Feral Jundi

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Kaizen: The Expert on Experts; Foxes and Hedgehogs

Filed under: Kaizen — Tags: , , , , , , — Matt @ 2:07 AM

   This was a tough article to define, because I originally thought this would be great for the Building Snowmobiles category.  Col. Boyd would have liked this, because this author echoed many of the philosophies Boyd had.  From the importance of randomness in warfare(experts have a hard time with randomness–great for beating an expert on the battlefield), to Boyd’s aversion to being called an expert or committing to one doctrine because of what it implies–that he knew everything or that doctrine was the end all.  And according to this article, I would definitely define Boyd as a Fox, and not a Hedgehog:

 What makes some forecasters better than others?

The most important factor was not how much education or experience the experts had but how they thought. You know the famous line that [philosopher] Isaiah Berlin borrowed from a Greek poet, “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing”? The better forecasters were like Berlin’s foxes: self-critical, eclectic thinkers who were willing to update their beliefs when faced with contrary evidence, were doubtful of grand schemes and were rather modest about their predictive ability. The less successful forecasters were like hedgehogs: They tended to have one big, beautiful idea that they loved to stretch, sometimes to the breaking point. They tended to be articulate and very persuasive as to why their idea explained everything. The media often love hedgehogs. 

    I also read this and started looking back at all of the examples of foxes and hedgehogs in media and in this industry.  From the anchorman on some cable news show, to some jackass you have come across out in the field or even online, all trying to convince us that they are the so-called ‘expert’.  With the studies that have been presented by Phil, it is nice to see what really defines a forecaster or so-called expert.  I am sure that some of the same rules apply to Opinion Leaders or Mavens, and further solidify the reasons why we even listen to these folks. It also gives a person a set of rules to follow, if they want to be more respected as a teacher, forecaster, leader, or Maven.  Be the fox.  Be the self-critical, eclectic thinker that is willing to update your beliefs when faced with contrary evidence, and always question grand schemes and be modest about your ability to predict.  You can definitely apply that to whatever niche you claim as yours, and constantly improve on your standing as leader in your field. –Matt    


Why the experts missed the crash

Which forecasters should you trust on the direction of the economy and the markets? Ask Philip Tetlock, who knows the kind of expert worth listening to – and what to listen for.

By Eric Schurenberg, Money Magazine

Last Updated: February 18, 2009: 4:10 PM ET

(Money Magazine) — You’ve probably never wanted expert insight more than today – and never trusted it less. After all, the intelligent, articulate, well-paid authorities voicing these opinions are the ones who created the crisis or failed to predict it or lost 30% of your 401(k) in it.

Yet we can’t tear ourselves away. The crisis has brought record ratings to CNBC and its parade of talking heads. You’re probably still entrusting your portfolio to the experts running mutual funds. Despite everything, we can’t shake the belief that elite forecasters know better than the rest of us what the future holds.

The record, unfortunately, proves no such thing. And no one knows that record better than Philip Tetlock, 54, a professor of organizational behavior at the Haas Business School at the University of California-Berkeley. Tetlock is the world’s top expert on, well, top experts. Some 25 years ago, he began an experiment to quantify the forecasting skill of political experts.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kaizen: New IPOA Code of Conduct 12 for Private Contractors Ratified

Filed under: Industry Talk,Kaizen,Publications — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 6:50 PM

   Excellent news, and congrats to Doug and his group for all the hard work they have put into this over the years.  I also love the fact that the document is always being improved upon. (this is version 12!)  That is pure Kaizen.  –Matt


New IPOA Code of Conduct for Private Contractors Ratified

Thu Mar 5, 12:46 pm ET

WASHINGTON, March 5 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — IPOA is pleased to announce that the 12th version of its Code of Conduct was ratified by its 53 member companies and is now in effect.

IPOA is the premier industry association for companies operating in conflict, post-conflict and disaster relief environments. Member companies provide vital services in support of the international community in Afghanistan, Darfur, Haiti, Iraq and other critical global efforts.

The Code of Conduct is central to membership of IPOA. The international companies that form IPOA pledge to uphold the standards and ethics of the Code of Conduct and accede to review by the IPOA Standards Committee. This vehicle of corporate responsibility and industry self-oversight ensures that IPOA member companies are recognized internationally for their commitment to standards and ethics.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Kaizen: People Will Support What They Help To Create

Filed under: Building Snowmobiles,Industry Talk,Kaizen — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 4:59 PM

    Hey everyone, this is a treat. I wanted to expand on a interesting conversation in the comments section, that I think deserves it’s own home.  This is from the article called The Importance of Shared Reality. –Matt



     Been thinking about your post while hiking the Laotian trail–more about that later.  Since we are using the auto industry as a source of metaphor for organizational best practices, I thought we might hyper-link to another–the Saturn Car Company concept.  Remember the original GM logic for creating Saturn–they realized that they had gotten too big, and too bueracratic to compete with the smaller more nimble company’s–like Toyota.  So GM selected 99 people (“the Group of 99”) and turned them loose to identify key founding principles for a new organization (Saturn) and to search the world for the best ideas in all key areas. The group consisted of a functional cross-section of people, including plant managers, superintendents, union committee members, production workers, and skilled tradesmen, as well as 41 UAW locals(which is fascinating because one of their findings was to scrap the Union model) and GM staff from 55 GM plants. 

