Feral Jundi

Friday, September 10, 2010

Industry Talk: The Father Of Modern Counterinsurgency Dr. David Kilcullen, Joins MEP’s Board Of Advisors

     This is a little late, but none the less very important to bring up. Dr. Kilcullen will now be advising MEP on company strategy, ethics, and world affairs. Not to mention that the other board members are pretty impressive as well. Still, the father of today’s counterinsurgency strategy and modern day Lawrence of Arabia has joined a PMC! How cool is that?

     Now the question I have is if this new board will actually take the company to the next level? To me, that level has always been to be profitable as well as earn the respect of it’s employees, world and peers. Could a PMC achieve the status of some of today’s more respected companies, like Google or Apple?

     That is a tall order for our industry. At this point, PMC’s really don’t have a great reputation and are frequently attacked. Hell, I just posted a deal where ABC News attacked MEP. This entire blog is filled with the various problems and histories of this industry, and we need all the help we can get.

     If Dr. Kilcullen can do for this company and this industry what he did for today’s military and counterinsurgency strategy, then that would be really impressive. Perhaps he or one of the board members could come up on the blog and do a little ‘strategic communications’? That’s if they care to engage with one of the ‘few’ new media sources out there that really cares about this stuff? –Matt


Mission Essential Personnel Announces New Board of Advisors

July 26, 2010

Mission Essential Personnel, LLC, (MEP) today announced the creation of a board of advisors to counsel senior company leadership on company strategy, ethics, and world affairs. A trio of highly accomplished professionals, this board will enhance MEP’s strategic planning, thought leadership, and superior performance throughout the world.

MEP CEO Chris Taylor said, “MEP’s exponential growth has brought us great success and new challenges and choices. In order to ensure we continue to deliver certainty to our customers, we will look to the collective wisdom of our Board of Advisors to help us critically think through the opportunities of the new global economy and how MEP can continue to create value for our stakeholders. We are all excited about this new relationship and Mitchell, Sarah, and David will serve as the cornerstones of MEP’s bright future.”

The board of advisors consists of:

Ambassador Mitchell Reiss – Recently made the 27th president of Washington College, Reiss was previously Vice Provost at the College of William & Mary. He is a scholar and diplomat best known for successful negotiations during the Northern Ireland peace process and the North Korean nuclear crisis. From 2003 to 2005, he was Director of Policy Planning at the US State Department under Secretary of State Colin Powell and earned the Foreign Affairs Award for Public Service. Reiss concurrently served as President George W. Bush’s Special Envoy to Northern Ireland Peace Process until 2007. As a White House Fellow from 1988-89, he served as special assistant to the national security advisor.

Sarah Sewall – Sewall teaches international affairs and directs the Program on National Security and Human Rights at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and is the founder and faculty director of the Mass Atrocity Response Operations (MARO) project. She led President Obama’s Transition National Security Agency Review process. Sewall is a member of the DOD’s Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee and the Center for Naval Analyses Defense Advisory Committee. She served as the first Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Assistance in the Clinton Administration. From 1983-1996, she served as senior foreign policy adviser to Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell.

Dr. David Kilcullen — Kilcullen served more than 20 years as an Australian light infantry officer before joining the US Government and serving in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Southeast Asia and the Horn of Africa in counterterrorism, diplomacy, international development, strategy, and counterinsurgency roles. In 2007, Kilcullen was Senior Counterinsurgency Advisor to Gen. David Petraeus, then Commanding General, Multinational Force-Iraq. In 2008-2009, he served as Special Advisor for Counterinsurgency to the Secretary of State. Since leaving government, he has worked closely with NGOs, international aid agencies and communities affected by conflict. He is the author of “The Accidental Guerilla” and “Counterinsurgency” and is a consultant to NATO in Afghanistan and to the US and allied governments.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Afghanistan: The Future Of Training–More Money, More Demand For Trainers

The United States expects to spend about $6 billion a year training and supporting Afghan troops and police after it begins withdrawing its own combat troops in 2011.

The estimates of U.S. spending through 2015, detailed in a NATO training mission document, are an acknowledgment that Afghanistan will remain largely dependent on the United States for its security.

That reality could become problematic for the Obama administration as it continues to seek money for Afghanistan from Congress in a time of increasingly tight budgets.

In Brussels, a NATO official said Monday that alliance commander Gen. David Petraeus had asked for 2,000 more soldiers, with nearly half to be trainers for the rapidly expanding Afghan security forces. The NATO official requested anonymity because he was not authorized to speak on the subject. 


    A couple of things with these stories. Will Petraeus get these extra troops if NATO cannot scrape the bucket and get them on the scene?  Because politically and economically, sending more troops to Afghanistan is a hard sell in all the countries participating, and not just the US. How will this look during the coming elections in the US if more troops are asked for on top of the already thousands of troops requested for the surge?  Hell, some countries are backing out last minute (like the Dutch) and these actions always cause ripples in the planing and operations of the war effort.  So as I have said before, as NATO falters, contractors will be taking up the slack.

