Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Funny Stuff: The Surrender, By Joseph Griffith
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Funny Stuff: iPhones and the Taliban
I guess I will have to go back and edit this story about the Taliban hating the mobile phone by destroying towers? Obviously the iPhone changed their mind. lol. This also reminded me of the Taliban using Skype story as well. Anyone seeing a trend? –Matt
Mullah Zaif, the former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, says he is ‘addicted’ to his iPhone
iPhones and the Taliban:
February 7, 2009
Somewhere outside Kabul
Mullah Zaif, the former Taliban ambassador to Pakistan, says he is ‘addicted’ to his iPhone
I could not believe my eyes. We had arrived to interview Mullah Zaif, the Taliban’s former ambassador to Pakistan who is now under virtual house-arrest on the outskirts of Kabul, when he walked into the room, sat down on the couch and pulled out an iPhone.
A former member of the Taliban! An iPhone! How times have changed.
During Taliban rule, which ended when the US and its allies rolled in and took control of Kabul in 2001, the leadership had banned just about anything associated with modern technology.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Funny Stuff: Company Spotlight-Somcan FZC
We are located in the ajman free zone, uae and have been operation for 5 years. The company was formed to provide coast guard services for the puntland state of somalia. We have been running this service very successfully since then…….
This belongs in the funny stuff section for sure. Three gunboats, yet less than 5 employees? 1 million to 2.5 million a year in annual sales? Oh yeah, this company is doing a stellar job of securing the Somali coast. Just ask the chuckleheads shown in the picture below what they think of Somcan FZC. LOL. –Matt
A Local Anti-Pirate Company
To put an end to the exploits of Somali pirates, the boss of the firm
Somcan in Puntland, Abidiweli Ali Taar, is asking the UN and European Union
to give him $30 million.
The managing director of the firm Somalian Coast Guard (Somcan), Abdiweli
Ali Taar, travelled to Nairobi last week to take part in an international
conference on fighting piracy that had been organized by the United Nations.
His own objective was simple enough: to button-hole officials from the UN
and European Union to persuade them to allocate $30 million per year to his
company to improve its ways of dealing with Somalian pirates. Taar’s firm is
based in Bosaso in Puntland, the breakaway region in the north east of
Somalia that is home to Somalian pirates.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Funny Stuff: Ordering KFC Chicken….In Fallujah!