Feral Jundi

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Afghanistan: Could PMC’s Be Used in the ‘Hold’ Phase of This New Strategy?

John Nagl, a counterinsurgency expert who was appointed last week to the defence policy board at the Pentagon, said: “We do not have enough troops to hold what we have cleared in Helmand. The additional American troops are a help, but they are insufficient.

“We have more fighting in Afghanistan in front of us than we have fighting behind us, full stop. This is going to be a harder fight than Iraq. Afghanistan needs [to create its own] national army of 250,000 to enable the allies to depart.”

At present the Afghan national army has about 92,000 troops, while the police force numbers 83,000. More US troops are needed to fill the gap, but first they would have to be diverted from Iraq. 

   Ok, I know this post is going to tweak a few people out there, because it is just ‘too crazy’ or ridiculous.  How could we possibly use PMC’s or PSC’s to ‘hold’ villages?

    Well, it’s easy, we first rework what PMC’s can or cannot do in the war (like give them the necessary tools and authorization to defend villages and AO’s) and we open the flood gates of contracts for such a thing.  Then we insure the necessary architecture is in place to insure that the company in place is in fact doing good things and following the contract for that village.  But none of this is new in the realm of how we set these things up, we just have to do it.

   Here is another way to look at this.  Take a good look at what the ‘holding’ troops are actually doing in these villages, and logically look at what jobs a company could conceivably perform during that holding operation.  Contractors have been used in the defense on US bases, in disaster zones, and for protecting remote civilian camps in places like Iraq, the next progression to me, is using contractors to defend villages.  If our goal is to protect people in Afghanistan from the Taliban, and we do not have enough troops to do that, then why not use contractors?


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Podcasts: ‘Long, Hot Summer’ Ahead For U.S. Troops In Iraq

   We’ll see how it goes.  I think it is important to note our continuing work, which continues to be ignored by the main stream media, and that we will be impacted by the drawdown as well.  Supplies will still need to be brought in to the camps, and even more security contractors will be needed to haul equipment out along with those standard logistics runs.  And as U.S. troops are shuffled around, the civilian camp security elements will become more important to ‘buffer’ these movements. Oh, and don’t forget the fact that all the facility maintenance is highly dependent on civilian contractors, and without these folks.  These guys are really important when AC units or generators breakdown, or god forbid, any internet networks break down.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Industry Talk: Wars Test Limits of Law Requiring Insurance for Overseas Contractors

Filed under: Industry Talk — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 10:16 AM

Wars test limits of law requiring insurance for overseas contractors

By Robert Brodsky rbrodsky@govexec.com

June 19, 2009

A 1941 law mandating insurance for contractors working overseas was not designed to handle conflicts on the scale of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and should be reformed, witnesses told a House panel on Thursday evening.

The Defense Base Act originally was intended to cover a small contingent of engineers and construction workers overseas, officials told the House Oversight and Government Reform Domestic Policy Subcommittee during a hearing delayed by five hours due to a marathon lineup of votes on the fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill. But about 200,000 civilian workers are involved in the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and nearly 35,000 contractor employees have been injured or killed since the wars began.


Friday, June 12, 2009

Publications: At What Cost? Contingency Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan, By the CWC


   Interesting report and check it out.  The things I thought were interesting was the discussion about the TWISS2 contracts, the RUF, and the fear of repeating the same mistakes in Afghanistan.  You think? pfffffft.-Matt


Wartime Contracting Report

At What Cost? Contingency Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan

By the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan 


Let the commission know what you think, click here. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Legal News: Sources–U.S. Contractors Will Not Face Iraq Charges

Filed under: Iraq,Legal News — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 10:46 AM

     This is the latest, and I hope it turns out to be true.  You never know over there and I will be happy when I see the report where these guys are actually free and telling their side of the story. –Matt

Edit:  The Iraqi police Wednesday released three of the five U.S. contractors who were detained last week in connection with the slaying last month of an American in Baghdad’s Green Zone enclave, an Iraqi Interior Ministry official said.

 The men were freed on bail, but were forbidden to leave Iraq during the investigation of the death of Jim Kitterman, a 60-year-old construction contractor from Texas, said Rafae Munahe, a senior advisor to Interior Minister Jawad Bolani.


Sources: U.S. contractors will not face Iraq charges

June 10, 2009

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — A judge in Iraq has decided that charges against five U.S. contractors are not warranted and they will soon be released from custody, according to an Iraqi security source and a source close to the five.

The reason for the contractors’ detention had been unclear.

The five were initially told they were being held in connection with the death last month of another contractor, James Kitterman, said the source close to the five.

But on Monday the men were told they were being held on suspicion of having unregistered weapons, although they were asked about their activities around the time Kitterman was killed.

However, Iraqi government officials told CNN Monday the five were detained as suspects in connection with Kitterman’s slaying.

The Iraqi security source said the five will either be released Wednesday or Thursday. They are waiting to finish the logistical procedures at the police station where they had been held.

None of the five has been charged with a crime.

Kitterman was found bound, blindfolded and fatally stabbed in a car in Baghdad’s Green Zone on May 22. The 60-year-old from Houston, Texas, owned a construction company that operated in Iraq.

The Green Zone, where Kitterman’s body was discovered, is the high-security area in central Baghdad that contains the U.S. Embassy and key Iraqi government buildings.

Access to the area, formally known as the International Zone, is tightly controlled.

Story here.


 Wednesday, June 10, 2009

EXCLUSIVE: Iraqi judge releasing U.S. contractors

Joseph Weber (Contact)


Three Americans arrested in connection with the killing of a contractor in Baghdad’s Green Zone are being released Wednesday, said their attorney Timothy M. Haake.

The men are Donald Feeney Jr., 55; son Donald “Buddy” Feeney III, 31; and Mark Bridges, an employee of the Feeneys’ Corporate Training Unlimited security firm.

The case is the first under a 2008 agreement in which U.S. contractors are subject to criminal law in Iraq.

Two other men are being held but also are expected to be released. They have been identified as Micah Milligan, a Corporate Training Unlimited employee, and Jason Jones, employed by another security firm working in Baghdad.

Mr. Haake said no charges have been or were filed against any of the five.


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