Feral Jundi

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

PMC 2.0: Social Media Benefits Trump Security Fears

Filed under: PMC 2.0,Technology — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 11:52 AM

“Social media is here to stay,” says Lynn Franco, Director of The Conference Board Consumer Research Center. “Online social networks are more than just a fad among the younger generation. They’ve become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. They’re an effective way to keep in touch with people, connect with friends and family, and network with colleagues. Social media will also transform marketing as we know it. They’re powerful communication tools, and are becoming an essential part of successful marketing strategies.” 

   This is a new category (Private Military Company 2.0 or PMC 2.0-thanks to David Isenberg), which I think is essential.  Social media, new media, blogging, social networking–all of it, must be studied and looked at in regards to how it will impact our industry. I have delved into the concepts before, with my My.PMC and MySomalia.com post, and figured it was time to give it some more focus.

     And as I watch the news unfold about Iran, and how Twitter and social media is completely driving a mini-revolution there, I have to think that there are some really interesting and powerful tools that the PMC and PSC could use in their efforts.

     This blog is PMC 2.0, as is the other blogs about this industry.  I have found numerous Myspace and Facebook pages completely dedicated to security contracting.  Most of my friends use Facebook and similar sites to communicate back home with friends and family. Even Youtube, with it’s numerous training videos and combat videos, is fueling the social media movement. And because this industry will continue to be staffed with Millennials who understand and like these technologies, or even depend upon them, then the PMC and PSC industry must find ways to work with these folks and take advantage.

   For inspiration, I will continue to highlight companies and government agencies that utilize social media, and how their lessons and methods could be applied to our industry.  In essence, my focus will be to find technologies that will enhance a company’s Jundism. –Matt

(for example, check out NASA’s Spacebook, a social network site for employees)


Social media benefits trump security fears


WASHINGTON—With a growing number of military personnel, reporters and elected officials using Twitter, Facebook and MySpace while deployed to the Middle East, experts agree that the government’s ability to understand and harness these applications is crucial to protecting national security.

When 26-year-old Spc. Michael Williams left for the Middle East in 2006 as part of the 233rd Transportation Company during Operation Iraqi Freedom, his MySpace blog became a place to chronicle missions between Iraq and Camp Arifjan, a U.S. military base in Kuwait.

Because social media can easily lend itself to a breach of security, Williams said he has learned to practice self-censorship in order to protect the operational context of what he and his fellow soldiers are doing.

“I know others want to know what I do or what I have done,” he said. “I appreciate that…However, it has been proven since recorded history began, that some things just should not be divulged.”


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Technology: Facebook Founder to Join ‘General Catalyst’

Filed under: Technology — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 8:55 PM

   Well here you go.  If you are a PMC or PSC and interested in delving into the social networking realm of business, then this is the company to hit up.  Be sure to request the services of Chris Hughes as well, and be the first to start a non-profit, PMC or PSC built around a social networking site. –Matt


Facebook Founder to Join General Catalyst

Twenty-five-year-old Chris Hughes’s extensive resume includes online fund-raising for Barack Obama.

Boston – March 18, 2009

By Robert Weisman

Globe Staff / March 18, 2009

Chris Hughes, a founder of Facebook Inc. who later deployed the website My.BarackObama.com to build an online network for the presidential campaign, will be joining the Cambridge venture capital firm General Catalyst Partners as an entrepreneur in residence.

The move, set to be disclosed today by General Catalyst, is a part of the firm’s effort to build a new generation of digital media and social-networking start-ups on the East Coast, particularly in Boston and New York.

General Catalyst, a nine-year-old firm with $1.8 billion under management, is currently investing a $715 million fund in early-stage software, new media, and clean energy companies.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Building Snowmobiles: Social Networking and War–MySomalia.com and MyPMC.com

   This is a two part article with one focused on using social networking for Somalia state and nation building.  Part 2 is dedicated to using social networking as a tool for business and Kaizen for PMC’s and PSC’s. This was probably my most challenging and thought provocative topic, and it’s hard to say if I really hit on something of value or not.  So to me, this is pure building snowmobiles, and certainly unexplored territory. I also want to warn you, that some of these concepts are kind of out there, but still something to chew on around the water cooler. Let me know what you think. –Matt 


(Part 1) 


     I have been thinking about Somalia for a bit after my discussion with Eeben Barlow and after a little research, I have stumbled upon a concept that I think should be looked at. It is a combination of social networking and private military, all with the goal of building the state and a nation.

     I think the Somalia government, with it’s new President, should create a MySomalia.com and attract the millions of Somalis world wide, that give money to their families in Somalia anyways.  This diaspora of Somalis, could be tapped into as a funding source, and an activist force for the country. The model for such a thing would be MyBO.com (President Obama’s campaign social network site, that made him 200 million dollars in funding, and rallied millions of supporters)

     And to take advantage of the power of tribes in Somalia, you could put an option in the profile building pages of MySomalia.com on what tribe you came from.  That way other Somalis could identify their tribes or groups, but do it all under the mechanism of the main group of MySomalia.com.  That actually would help enforce the idea of nation, but still allow the freedom to express what tribe you came from. The key to success with a site like this is a strong architecture and a strong brand, and letting your supporters do the rest. It would be really interesting to watch how Somalis and friends of Somalis would help that country, if given this kind of social networking tool.    

     I point to Noah Shactman’s comment he made on Wired about Obama’s social networking site, and why it worked so well. I think PMCs and Governments would be wise to look hard at the potential of social networks.  I know NASA, FBI, CIA, and numerous other private firms are all using social networking sites to exchange ideas and rally the people within those organizations.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Technology: Feral Jundi has a Facebook and Linkedin Page

Filed under: Technology — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 2:48 PM

     Now I have added a Facebook and LInkedin page for Feral Jundi.  I think that is about all I will do.  Oh, and on the Facebook page, I made a Feral Jundi application for the blog.  It is pretty cool, and anyone can download it on their Facebook page if they want.

     Oh, and I also added those to the button list to the right of this post.  Just click on any of those buttons, and it will take you right to a Feral Jundi page.  –Head Jundi



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