Feral Jundi

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Technology: Demotix, Crowd Sourcing, and the Security Contracting Industry

Filed under: Technology — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:45 PM

   This is basic crowd sourcing for journalism’s sake.  I like the idea, and I think this is a great resource for security contractors or the deployed military guy or gal.  We are deployed to a war zone anyways, and we take pictures of really interesting stuff sometimes.  Those photos either end up on Myspace or sit in their hard drive as personal memories.  Instead you could throw them up on a site like Demotix, which will give those photos the value they deserve, just as long as you are not violating any OPSEC or PERSEC rules, or violating Non-disclosure agreements with companies.  The kind of shots I think of that do not violate this stuff, are pictures of villages or of local security forces.  Or of even old battle damage.  The type of standard photos that guys and gals have loads of, but just sit on their computer collecting dust.  The news agencies are always looking for good stock photos stuff, and you could be providing that stock footage.

     The other cool aspect of this, is that tons of guys have pictures of the good things we are doing in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.  Smiling kids with soccer balls or happy villagers that are completely thankful for some goodwill task that a soldier or contractor just completed, are all great photos to post on Demotix.  And that only helps promote the good deeds that are normally forgotten about out there.  


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