I read about this in this month’s edition of Serviam. This is an interesting idea and has a ton of potential applications. In places like Iraq and Afghanistan, building material for the locals is always an issue, and something like this could go a long way in winning some hearts and minds.
That, and the use of this machine at a remote site would help reduce the need for sandbags when building fighting positions and posts. Something like this, could become the Hesco of building materials in the near future. Personally, I have not used this machine, so I really do not have an opinion on it. I have had to fill sandbags before, and nothing sucks like having to rebuild a fighting position after a couple of months, do to deteriorating bags. We’ll see if this catches on and I would be curious about the feedback on this thing. –Matt
The Green Machine
The construction industry is faced with depleting resources, heightened environmental concerns, high costs, and deteriorating product quality. The United Nations estimates that worldwide housing shortfall exceeds one billion units and is growing.
The GreenMachine and the associated TerraBuilt Construction System enable construction of high quality, low cost structures made of long lasting materials that save life cycle energy costs, are durable, fire and disaster resistant as well as environmentally sustainable. The cornerstone of the Terrabuilt Construction System is the one-ton hydraulic GreenMachine.