Feral Jundi

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Afghanistan: Paying Off the Taliban?

Filed under: Afghanistan,Industry Talk — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:06 AM

“Here we have internationals and Afghans turning a blind eye to the fact that we are paying off the very Taliban that we claim to be fighting,” says an adviser to the Afghan Ministry of Interior. “It becomes a self-sustaining war, a self-licking ice cream.” –How Crime Pays For the Taliban, Time


    I am reading this stuff, and I am trying to keep a balanced view on all of it. Actually I am trying not to get mad as I write this, because this is insanity the more I think about it.  Now I realize that money can grease the skids out there, but when we create an entire industry off of pay-offs to the enemy, someone has to say ‘what the hell are we doing’ and ‘what is the return on investment’?

   Let’s take that a step further.  If we are paying off the enemy, or allowing the practice of paying off the enemy by these NGO’s/PSC’s, then what is the signal to the government in Afghanistan? We continuously point out the corruption in this government, but isn’t what we are allowing to go on with these payoffs, the pot calling the kettle black?

   It’s worse than that.  When we pay off the enemy, we reduce the legitimacy of the government and the police, and we reduce the perceived strength of NATO.  Matter of fact, paying off the enemy makes everyone look weak.  If anything, we should be using these checkpoints as an opportunity to kill more Taliban.  My point is if this kind of industry will bring the Taliban out in the open to man check points and interact with convoy leaders, then we should get a return on investment and track these Taliban to their lairs, and catch or kill some big fish.

   We do the same tactic all the time in law enforcement in order to find drug dealers and we could be doing the same thing with these guys. If the Taliban want to come out and man checkpoints, then we should be taking advantage of this. Matter of fact, this could be a golden opportunity to do some damage. These convoy operations should be used not only for supplies, but as bait in order to kill Taliban.  In my book, that is smart.

   And from what it looks like, wherever we move the routes, the Taliban follow.  So eventually we have to come to grips that the convoys and the contractors that run these things, actually matter in this war.  If I was the Taliban, I would be hitting us equally on every route into and out of Afghanistan. The same goes for Pakistan, and in many ways we are seeing this. It will only get worse, because this is a strategy that pays off in so many ways for the Taliban.

   Now I realize the guys on the ground are in a position in which they have to survive these routes and do all they can to get their convoy from A to B in one piece.  I do not envy them, and convoy work is extremely dangerous.  If they are having to pay off the Taliban to survive, then that is what they feel is the only option they have. I guess NATO and company could care less about protecting these convoys, or backing up these companies when they get in trouble, so these guys are forced to pay off the Taliban.  How pathetic is that? From a strategist point of view, what NATO and company is allowing to happen has far reaching negative effects.

     My question to NATO and company, is when does it stop?  By allowing payoffs and allowing these companies to get massacred out there, you are empowering the Taliban.  They relish these victories, they get paid handsomely, and are able to buy more weapons and kill even more troops.  That is madness, and these payoffs are creating a thriving industry. It reminds of the piracy problems in the GOA, and how insurance companies keep paying them off. pffffft

    Why would the Taliban want to stop, and why would their price for admission go down? They have an awesome deal, and they will just keep going with it, and laughing all the way to the bank. If that is our end goal with the Taliban, then keep it up. If not, then somewhat at the top needs to re-think this problem and find a better solution than this. –Matt


Taliban Stepping Up Attacks on NATO Supply Convoys

By Tim McGirk

Wednesday, Oct. 07, 2009

To supply nearly 100,000 troops in Afghanistan, the U.S. and its Western allies rely on road convoys with dozens of trucks to carry in everything from jet fuel to frozen pizza. But increasingly these convoys are coming under savage attack by the Taliban. And experts say that if the ambushes get worse, it could impair NATO’s efforts to keep a supply lifeline running to its troops in forts and camps scattered across the mountainous country.

