Edit: 06/09/2011- At this time, Feral Jundi does not endorse this company. I have received multiple negative reports from contractors that have worked in this company, and I am not at all impressed with the way they are operating. Buyer beware….Feel free to email me if you have any questions.
Espada Logistics and Security Group Expands Its Maritime Security Operations to Combat Pirates in the Gulf of Aden
Wednesday December 10
Espada Logistics and Security Group (www.espadaservices.com), a privately held company, announced today that it has expanded its base of operation from South America to the Gulf of Aden by providing onsite security and consulting services to the maritime industry.
“Despite the increase in military patrols from NATO, Russia and the Indian Navy, Somali pirates have increased their attacks against the ships that transit this region,” Jim Jorrie, the president of Espada Logistics and Security Group, said.
“This was a natural fit for us as we already had a large roster of ex-Special Forces personnel with anti-piracy and anti-insurgent operations experience,” Jorrie added. “Our desire is avoid a conflict in the first place, but if necessary our highly trained and experienced team members can quickly and successfully defend a customer’s assets from a pirate attack.”