Feral Jundi

Friday, January 20, 2012

Industry Talk: Body Of UK Security Contractor Turned Over To Embassy In Iraq

The family can now get some closure and I am glad someone had the respect enough to finally hand over the body. It also looks like these captors killed him and his fellow guards as they were trying to escape. Back in those days, kidnapping usually turned into death by head cutting, and I am sure that is what was going through these guy’s minds at the time of escape. Rest in peace to the fallen and my heart goes out to the families and friends. –Matt


Alan McMenemy.

Body of UK hostage turned over to embassy in Iraq
January 20, 2012
The body of a British hostage kidnapped in Iraq in 2007 has been turned over to the U.K. Embassy in Baghdad, officials said Friday.
Alan McMenemy was one of five men kidnapped by Shiite militants in a daytime attack outside Baghdad’s Finance Ministry. McMenemy was part of a security detail guarding computer expert Peter Moore, who was released alive in 2010.
The bodies of the other bodyguards — Jason Swindlehurst, Jason Creswell and Alec MacLachlan — were returned in 2009.
British Prime Minister David Cameron said in a statement Friday that his thoughts were with McMenemy’s family and friends.
“They have waited so long for his return and I hope that this will allow them to find some peace after an ordeal that no family should ever have to suffer,” Cameron said.
The statement did not provide any detail as to how or under what circumstances McMenemy’s body was returned. He was long believed to be dead, and a second statement released on behalf of McMenemy’s widow Roseleen said that his body’s return “will allow us to properly grieve for him … we will draw some comfort from the fact that we have him home at last.”
Story here.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Iraq: Several Hundred Contractors Have Been Detained And Harassed In Iraq Since US Troop Withdrawal

Filed under: Industry Talk,Iraq — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 10:24 PM

“While private organizations are often able to resolve low-level disputes and irregularities, this issue is beyond our ability to resolve,” the International Stability Operations Association, a Washington-based group that represents more than 50 companies and aid organizations that work in conflict, post-conflict and disaster relief zones, said in a letter on Sunday to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Doug Brooks, president of the organization, said in a telephone interview that the number of civilian contractors who have been detained was in the “low hundreds.” 

Not good. I have received several emails from contractors working for different companies in Iraq that have said this is happening. Ever since that story came out about the Triple Canopy guys getting detained, similar deals have been happening to not only security contractors but all types of contractors and foreigners.

The thing here that I have to emphasize with Iraq is that they are going to do whatever they want. Of course the State Department is working on trying smooth this stuff out, but I just don’t see things moving fast with this one. So if Iraq wants to implement a campaign of ‘controlled harassment’, or they cannot control their various agencies and departments, then all contractors can do is either leave the country, or somehow work with the situation as best you can.

My message to Iraq is the same message I had for Afghanistan. Private investors and business is vital to the reconstruction and growth of your nation. What you are doing to these foreign investors and businesses, by poorly treating their security or workers, is in essence shooting yourself in the foot. Many of these companies are already taking a huge risk in a country that is still being attacked by enemies and ravaged by war. Iraq should be focused on creating peace and stability in their country, and not focused on insulting or detaining those that will eventually bring prosperity to their country.

The other thing that Iraq should know is that many of these contractors that they are harassing or looking down upon, are their own people. Just look at how many Iraqi contractors have been killed over the years, either as security contractors or as interpreters? Department of Labor puts those deaths at 1,560 and their sacrifice is just as significant as any Iraqi soldier or policeman’s sacrifice. (that number is just the DoL statistic, and I am sure it is way more than that if you count all the local Iraqi security companies over the years)

Either way, we will see how this develops and I encourage other contractors to keep contacting me about this or put a heads up in the comments section of posts like this one. Also, get your congressional representative involved, or whomever elected officials that represents you in whatever country you are from, and use that political leverage to help out your situation. That is what worked for the Triple Canopy guys at least, and definitely play it smart out there. –Matt


Flexing Muscle, Baghdad Detains U.S. Contractors
January 15, 2012
Iraqi authorities have detained a few hundred foreign contractors in recent weeks, industry officials say, including many Americans who work for the United States Embassy, in one of the first major signs of the Iraqi government’s asserting its sovereignty after the American troop withdrawal last month.
The detentions have occurred largely at the airport in Baghdad and at checkpoints around the capital after the Iraqi authorities raised questions about the contractors’ documents, including visas, weapons permits and authorizations to drive certain routes. Although no formal charges have been filed, the detentions have lasted from a few hours to nearly three weeks.
The crackdown comes amid other moves by the Iraqi government to take over functions that had been performed by the United States military and to claim areas of the country it had controlled. In the final weeks of the military withdrawal, the son of Iraq’s prime minister began evicting Western companies and contractors from the heavily fortified Green Zone, which had been the heart of the United States military operation for much of the war.
Just after the last American troops left in December, the Iraqis stopped issuing and renewing many weapons licenses and other authorizations. The restrictions created a sequence of events in which contractors were being detained for having expired documents that the government would not renew.
The Iraqi authorities have also imposed new limitations on visas. In some recent cases, contractors have been told they have 10 days to leave Iraq or face arrest in what some industry officials call a form of controlled harassment.


