Feral Jundi

Friday, November 6, 2009

Law Enforcement: The Hero That Took Down Hasan–Sergeant Kimberly Munley

Filed under: Law Enforcement,Texas — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 5:55 PM

   The tragedy at Ft. Hood the other day is a hard one to comprehend and accept.  It happened, and it was awful. That is really all I have to say about the act itself.

   What I want to point out was the hero that took Hasan down.  It was a female police officer, who charged this animal in a hail of bullets and stopped him.  She also took two shots to the legs, one in each thigh, and she deserves the highest praise.  Matter of fact, everyone involved with stopping Hasan, and administering aid to the wounded deserves our highest praise.  That is my take away on this tragedy. –Matt



Officer Who Shot Suspect Is Firearms Expert


November 7, 2009

KILLEEN, Tex. — The police officer who brought down a gunman after he went on a shooting rampage at the Fort Hood Army base was on the way to have her car repaired when she heard a report over a police radio that someone was shooting people in a center where soldiers are processed before they are deployed abroad, authorities said on Friday.

As she pulled up to the center, the officer, Kimberly Munley, spotted the gunman, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, brandishing a pistol and chasing a wounded soldier outside the building, said Chuck Medley, the director of emergency services at the base.

Sergeant Munley bolted from her car and shot at Major Hasan. He turned toward her and began to fire. She ran toward him, continuing to fire, and both she and the gunmen went down with several bullet wounds, Mr. Medley said.

Whether Sergeant Munley was solely responsible for taking down Major Hassan or whether he was also hit by gunfire from another responder is still unclear, but she was the first to fire at him.

Sergeant Munley, who is 34, is an expert in firearms and a member of the SWAT team for the civilian police department on the base, officials said.


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Funny Stuff: Steven Seagal in the Reality TV Show ‘Lawman’!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Law Enforcement: Civilian Response to Active Shooter Situations, From a Police Officer

   This is a great post from New American Truth, and thanks to Matt for sending me this one.  This goes back to the best counter to a super empowered individual wishing to do bad–and that is a super empowered individual who has the mindset and tools for stopping this type of individual.  An active shooter has seconds and minutes to do their damage, and a citizen with a gun could be the one thing that could stop this individual from doing more damage.  Ideally you would want law enforcement to be everywhere and at all times to stop something like this, but that just isn’t going to happen. –Matt


Civilian Response To Active Shooters Situations

In recent weeks, with active shooter events having occurred at a mall, a church and as children got off a school bus, I’ve seen some postings in various online forums from civilians who hold concealed carry permits asking, “How should we react to this?” The question they are asking, in general, is what they should be doing if they’re on the scene and the shooting starts. I was at first conflicted as to how to answer this question. Then, having developed an answer, I strongly prefaced it with “this is just my opinion”. There are far too many “what if”s that come into play when considering a response to an active shooter – even for police officers who are off duty. Those “what if”s multiply ten fold for a civilian who is legally armed and happens to be on hand when a shooting starts. What to do?


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Law Enforcement: Operation FALCON 2009

Filed under: Law Enforcement — Tags: , , — Matt @ 12:10 AM

   These guys nabbed a bunch of bad guys last summer, and the US Marshals is certainly taking care of business. Bravo to all that were involved this year, and I look forward to next year’s Operation Falcon! –Matt

—————————————————————— US Marshals


Operation FALCON 2009 Commander (615) 736-5417;

USMS Headquarters Public Affairs (202) 307-9065   Operation FALCON 2009 Nets More than 35,000 Fugitives

Operation Targets Violent Offenders Nationwide   WASHINGTON – The U.S. Marshals Service, partnering with federal, state and local law enforcement, arrested 35,190 fugitives and cleared 47,418 warrants as part of Operation FALCON 2009 (Federal and Local Cops Organized Nationally), U.S. Marshals Service Director John F. Clark announced today.

Ranging from coast to coast, Operation FALCON 2009 brought together the resources of 42 federal agencies, 209 state agencies and 1,973 local sheriffs’ and police departments, to again make the program a huge success.Since its inception in 2005, Operation FALCON has made 91,086 arrests and cleared 117,874 warrants and is the single most successful initiative aimed at apprehending violent fugitives in U.S. law enforcement history.

In Operation FALCON 2009, as in prior operations, an emphasis was placed on the capture of violent offenders, gang members and sex offenders. Nationwide, the operation arrested 433 persons wanted for murder, 900 gang members and 2,356 sex offenders. Among those brought in:

Willie Conway, a convicted sexual predator and a member of the Vice Lords street gang, was wanted in Kankakee County, Ill., for criminal sexual child fondling. His victim was a nine-year-old girl. During the morning of June 18, FALCON team members from the Great Lakes Regional Fugitive Task Force, based in Chicago, joined by deputies from the Cook County Sheriff’s Department, established surveillance at a residence in Chicago where they believed Conway was residing. Conway was arrested without incident and now may face additional charges for failure to register as a sex offender.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Law Enforcement: Police Departments Back Anti-terror Citizens Watch

     I should file this under ‘super empowered sheepdogs’ or SEI, because that is what we will need to combat super empowered individuals (SEI) and groups. I brought up the Joker from the movie Dark Knight in past posts, as the epitome of a SEI. These SEI’s are individuals that learn about their cause and how to prosecute it, all on their own. They can conduct operations that can cause a lot of death and damage, and with tools like the internet, they are intellectually empowered to create all sorts of mayhem. Law enforcement cannot be everywhere and at all times, so it is important to tap on to the one resource out there that can be everywhere and at all times.  That resource is you.

     Now one idea for iWatch is to make it into a mobile application.  Not only could you update what to look for on each smart phone through updates, but iWatch could send alerts with new info, straight to the iWatch mobile application.  The other thing they could do is put the ‘most wanted’ list on iWatch, with a last known location (LKL) function attached to that list.  I would set it up where the iWatch app notifies you when you are in the area of a LKL of a most wanted individual or individuals.  It would be a reminder of who to look for, based on specific areas.

     The way I could see it working is that you have your iPhone or PDA in your pocket, and then as you are walking around, you get a notification.  You as the user could set up your notifications and alerts to your personal preference, but either way, you get a notification in the form of a alarm or vibration.  You pull out your phone, hit the alert tab on your iWatch icon, and then it gives you the details.  Now you will have a picture in your head for that specific area.  And now the odds of a offhand spotting of a booger eater increases.  Or even an offhand spotting of a vehicle listed or of suspicious activity.  There are all types of things you could do with this.  Hell, you could even do like Crime Stoppers, and attach bounties and awards to this, to further increase the odds of a capture. –Matt


Police departments back anti-terror citizens watch

By EILEEN SULLIVAN (AP) – 2 hours ago

WASHINGTON — Big city police chiefs are backing an anti-terrorism community watch program to educate people about what behavior is truly suspicious and ought to be reported to police.

Police Chief William Bratton of Los Angeles, whose department developed the iWATCH program, calls it the 21st century version of Neighborhood Watch.


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