Often, the death of a private security contractor in Afghanistan goes unheralded; after all, they risk their lives for money, not country. Yet the drivers and guards who ride shotgun on the long convoys snaking over the mountains also suffer heavy casualties. Many have died heroically. Figures released to TIME by NATO showed that from June to September, more than 145 truck drivers and guards were killed in attacks on convoys and 123 vehicles were destroyed.

In previous years, the Taliban would scale down their attacks because of winter blizzards, but a NATO logistics officer says the militants now have the capacity to launch ambushes on supply routes year round. The Taliban are also widening the scope of their attacks so that convoys rumbling across two-thirds of the country are now prey to attack, usually by roadside bombs or a well-laid ambush in which rocket-propelled grenades are fired at the lead vehicle, forcing the convoy to a deadly standstill.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Crime: NY Pair Used Twitter and Cell Phones to Direct Protests During G-20, Pittsburgh

Filed under: Crime,Pennsylvania,PMC 2.0,Technology — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 10:50 AM

    I wanted to post this to show how these technologies are being used for command and control of events like this.  The key elements to this, are using pre-paid cellphones that are basically disposable, and Twitter, all with the intent of directing a protest or riot for maximum effect.  I wonder when we will hear of the first terror cell usage of Twitter, to direct a Mumbai style complex assault?  I know for the Mumbai deal, they used text messaging for command and control.     With Twitter, a leader can send orders to massive groups, and in turn, that leader can track reports coming from the various sectors of the battlefield, all using quick little reports coming through Twitter.  And with the advent of cloud computing, the most active sectors will come front and center in everyone’s Twitter account, and everyone can see where the focus should be in the protest.  It is a way to make a group more connected and more responsive to whatever police forces are doing. Just as long as they all have a connection with their phones. Now couple that with Google Maps and the common GPS features in today’s smart phones, and now you have some super empowered hooligans. Interesting stuff. –Matt


New York pair accused of directing protesters during G-20 in Pittsburgh

By Jeremy BorenTRIBUNE-REVIEWSunday, October 4, 2009

State police have accused two anarchists from New York of using cell phones and the Internet messaging service Twitter to direct the movements of protesters during the Group of 20 summit in Pittsburgh.

Police arrested Elliot M. Madison, 41, and Michael Wallschlaeger, 46, both of Jackson Heights, N.Y., after they found them Sept. 24 in a Kennedy Township hotel room full of computers, police scanners and Pittsburgh-area maps, according to a state police criminal complaint.

FBI agents spent 16 hours Friday raiding the home of Madison and his wife, Elena, according to a federal court motion filed in Brooklyn, N.Y., by Madison’s attorney Martin R. Stolar seeking the return of Madison’s possessions that were seized in the raid.

Stolar did not return a message seeking comment Saturday. No one answered the phone at a number listed for Madison.

Wallschlaeger and Madison wore headphones and microphones as they sat in front of computers they used to send Twitter messages to protesters in Pittsburgh to help them move about the city “and to inform the protesters and groups of the movements and actions of law enforcement,” the state police complaint states.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Law Enforcement: Police Departments Back Anti-terror Citizens Watch

     I should file this under ‘super empowered sheepdogs’ or SEI, because that is what we will need to combat super empowered individuals (SEI) and groups. I brought up the Joker from the movie Dark Knight in past posts, as the epitome of a SEI. These SEI’s are individuals that learn about their cause and how to prosecute it, all on their own. They can conduct operations that can cause a lot of death and damage, and with tools like the internet, they are intellectually empowered to create all sorts of mayhem. Law enforcement cannot be everywhere and at all times, so it is important to tap on to the one resource out there that can be everywhere and at all times.  That resource is you.

     Now one idea for iWatch is to make it into a mobile application.  Not only could you update what to look for on each smart phone through updates, but iWatch could send alerts with new info, straight to the iWatch mobile application.  The other thing they could do is put the ‘most wanted’ list on iWatch, with a last known location (LKL) function attached to that list.  I would set it up where the iWatch app notifies you when you are in the area of a LKL of a most wanted individual or individuals.  It would be a reminder of who to look for, based on specific areas.