   I also continue to see plenty of training job ads, and according to the second article below, the money will be there for training in Afghanistan well into the future. The only thing though is politically, this administration and probably the next will continue to have problems with sending troops or getting congress to sign off on that training money.  As the troops get more limited in presence, and money becomes more scarce, contractors will continue to be an important tool to execute these training duties.

    The other thing I could see happening is more hybrid training programs popping up.  Where military folks mixed with contractors will be used to train the Afghans. We already see a little bit of this, and I think this combination works because the customer (US government) can ensure there is military oversight on these projects. It would also ensure that there is consistency in the training programs, and a metrics can be maintained by the military itself.

    All of this is just speculation, but given what is already on the ground, the military and contractor relationship will become even more important as time goes on. –Matt

NATO eyes 2,000 extra troops for Afghanistan: official

US expects to spend big in Afghanistan for years


NATO eyes 2,000 extra troops for Afghanistan: official

By Laurent Thomet


US General David Petraeus, the commander of the war in Afghanistan, has requested 2,000 extra troops to bolster a crucial mission to train Afghan security forces, a NATO official said Monday.

The mission would come on the heels of the deployment of tens of thousands of soldiers who were sent as part of a surge strategy aimed at crushing a resilient Taliban insurgency, the official said.

“There is now a discussion under way for additional resources, principally trainers, that could be sent to Afghanistan to bolster the mission,” said the official, who requested anonymity.

At least 750 of the new soldiers would focus on training Afghan forces, he said, refusing to give more details about the rest of the mission. He said it was premature to say when the 2,000 extra troops would be deployed.

Getting Afghan security forces trained so they can take over security responsibilities is a paramount condition for the withdrawal of foreign troops from the nation, worn down by war.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Weapons: Northrop Gets C-RAM Task Order For Afghanistan

     I put this one up because this is kind of surprising. Anyone that has done time on the big FOBs in the war will know what a C-RAM is after hearing the thing go off.  It is a loud and obnoxious automated mini-gun that blasts incoming mortars and rockets out of the air. Bottom line, they save lives.

     What is surprising though, is how involved contractors are in this process. According to this contract, Northrop will be providing personnel to operate these things in Afghanistan.  I would think that there were military folks operating the system along with, but still, that would be a pretty damn cool job to have?  Not to mention the lives you could potentially save as you zap those enemy munitions out of the sky! Here is a video of what I am talking about. –Matt


Northrop Gets C-RAM Task Order

September 1, 2010,

Los Angeles-based leading shipbuilder and defense contractor Northrop Grumman Corporation has received a $68 million contract from the Scott Air Force Base, Illinois based Defense Information Systems Agency. The company would provide personnel for operating Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) systems at forward operating bases in Afghanistan supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. The task order has a total potential value of $219 million collectively over a period of three years.

The contract will boost Northrop Grumman’s Defense Systems business part of its Information Systems segment. The segment provides information technology (IT) systems engineering and systems integration solutions for the Department of Defense, national intelligence, federal civilian, state and local agencies, and commercial customers. Products and services are focused on the fields of command, control, communications, computers and intelligence; air and missile defense; airborne reconnaissance; intelligence processing; decision support systems; cybersecurity; information technology; and systems engineering and systems integration.


Industry Talk: Policing Foreign Subcontractors And Contractors Is A Problem For NGO’s, PMC’s And The UN

And, sir, we fired him, we fined him, but we as a private organization can’t do any more. We can’t flog him, we can’t incarcerate him. That’s up to the Justice Department. We are not empowered to enforce U.S. law. -Erik Prince Testimony Before Congress, 2007


   This is an excellent little article below, and the quote up top kind of sets the stage for the problem that needs solving. I should note that this is not just a problem for PMC’s in Iraq and Afghanistan, but for NGO’s and the UN as well. So while reading this, understand that the lessons learned here could also apply to those other organizations out there that work in foreign lands and depend upon contractors and their subcontractors to get work done. Governments that depend on the services of these organizations need to figure this stuff out as well, because they stand to lose much if their mission is hindered or threatened by the actions of contractors and subcontractors.

    As you can see with Erik Prince’s famous testimony, that pretty much says it all.  I have yet to work for a company that had it’s own prison or set of laws to abide by. The laws we were to follow were that of our host nation, or the laws applied by whatever nation the customer we worked for belonged to. Each contractor’s country has laws that could also be brought into the mix. But when it comes to actually applying the rule of law to contractors who do wrong, that is when things get all screwed up. It gets really screwed up, when a contracting company uses ‘subcontractors’, because that adds even more confusion.

    So really, like Mr. Prince said, all companies can do is fire that individual, fine that individual, and notify the customer that contracted their services that this happened. Companies in Iraq and Afghanistan also have a difficult choice between wether or not they should tell the police of those countries. Especially during the different phases of the war or if that country is a failed state.

