Feral Jundi

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Iraq: Roadside Blast Kills 3 Americans in Western Iraq

Filed under: Iraq — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 3:31 PM

    Not good, and the last couple of days have been a bad one for contractor deaths. RIP. –Matt


Roadside blast kills 3 Americans in western Iraq


May 126, 2009

BAGHDAD (AP) — A roadside bomb blasted a U.S. convoy west of Baghdad, killing three Americans, including a top reconstruction official who once headed the Illinois Commerce Commission, U.S. authorities said Tuesday.

The attack occurred Monday on the eastern outskirts of Fallujah, which used to be the main stronghold of Sunni insurgents until U.S. troops overran the city in November 2004 in the bitterest urban fighting of the Iraq war.

Since then, Fallujah, 40 miles (70 kilometers) west of Baghdad in Anbar province, has been among the most heavily guarded cities in Iraq. A fatal attack in such an area illustrates the resilience of the insurgents despite major setbacks on the battlefield during the past two years.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Industry Talk: Memorial Day and Contractors

     On this memorial day weekend, I have two groups of fallen that I want to remember.  Those are the deaths of our military men and women, and the deaths of contractors.  Both groups have equal importance in my view, and both have given equal sacrifice in this war.

    But in the context of this blog, this is more of a dedication to the under reported and often forgotten sacrifices of my industry’s fallen.  I am proud of our service in this war, and like most, I have lost comrades during this long fight.  And I am not just talking about American deaths, I am talking about the sacrifices of contractors from all around the world.  Just look down the list of Iraq (1,314) and Afghanistan (111) casualties and read the names and places of each fallen contractor.  

   I also want to talk about those that are not on this list as official casualties in this war.  Because of how large and unregulated the industry has become, the accurate tracking of every contractor in the war has not happened.  I am talking about contractors that are not working for the DoD or Coalition in some official capacity. We are talking about contractors that have worked for NGO’s or some private business that have died in the war. Their sacrifice should not go unnoticed, and to me, these are the unknown security contractors of the war that have truly been forgotten. Not to forget the hundreds of Iraqi or Afghan contractors that have died supporting the cause as well.    

   So to share a story that is personal to me, I want to highlight one of those individuals that are not on the list(s).  His name is Dane Mortensen, and he was a former Marine and Idaho resident.  I had helped him in his quest in becoming a contractor when he got out of the Marines via emails, and he was very excited to finally get his first break in the industry.  He had worked in Qatar for Dyncorp for a bit, and then went on to work for Securiforce in Iraq.  Here is his last email to me, and a month later he was killed.  I also posted his obituary.

   Below, I also found two stories of contractors recently killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Rest in peace, and my heart goes out to the friends and family of the fallen.  Semper Fi. –Matt  




Hows it going bro?  I just wanted to send you a quick note and see how you were doing back there in idaho and see if you’d started looking for contracts here.  Have you ever heard of a brit company called securiforce?  I’ve been talking to them for a week or so and it looks like i might be going with them on 1nov doing convoy security.  They kinda look like crecent, rolling in pickups with iraqi drivers and nepelese gunners.  anyhow the pay is good and the RR time is great just wanted to see if you knew anything about them.  Take care

Semper Fi



Dane Richard Mortensen died, in Iraq last Sunday, Nov. 25, 2007 while escorting a convoy supporting coalition efforts in the war. A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Nov. 30, 2007 at the LDS Meridian North Stake Center, located at 5555 North Locust Grove Rd. in Meridian, Idaho. Dane entered this world on March 31, 1984, weighing 10 lbs 7 oz in Boise. His physical size was perhaps necessary to hold his spirit, love of life, and mischief. 


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Industry Talk: Panel Investigating Wartime Contracts Finds Private Guards Lack Essential Equipment, Training

Filed under: Industry Talk — Tags: , , — Matt @ 10:57 PM

   Wow.  We’ll see how this works out, and hopefully these companies will correct the deficiencies.  Although having a commission and all of this media attention is a terrible way to manage this stuff.  If the government was actually involved with quality control, maybe the wartime commission wouldn’t have had to call this out.  Or better yet, if the companies actually held to the contract terms and provided this stuff in the first place, this wouldn’t have never gotten this far.  –Matt

Edit:  Check out David Isenberg’s article about the SIGIR report that came out last week as well. The report discusses some more stuff about TWISS, and David discussed some of the high lights. 


Panel investigating wartime contracts finds private guards lack essential equipment, training


Associated Press Writer

April 26, 2009

WASHINGTON (AP) — A commission investigating waste and fraud in wartime spending has found serious deficiencies in training and equipment for hundreds of Ugandan guards hired to protect U.S. military bases in Iraq, The Associated Press has learned.

