Monday, January 11, 2010
Cool Stuff: Potential Drone Archer Weapon Or Augmented Reality Video Game?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Weapons: M41-A Pulse Rifle From the Movie ‘Aliens’, Shoots Real Ammunition!
Cool Stuff: Merry Christmas Feral Jundis!!!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all you hard charging Feral Jundis out there. May your next contract or current contract, be the best contract you have ever had, and that you make it home alive and in one piece to spend that hard earned money!
Here’s to those of you that do things right, when no one is looking. And here’s a really big thanks to those leaders out there that have applied Jundism to all that they do. I thank you, the industry thanks you, and whomever you are protecting thanks you for a job well done! –Matt
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Cool Stuff: TED–Bruce Bueno De Mesquita Predicts Iran’s Future
Friday, December 18, 2009
Cool Stuff: Bad Ass Of The Week
This is pure cool stuff. lol This website lists a different character of history every week, and they have a book as well. –Matt
You’ve reached the Badass of the Week, your one-stop shop for all things badassery-related. Scroll down for this week’s badass, or just go ahead and search through the complete list of all badasses that have been featured on the site. I update the page every Friday, so if you give a crap feel free to check back in next week to satisfy your insatiable desire to read about grown people punching each other in the mouth or beating each other about the head and neck in a most furious manner.
You should probably also be aware that this site features an unnecessarily copious amount of profanity, so if you’re easily offended by that sort of thing then this would be a good time for you to turn off your computer and go join a convent.
Website here.
Buy the book here.