     The way I could see it working is that you have your iPhone or PDA in your pocket, and then as you are walking around, you get a notification.  You as the user could set up your notifications and alerts to your personal preference, but either way, you get a notification in the form of a alarm or vibration.  You pull out your phone, hit the alert tab on your iWatch icon, and then it gives you the details.  Now you will have a picture in your head for that specific area.  And now the odds of a offhand spotting of a booger eater increases.  Or even an offhand spotting of a vehicle listed or of suspicious activity.  There are all types of things you could do with this.  Hell, you could even do like Crime Stoppers, and attach bounties and awards to this, to further increase the odds of a capture. –Matt


Police departments back anti-terror citizens watch

By EILEEN SULLIVAN (AP) – 2 hours ago

WASHINGTON — Big city police chiefs are backing an anti-terrorism community watch program to educate people about what behavior is truly suspicious and ought to be reported to police.

Police Chief William Bratton of Los Angeles, whose department developed the iWATCH program, calls it the 21st century version of Neighborhood Watch.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Law Enforcement: Terror Case Is Called One of the Most Serious in Years

Filed under: Crime,Law Enforcement,Military News — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 11:04 AM

   Bravo to the local law enforcement agencies and the various federal agencies involved in uncovering this plot.  This deal also highlights the importance of promoting ‘DIY counter-terrorism’.  What I mean by that, is everyone hears about the ‘lone wolf’ concept, of some nut job or group learning how to assemble an operation and the key components of an operation all on their own.  There is so much information available online to learn how to make explosives or how to correctly conduct an operation, that it can empower the individual to do whatever they want to do.  In my view, we must apply good sound police and investigative techniques to finding these guys, but also empower the citizenry with the knowledge necessary to identify these threats.  This case totally highlights the importance of that.

   This window licker named Zazi bought a ton of hydrogen peroxide at a beauty supplies store, and thanks to the store attendant, he was able to put two and two together and reported the suspicious activity to authorities. They took it from there and uncovered a massive terror plot.  That beauty store attendant is what I would define as a ‘lone sheepdog’ or the counter to the ‘lone wolf’, and good job to you sir. –Matt


Terror Case Is Called One of the Most Serious in Years


September 25, 2009

WASHINGTON — Since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, senior government officials have announced dozens of terrorism cases that on closer examination seemed to diminish as legitimate threats. The accumulating evidence against a Denver airport shuttle driver suggests he may be different, with some investigators calling his case the most serious in years.

Documents filed in Brooklyn against the driver, Najibullah Zazi, contend he bought chemicals needed to build a bomb — hydrogen peroxide, acetone and hydrochloric acid — and in doing so, Mr. Zazi took a critical step made by few other terrorism suspects.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Crime: Helicopter Used in Swedish Cash Depot Raid

Filed under: Crime,Sweden — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 7:44 AM

   Thanks to Doug for sending me this.  I think what is interesting about this, is the complexity of the operation.  These are not amateurs, and reading through the little details on this thing, you can’t help but to be impressed.  The question I have, and Doug alluded to this as well, is if this is a state sponsored crime or what?  Is this the act of a state sponsored cell, a terrorist cell, or just some really organized criminal gang?.  What do they plan on doing with the cash, if this is part of  a larger plot?

   One more comment on this.  These criminals were operating within the police and bank’s OODA loop, and defeated them.  With the helicopter, they were able to accelerate the movements and maximize observational capability.  The bag with ‘bomb’ written on it, is what threw the police off operationally, and bought the criminals some time.  That is what is interesting to me about this whole thing. –Matt


Helicopter used in Swedish cash depot raid

By Per Nyberg


(CNN) — A helicopter and explosives were used in an early morning raid on a cash depot in Stockholm, Sweden, police said Wednesday.

A helicopter landed on the roof of the G4S cash depot in Vastberga, in the southern part of Stockholm, shortly after 5 a.m. (11 p.m. ET), Swedish police said.


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