A big hat tip to James over at DVM for this one. This is a very experienced British security contractor and is good people. Most of all, he is one of the few that is writing about the maritime security industry from an insider’s point of view. Check it out and definitely put him on your RSS reader. –Matt
Edit: 06/02/2011– Hey folks, it looks like this blog went private.
The author on assignment.
One Hired Gun
private militaries, jihadis and pirates
“Mercenaries”, “Guns for Hire”, “Soldiers of Fortune”, “Dogs of War”. Private forces and the people who work for them are part of the second oldest profession in the world.
This is a blog about the modern-day mercenary business, from Private Security Companies (PSCs) to Private Military Companies (PMCs) and everything else in between.
The author is a British security consultant who has spent the last eight years plying his trade in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now in anti-piracy, facing off Somali pirates in the Indian Ocean. This is the view from the coal face, warts and all, anything relating to the business is covered – news, views and reviews.
Comments are always welcome
Link to blog here.