     The group split into seven coss-functional teams to explore stamping; metal fabrication and body work; paint and corrosion; trim and hardware; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; and powertrain and chassis. In all, the Group of 99 visited 49 GM plants and 60 other companies around the world (shared reality). They made 170 contacts, traveled two million miles, and put in 50,000 hours of interviews and visits (listening to the guys on the ground). 

     The group’s findings were presented in April 1984. The keys to success identified included ownership by all employees, the assumption of responsibility by all, equality and trust among employees, the elimination of barriers to doing a good job including the union, giving staff the authority to do their jobs, and the existence of common goals. Specific recommendations included the formation of consensus-driven partnerships within work teams as well as between the union and company management. 

     Although initially a mega-success, Higher Headquarters eventually reigned Saturn back in and squashed their entrepenuerial decision-making and management methods, the lesson still stands as a precient model for how a large organization can reinvent itself to stary nimble, and stay competitive.  

     I believe that the Saturn Car Company model is what USSOCOM needs to follow in order to stay nimble and meet the challenges of modern day–I hate to use the word but I have to–assymetrical warfare.

 What think you? –Pete 




    Laos would be a cool country to check out, and I certainly would like to hear those stories. As for your question, I hope I can do it some justice.  It is something that all companies in my industry can learn from, and any ideas about how to better organize and manage a company should be listened to and studied.  The concept of Group 99 is intriguing, and it has certainly kicked in the thought machine within my head. I also wanted to make this answer for you, more reader friendly, and include a historical base as well.  So you will have to pardon the beginning here, because this is me just priming the pump for the reader.   

     The United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) or what I will call SOCOM was originally created out of the ashes of Operation Eagle Claw(the failed Iran hostage rescue mission), and I think it is important to look at this first.  The investigation of this incident, chaired by Admiral James L. Holloway III, cited lack of command and control and inter-service coordination as significant factors in the failure of that mission. So this is one side of the story. 

     The other side of the story, is the reality of what the Special Operations Forces (SOF) were up against. Whereas my belief is that the SOF community was getting the short end of the stick well before Operation Eagle Claw, and certainly were aware of these command and control issues. The guy on the ground was not being listened to, which is too bad.  It was classic conventional versus unconventional mindsets, and of course the bigger of the two will win.  So no one of importance or influence was really sold on the concept, and looked upon SOF with skepticism, all while gobbling up budget money for their projects.  “All of my forces are special” was the mindset, “and money needs to go to my tanks, jets, and large scale infantry forces”.  

     And Carter, when confronted with a situation that required a clean and sharp scalpel, to cut those hostages loose from Iranian control, looked to the military to solve his problem. Did they have a developed Special Operations capability, or were they too focused on tanks and planes?  No wonder things failed, but I put that responsibility on the top leaders who were not forward thinking enough to even acknowledge the potential for a situation like what happened in Iran. So this is where SOCOM came from, and what it’s purpose in life is–to prevent another Operation Eagle Claw and effectively manage today’s Special Operations community.

    Then over the years, they have done much to work on the command and control issues and inter-service coordination, and have conducted numerous missions all the way up to the present wars.  But really, the current wars are the true test of the effectiveness of SOCOM, and I think this is why a conversation like this even takes place.  The true test of an organization’s strengths is not when all is well, but when they are tested and pushed to it’s limits.  Much like how does a company like Toyota weather the storm during a bad economy?  


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Kaizen: The New Influencers of Social Media Marketing

Filed under: Kaizen — Tags: , , — Matt @ 1:29 PM

   Now here is some juice for the PMC 2.0 guys out there.  This is mostly some Kaizen for you bloggers and ezine guys, but PMC/PSC and the military could use this stuff too.  I am not saying all of them are a good ideas, but these are things to think about as we evolve and improve.  –Matt 


PRSA 2008 New Influencers of Social Media Marketing

Posted by Nicole on Tuesday, October 28th, 2008 –

    New influencers are creating new sources of media, who are these new influencers? You, me and even Joe the plumber. How is this possible? We are now publishers we are able to report, comment and even create news content, we have the news and the media is now coming to us.

     Paul Gillin, author of The New Influencers, states that there are Ten Secrets to Success of Social Media. But to understand these we must first realize that traditional media is declining and that search is the new circulation. Once we understand this we as PR professionals will be able to understand how each person is an influencer of media marketing and will become more successful in our marketing and media strategies.

    Secret # 1- Don’t Fear Negativity. We must learn to accept that we cannot control what people say, but that we can contain negativity to a certain degree. There are always going to be people that may disagree with what you say or what you do, but the trick is to realize it and accept it. If you make a mistake fess up to it. After all if you don’t and it is proven that you were in the wrong you are just adding fuel to the fire.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Kaizen: Get Serious About HRO(High Reliability Organizations)

Filed under: Kaizen — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 11:43 AM

   This deserves further investigation, as to how this might apply to our industry.  Is your company an HRO? –Matt 


Get Serious About HRO(High-reliability Organizations)

By Mike DeGrosky

Jul 1, 2008 

Everyone in this business knows that wildland-fire management involves complex work with many inherent and unavoidable risks. Wildland-fire personnel operate in an uncertain environment, often at a high operating tempo. In the course of routine work, fire management personnel often confront unexpected events and conditions that easily can escalate beyond control. However, experience shows that certain organizations can operate in similar high-risk environments, with similar operating tempos, and still achieve their operational objectives while keeping human error and accidents to acceptable levels. Experts call these “high-reliability organizations.” These organizations manage their activities according to five organizing principles:


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