuff. (military replacement is the only option for offensive related ops at this time)

   Using contractors can even buy military planners some time to actually assemble a military team to fill in that hole.  Another way to look at it, is that we are the 50 mph tape for a hole in the fuel line, so that we can get the car back home.  Then at home, we can replace the fuel line.  It does not make sense, to disable the brakes and use a chunk of brake line to repair the fuel line.  Or you could use a vacuum line to repair the fuel line, but yet again, the engine will not run correctly– if at all.

   Now to wrap this up.(pun intended-lol)  The point of it all is that when I hear guys like Senator Levin slam private contractors in one hearing, and then in another quote, he whines about NATO not having enough troops to do the training in Afghanistan, I have to think that politically speaking he is saying one thing, but realistically speaking he has to know that contractors are vital to the war effort.  Because as more NATO folks leave, do to political turmoil, the economy, or some Black Swan event back home, contractors are gonna be as vital to the war machine tool box, as a roll of 50mph tape. –Matt


50 mph tape

The ever handy roll of 50mph tape. 

More Military Trainers Needed in Afghanistan

Coalition forces pressed to fill gap in trainers needed to help growing Afghan Army and Police forces

Al Pessin

09 March 2010

The U.S. Navy admiral who commands all NATO forces worldwide says he and the alliance secretary general are pressing each member to fulfill a specific part of the shortfall in military trainers in Afghanistan.  The admiral spoke at a U.S. Senate hearing, where senior members from both parties criticized NATO allies for the shortage.Admiral James Stavridis gave the Senate Armed Services Committee specific numbers.  He said the NATO-run command in Afghanistan needed 1,278 trainers for the growing Afghan Army and Police forces, but it has so far received only 541 – a shortfall of 737.”It is absolutely correct to say that NATO has fallen short in providing these vital trainers.  What we are doing about it is taking further steps in terms of contacting each of the nations individually and going one-by-one through the precise requirement for each of the nations in terms of where they could most effectively fill in the trainer mix,” Stavridis said.The shortage of trainers comes at a time when Afghan Army recruiting is sharply up, due in part to a significant salary increase the Kabul government implemented late last year.The committee chairman, Democrat Carl Levin, said the training commander in Afghanistan told him some of the Afghan recruits cannot enter the army immediately due to the lack of trainers.”That is totally unacceptable, almost unbelievable to me, that we can not get NATO allies to carry out that kind of commitment, which is not the most dangerous.  There is obviously danger anywhere, but compared to being in combat it falls well short of that,” Levin said.


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