Feral Jundi

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Crime: Mexican Beauty Queen Arrested in Gun-filled Truck

Filed under: Crime,Mexico — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 12:06 PM

     Boy, the first thing I thought with this is what a shame that this woman would hang with these losers? But then the other thing to think of is the diversion this woman provided for this team.  She is famous and pretty, so the last thing any checkpoint team would expect is this woman to be with a bunch of killers. I am sure this gang thought that they could just pass right through the checkpoint. Good on the checkpoint team for using good judgement and catching these guys, despite the Beauty Queen.  –Matt


Mexican beauty queen arrested in gun-filled truck

By ARTURO PEREZ, Associated Press Writer Arturo Perez, Associated Press Writer Wed Dec 24, 12:52 pm ET

GUADALAJARA, Mexico – A reigning Mexican beauty queen from the drug-plagued state of Sinaloa was arrested with suspected gang members in a truck filled guns and ammunition, police say.

Miss Sinaloa 2008 Laura Zuniga stared at the ground, with her flowing dark hair concealing her face, as she stood squeezed between seven alleged gunmen lined up before journalists. Soldiers wearing ski masks guarded the 23-year-old model and the suspects.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Funny Stuff: Joker Copycats

Filed under: Crime,Funny Stuff,Photo — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 11:00 AM

I have to laugh at stuff like this.  Let’s just hope that this doesn’t turn into some twisted trend.  The movie had some pretty violent themes in it, and hopefully no one takes it to that level. –Head Jundi  

Cinema larceny suspect no ‘Joker’

Courtesy of Three Rivers Police Dept.

Spencer Taylor of Three Rivers, dressed as the “Joker” after his arrest for attempting to steal movie memorabilia.”The only sensible way to live in this world is without rules!” stated the Joker from this summer’s blockbuster, ‘The Dark Knight,’ and apparently at least one person in the audience took this to heart. Spencer Taylor, dressed in full Joker regalia, stumbled down his path of anarchy.

    July 28, 2008: Kalamazoo Gazette: An overzealous Joker fan was taken into custody Sunday morning after attempting to steal movie posters and other items, police said.

    Spencer Taylor, 20, of Three Rivers, was arrested on felony larceny and malicious destruction of property charges after trying to steal memorabilia of the new Batman movie “The Dark Knight” at the Three Rivers 6 theater.

    He was trying to pull the posters off the walls and take other items when he was restrained by theater staff until police arrived, Three Rivers Detective Mike Mohney said.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Crime: Eight Accused of Robbing, Torturing Drug Dealers

Filed under: New York — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 9:16 AM

     Another example of the kind of commitment some criminals are willing to put into a crime, and how brutal and technical they actually can become.  I like reading these stories, because it helps me to understand the criminal mindset.  Plus, these kinds of crimes are uniquely brazen and well thought out, and deserve some study.  

    Just like the security professional strives to be a student of their profession, a criminal who wants to be successful must do the same with their profession.  These kinds of crimes, can inspire other criminals and give them a model of success.  That is why it is so important to study these kinds of criminal acts, so you can predict their possible next move or recognize a situation, so you can combat it.  –Head Jundi



Eight accused of robbing, torturing drug dealers

Story Highlights

  • Eight men charged with robbery conspiracy, drug dealing, other crimes
  • Authorities say gang committed scores of holdups in past five years
  • One victim says they threatened to squeeze his testicles with pliers

NEW YORK (AP) — A gang of police impersonators abducted and tortured cocaine traffickers, forcing them to hand over multimillion-dollar stashes by holding their families hostage or threatening to squeeze their testicles with pliers, authorities said Tuesday.

An indictment unsealed in federal court in Brooklyn, New York, charged eight men with robbery conspiracy, drug dealing and an array of other crimes.

Since spring 2003, the gang injured about 100 people while committing 100 holdups targeting large-scale traffickers in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Florida, investigators said. (more…)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Books: Storming Las Vegas, by John Huddy

Filed under: Books,Crime — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 11:49 AM

     I just read this book and loved it. Hollywood will certainly make a film about Cuban born criminal named Jose Vigoa, that literally robbed Las Vegas. The best part of the book, is that you still couldn’t figure out if he was an agent of Cuba, or just a Cuban gone bad. Robert Baer(former CIA employee) was interviewed about this guy, and he thought that Vigoa was an agent that slipped in during the eighties Cuban boat crisis. A sleeper agent that went off the deep end, so to speak.  Or maybe he had orders to cause havoc in Vegas? 

     Either way, Vigoa makes Tony Montana from “Scar Face” look like a child. True crime, to me, is always more fascinating than the fictional stuff, and this guy was larger than life.  Not only was he a highly trained and experienced warrior from the cold war era, but he also was an effective drug dealer and violent robber that took down the ‘strip’.   

     From a tactical thought process point of view, Vigoa was a fascinating study. Mentally, this guy operated like a soldier behind enemy lines, rather than a criminal. And the various stories about his time in Angola and Afghanistan were really interesting windows, upon the mentality of Vigoa. From his use of top Private Investigators to collect information on enemies and associates, to controlling the meeting places (controlling your battle space) where very telling, as to Vigoa’s background and capability.  What was really frightening about the guy, was his mental kill-switch.  He was not hesitant in this regard, and that is also what made him such a vicious criminal.

 This book also talked about the bravery of the guards that defended their Armored cars to the death, against Vigoa’s crew and their vicious take downs.  It is a stark reminder, of how dangerous transporting money can be and what the worse case scenario for an armored transport professional could be.  I highly recommend this book. –Head Jundi 


Storming Las Vegas

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. Network producer and onetime Miami Herald columnist Huddy tells a gripping story of greed, violence, theft and public relations. Las Vegas had just launched its new blitz of advertising—advancing itself not as Sin City but as a family-friendly vacation destination—when Jose Vigoa (a Cuban-born commando veteran of the Soviet Army) hit town in the late 1990s. Vigoa and a small crew embarked on a violent 16-month crime wave, targeting some of the Strip’s most prominent (and, as Vigoa showed, vulnerable) institutions. A 23-year veteran of the Las Vegas Police Force, Lt. John Alamshaw was charged with finding and capturing the men behind the crime spree—without allowing the robberies to become national news and spoil Vegas’s new image. Huddy traces Vigoa’s personal history from his childhood in Castro’s Cuba to fighting for the Red Army in Afghanistan, his return to Cuba and eventual resettlement in the United States. Then he chronicles the Cuban’s increasingly audacious grabs for Vegas riches and his ultimate sentencing to more than 500 years in prison with no possibility of parole. This debut is a must for true-crime enthusiasts. B&w photos.  


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

News: DB Cooper’s Chute?

Filed under: Crime,History,News,Photo — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 10:34 AM


Possible D.B. Cooper chute investigated
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Last updated 8:42 a.m. PT


The FBI has obtained a parachute found where hijacker D.B. Cooper is believed to have jumped, and the bureau is seeking the public’s help in what may be a major break in the world’s only unsolved hijacking.

The parachute — similar to the one Cooper jumped with — was unearthed earlier this month after a Clark County man plowed part of the rural property he’s owned for nearly a decade, said Larry Carr, the lead agent on the Cooper case. The man’s children found the parachute when they were playing and Carr, who is based in Seattle, retrieved it from southwest Washington.

“If D.B. Cooper had pulled his chute not long after that jump, he would have landed in that area,” Carr said. “Is this D.B. Cooper’s parachute? We don’t know yet.” (more…)

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