The problems at Forward Operating Bases Delta and Hammer include a lack of vehicles used to properly protect the two posts, a shortage of weapons and night vision gear, and poorly trained guards. Both bases house several thousand U.S. military personnel.

Concerned the shortages leave the bases vulnerable, the Commission on Wartime Contracting alerted military officials in Iraq and at U.S. Central Command in Tampa, Fla.


Friday, April 17, 2009

Industry Talk: Injured War Zone Contractors Fight to Get Care From AIG and Other Insurers

Filed under: Industry Talk — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 11:49 PM

“The civilian contractors have played an indispensable role in the two conflicts, delivering fuel to frontline troops, guarding U.S. diplomats and translating for soldiers during dangerous raids. More than 1,400 civilian workers have died and 31,000 have been wounded or injured in the two war zones.”

     Wow, ‘indispensable’?  That is actually pretty kind, and for someone like me that follows quite a bit of copy about this industry, it is nice to actually see our group be recognized for once as ‘indispensable’.  It is far better than ‘liability’ or…gulp, ‘mercenaries’ (in the derogatory sense), and I will take that sly little complement.  I will not let up though, and I am sure Jake and the crew are the same way.  Kaizen all the way.

     This story was first introduced to me by Marcie, Don and then I saw it pop up in other forms over at PMH, COR, and Danger Zone Blog.  So this definitely deserves a look and thanks to all that gave me the heads up.    

     I am glad to see some main stream media attention put towards this, and I absolutely think it is important that we take care of our wounded warriors, no matter if they are private contractors or military.  Their sacrifice should mean the same to all of us, because they are the ones that stepped forward to do the job.  That is the least we can do.

   As for the on the job injury, I can understand that one.  I broke my femur on a fire jump when I was smokejumping.  The key with getting injured, and dealing with the government, is persistence and knowledge.  You have to know the system inside and out, and constantly fight it.  If you can find an advocate to help you through the process, that is extremely advisable.  There are so many programs and so many rules and codes and this and that, that you have to go through, on top of trying to heal up, that it is just a mess sometimes to get your stuff squared away.  One idea, is do your research online and find blogs or mentors online that can help.  There are groups that will help too, and just be persistent to get the care you need, and get the costs covered.  As an example, I was fighting with medical bills and trying to get the government to pay for that stuff 6 years after the fact.  What a headache and some guys just give up on it, and eat the costs or do without the care.  Just keep up the fight and hold the government, insurance companies, and your company accountable for the care you deserve. –Matt




Contractor Tim Newman, left; contractor Kevin Smith-Idol, middle; widow Rita Richardson, whose husband was killed by a roadside blast in Iraq. (Photos courtesy of Tim Newman, ABC News, Francine Orr/Los Angeles Times)

Injured War Zone Contractors Fight to Get Care From AIG and Other Insurers

by T. Christian Miller, ProPublica and Doug Smith, the Los Angeles Times – April 16, 2009 10:25 pm EDT

Reporting from Los Angeles and Washington — Civilian workers who suffered devastating injuries while supporting the U.S. war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan have come home to a grinding battle for basic medical care, artificial limbs, psychological counseling and other services.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Media News: Media Gets to Photograph US War Dead Now, So What About Contractors?

Filed under: Media News — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 9:06 PM

   I don’t like it, because I don’t think the families realize what could be done with those photos as soon as they are released out into the wilds of the internet.  The enemy will use these photos, as well as those organizations that are politically motivated, and I am not sure that the use of these photos will be treated with respect like the families would hope for. 

   So with that said, I would put it on the soldier or even contractor, if it is your wish to have your flag draped coffin photographed for all the world to see and do what they want with.  Personally, my wishes are for my coffin and funeral to be a private matter. My headstone will be there for the entire world to visit, if they think it is that important to pay their respects.  But all in all, I would not want that photo being used by some anti-war group, or the enemy for propaganda purposes.  That is just me though, and my sacrifice is a private matter between me, my friends, my comrades and my family. 

   This also brings up another point about this war.  What of the contractors that die?  If a Ugandan guard or Pakistani cook gets killed while working in Iraq, are we going to cover their coffin with their country’s flag and ask their family if it is alright for the media to photograph it?  Or are we just shipping contractor bodies back to their home country using Fedex or whatever, and not caring what happens after that?  What is the dignified method of sending them home?  Or will that take another 8 years of war to figure out what to do with dead contractors?


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