Feral Jundi

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Crime: Drug-Sub Culture

Filed under: Colombia,Crime,Maritime Security — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 8:12 PM

“You ever try to build something in your backyard? They’re building these in the jungles.” 

   This is a building snowmobiles concept, and very innovative.  I give them high marks for working the problem and coming up with something like this, but it is still criminal.  

     Perhaps the counter to something like this could be the good ol’ Letter of Marque?  I have talked about it before for land operations, and this problem is a prime opportunity to use the LoM for a sea based operation.  We would have to break out all the old U-Boat hunting ‘lessons learned’ from WW2 for this one.  I also think this would be an excellent task for a private naval company, and this stuff along with the piracy deal, could keep companies very busy. –Matt


Drug-Sub Culture


April 26, 2009

THE CRAFT FIRST surfaced like something out of a science-fiction movie. It was November 2006, and a Coast Guard cutter spotted a strange blur on the ocean 100 miles off Costa Rica. As the cutter approached, what appeared to be three snorkels poking up out of the water became visible. Then something even more surprising was discovered attached to the air pipes: a homemade submarine carrying four men, an AK-47 and three tons of cocaine.

Today, the 49-foot-long vessel bakes on concrete blocks outside the office of Rear Adm. Joseph Nimmich in Key West, Fla. Here, at the Joint Interagency Task Force South, Nimmich commands drug-interdiction efforts in the waters south of the United States. Steely-eyed, gray-haired and dressed in a blue jumpsuit, he showed me the homemade sub one hot February afternoon like a hunter flaunting his catch. “We had rumors and indicators of this for a very long period beforehand,” he told me, which is why they nicknamed it Bigfoot.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mexico: Hitmen’s Bloody Reign All About Logic, Trafficker Says

Filed under: Crime,Mexico — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 9:30 PM

   An interesting look into the world of the Los Zetas and how they conduct business down south.  Thanks to Doug for sending me this one. –Matt  



Hitmen’s bloody reign all about logic, trafficker says

By Karl Penhaul

April 15, 2009

Editor’s note: Journalist Karl Penhaul spent several weeks tracking the gangs of the Mexican underworld, the corrupt officials who support them and the cops trying to halt the violence. This is the first of three exclusive reports.

CAMARGO, Mexico (CNN) — There are no welcome signs on the approach to Camargo.

It’s a hardscrabble Mexican border town and home turf for “Los Zetas,” a gang of hitmen and corrupt former special forces cops on the bankroll of the Gulf Cartel.

Local journalists explained if we went there we’d be getting “tangled up in the hooves of the horse.” They said Zeta gunmen recently smashed one reporter’s fingers with a hammer as a warning to the media to stay away.

The plaza was deserted — for a few minutes at least. Then the throb of engines broke the Sunday morning peace. Scores of pickup trucks with heavily tinted windows began circling. Occasionally a window would crack open. We were clearly being watched.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Video: Home Invasion Caught on Camera, Doug

Filed under: Crime,Law Enforcement,Video — Tags: , , — Matt @ 2:33 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Crime: DB Cooper, Eat Your Heart Out–Parachuting Criminal in Alabama

Filed under: Alabama,Crime — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:30 PM

     What a desperate crook and this guy owes a lot of money for his crimes.  To me, the interesting part about finding this guy is the man hunt aspect. The one hit against Schrenker right now, is that everyone knows what he looks like and what he did.  He is very visible and left a lot of tracks, unlike DB Cooper.  I suspect that this guy will be caught pretty soon, but still, this is one for the books. –Matt

Edit:  And he is caught.  He tried to commit suicide as well.   


Missing Ind. pilot may have fled on red motorbike



HARPERSVILLE, Ala. (AP) — The search for an Indiana businessman who may have tried to fake his own death in a plane crash to escape financial problems took another cinematic turn Tuesday when investigators said he jetted away on a red motorcycle.

After searching the Alabama woods where Marcus Schrenker, 38, apparently bailed out of his small plane before letting it coast on autopilot to crash in Florida, investigators discovered that he’d stashed a red motorcycle inside a storage unit a day before the crash. The bike is gone, and his clothes were left behind.

“He could be anywhere at all. Within 10 hours he could be in New Orleans, halfway to Houston, in Atlanta, anywhere,” said Huntsville Police Chief David Latimer.


Monday, December 29, 2008

Funny Stuff: Sheriff Joe has a TV Show!

Filed under: Arizona,Funny Stuff,Law Enforcement — Tags: , , — Matt @ 2:55 PM

   Awesome.  If it works out for him, and they catch some bad guys, then I am all for it. – Matt 


TV show latest offbeat tactic for Arizona sheriff


PHOENIX (AP) — In Arizona, seeing Joe Arpaio on TV is nothing new. But the self-described “America’s toughest sheriff” now has a national platform to pursue lawbreakers that stretches beyond the 5 o’clock news.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office, which oversees the state’s most populous county, has a starring role in “Smile … You’re Under Arrest!,” a new reality show debuting Saturday on Fox Reality Channel.

A cross between “Punk’d” and “Cops,” the program sets up elaborate sting operations to snare people wanted on outstanding warrants. Actors and undercover deputies play along in faux scenarios where scofflaws are enticed to have a good time; the drama comes when cast members reveal the prank and waiting deputies slap on handcuffs.


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