Publications: Journal Of International Peace Operations, January-February 2012

Excellent. This is a great JIPO and I love the focus on women in the PMSC industry. Check it out. –Matt


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Industry Talk: Marines Expand Request For Civilian Guards At More Bases In Afghanistan

The shift comes as 1st Battalion, 25th Marines, a Reserve unit out of Fort Devens, Mass., prepares to wrap up a deployment in which it guarded all three bases. As part of the drawdown, the Corps canceled the deployment of a replacement unit, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, out of Selfridge Air National Guard Base, Mich. Marines with 1/24 would have replaced 1/25 this year.

So this part of the story was at the very end, and this is what I focused on. In essence, the Marines would have used 1/24 to do this work, but perhaps the latest defense cuts have forced them to not use them? I am also wondering if the Marines are putting this information out there as a message to congress that says ‘hey, if you are going to cut our funding, then we are going to have to find another means of protecting our bases in Afghanistan–so don’t be surprised if we turn to contractors’.

The reason why I say this is that Marines are famous for ‘first in, last out’. To have civilians perform base security at their top three bases in a war zone during a draw down, just does not go well with that famous quote and image. lol

But hey, I am not complaining. If the Marines trust security contractors to do this job, then the industry is thankful and honored. These are jobs that security contractors will be very happy to accept and do (as long as the companies treat them well….). The contractors that will do this work will also be veterans from all over the world, with probably more than a few of them being US Marine vets.

I just hope that the Marines have learned the lessons out there on how to set up these contracts properly, and provide plenty of oversight over the whole thing to make sure this becomes a good deal for them and the tax payer. Semper Fi. –Matt


Civilian guards wanted at more war-zone bases
By Dan Lamothe
Saturday Jan 14, 2012
Marine commanders have expanded a request for civilian contractors to provide military security at Marine bases in Afghanistan as U.S. forces withdraw.
Civilians will be needed to guard Camp Dwyer and Camp Delaram II, Marine officials said. The request, announced Jan. 3 by U.S. Army Contracting Command, comes after the military announced in November that at least 166 civilian contractors were needed to help guard Camp Leatherneck, the sprawling, 1,500-acre-plus installation that serves as the Corps’ main hub of operations in Helmand province. It is home to II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), headed by Maj. Gen. John Toolan.
“Security is the number one concern for service members deployed to Afghanistan,” said Navy Lt. Joseph Nawrocki, a command spokesman. “An efficient and orderly redeployment of U.S. Marines will eventually take place, and contractors will play an important role to ensure existing U.S. bases remain safe and secure.”


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Industry Talk: Afghanistan Seizes Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Armored Vehicles And Weapons From Private Security Firms

Kimberley Motley, an American lawyer in Kabul who advises security firms, said company executives were taken aback by the crackdown. They had opened their books to the government as a good-faith gesture, she said, in hopes that they could remain involved in the security industry as risk-mitigation consultants under the APPF model.
“A lot of companies are being penalized for trying to transparently run their security companies,” Motley said. The bulk of the equipment being seized, she said, was imported during years when there were “limited laws that dictated how they should operate.”

This government in Afghanistan is something else. First they ask the companies to see their books, and the companies comply in good faith, and then the government says ‘hey, let’s seize their valuable equipment’ listed in that book. Not a thought or care about any prior arrangements or contracts that allowed those companies to have that stuff in the first place. No compensation for that equipment, and just out-right take it for their own use. Boy, that is the kind of thing that will attract investors and business…….pffft.

The other thing that gets me about this whole deal is that part of what makes the private industry so effective, is the ability of the principal to just fire a poor company. If one security firm does not perform, then the principal goes with the next best company. The only thing the government should be involved with, is making sure everyone plays nice and that they deal specifically with the bad ‘agents’ or companies that ruin it for everyone else. That is how the free market is supposed to work.

With this arrangement, none of these NGO’s or companies investing in Afghanistan will have that option to ‘fire’ their protective detail.  And because Afghanistan is so corrupt anyways, all of these companies and groups thoroughly expect to not only get a poor service, but to be extorted and ripped off in the process. They have no choice in the matter, and to be honest, I do not blame them for making the decision to not do business in Afghanistan under those circumstances.

Hell, this whole deal of the government seizing property from these private companies should be a loud message to all. “Come to Afghanistan and get ripped off.” lol That should be their motto, and plaster it all over their flag or something. –Matt


Afghanistan cracks down on contractors
By Ernesto Londoño
December 2011
Afghan officials have seized millions of dollars worth of armored vehicles and weapons from private security firms in recent weeks, a move that has exacerbated concerns about the government’s plan to replace the hired guns that protect convoys and installations with an unprepared state-run guard force.
The crackdown is being carried out even though the Afghan Public Protection Force failed to meet any of the six benchmarks that were set out for it when President Hamid Karzai formally announced a plan to ban private security firms by March 20. An assessment team led by the NATO military coalition, which is heavily involved in the creation of the Afghan force, concluded in the fall that the guard force is far from ready to take over.
Diplomats, development experts and company executives worry that the abolition of private security contractors within three months could endanger Afghans and foreigners supporting NATO and its allies, halt reconstruction projects and open new channels for corruption.


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