    In the early phases of the wars, most companies would not hand over their employees to weak or failing governments for prosecution.  In a way, that would be a worse crime than whatever that contractor did. It does happen though. An example of that is the corrupt justice system in Afghanistan that is currently holding contractors and giving them punishments that are far more extreme than the supposed crime they committed. Or falsely arresting contractors and extorting them.  With that kind of twisted legal system, why would a company hand over a contractor or subcontractor to such a system? (unless forced to because of some political mess created by the customer a company is serving)

    Which goes back to the customer.  In today’s war, the customer has usually been the US government.  So why haven’t DoD, DoS, or USAID applied any kind of rule of law or punishment to contractors and subcontractors in the course of the war? That is a great question, and I haven’t a clue why the media and critics continue to blame companies for the lack of action on the part of these customers.  It’s as if government has no responsibility in this matter, and the companies continue to be the fall guy. But companies continue to take contracts because no one wants to solve the problem or accept responsibility for any criminal outcomes do to a lack of rules/laws. See how the cycle works? lol

     But of course NGO’s and the UN are in the same boat as PMC’s.  They too operate in foreign lands, and they hire contractors and their subcontractors and have to face the same legal issues as well.  But they are the ‘good guys’ and they get no mention at all by the critics? Pfftt. That is why all parties in this discussion could learn from each other as to the best way forward.

     One solution is for countries to start issuing licenses or letters of marque again. I look at these documents as a connection between the law makers of a country, and the private industry or organizations that want to do work for those countries either locally or abroad. For this to properly work, two licenses would be needed–one from the host nation, and one from the parent nation of that company or organization. If the host nation is a failed state or in the middle of a war, then all that would be required is one license from the country paying the bills. And really, one license is all that is needed, but hey, if the customer wants you to have a license from the other country you are operating in (depending on the state of said country), then so be it.

     For NGO’s, they would be issued licenses by the countries they wish to help.  It would be a similar to a SOFA that is signed between two nations for militaries.  Call it a SONA or status of NGO’s agreement if you will.  I just call it a license to operate in that country, or letter of marque. This license would be a set of rules and laws that an NGO could look to as guidance, and it would also be something they could pass on to their workforce (contractors/subcontractors) as to what the deal is. Of course in this system of operation, all who are involved must know what they are getting themselves into when they sign on as a contractor.  That means the local national, expat, or third country national work force would have to know the rules and laws that apply to them directly. For each type of contractor, the license should also state what applies to them as well. Of course a local national already falls under the laws of that country, but the license can dictate what the company or organization has to do in the case of contractor wrong doing.

     As for the UN, perhaps they could be the issuer of a LoM as well? If they are truly representative of nations throughout the world, then a LoM from this type of organization should come from the blessings of all of these nations. Perhaps the security council would be the issuing authority, and before any contractor could be used by the UN, they must have this license (and a license from the host nation if the council deems necessary)?  Of course within the language of the license would be the outline as to what would be done to a contractor or subcontractor if they committed minor offenses, all the way up to murder or rape?

      The other reason why I like this licensing system, is that this is a direct connection between the law makers of countries, and private industries/organizations. I envision lawyers from both a company/organization and a government going into a room, and hashing out exactly the terms of the license. A logical outcome from that discussion would be a set of laws that would satisfy the requirements of that country and allow companies/organizations to provide a service.

     I would also put expiration dates on a license or mechanisms that would automatically expire the license, just as a means of control.  This was crucial to early usage of privateers when the Letter of Marque was used back in the day. The modern use of such a thing should also have contract limits and other stop gaps so things can be reevaluated and adjusted as conflicts and missions change.

      What is interesting about this system, is that at least some rule of law can be decided upon between two parties and the contractors and subcontractors that are hired under such a system would know exactly what would happen to them if they broke the laws outlined within the license. The license negotiations could also have military lawyers involved as well, so that the strategies used by military planners will not be hindered by the terms of the license.  Get all the legal guys in a room, and get it done.  Millions if not billions of dollars are at stake, the reputation and objectives of all involved are on the line, and the safety and health of all involved could all depend upon the rules and laws laid down by such licenses. Other than that, I don’t know of much else that countries and companies/organizations could agree upon to get the job done and insure some rule of law is applied to the process?

     Another component of the license that would be very important, is verification.  A trust by verify system that ensures companies and organizations are actually abiding by the terms of the license/laws.  That would require monitors, which seems to be what everyone is screaming about for much of today’s contracting issues already. So the party issuing the license, would have it in their best interest to insure monitors are available per contract/subcontract to insure everything is done right.

     Violations of the laws and rules within the license, would also be defined by the license itself. If a contractor or subcontractor wants to work for that NGO, PMC, etc., then they are also falling under the terms of that license. That means you could now be a criminal to whomever issued the license, if you violate the law you in signed on to follow. Letters of Marque are mechanisms that other countries would have to recognize, much like countries recognize each other’s borders or governments, and basically these companies and organizations would be flying the flag of customers, and abiding by the laws/rules set forth in the license. As a contractor, you play under those laws until you are done with the contract. If the license was set up properly, the scenario spelled out by Mr. Prince would then have one more element, and that is the requirement of the company to abide by the license/laws.

     But like I have said before, these issues of the rule of law would be decided upon by the law makers of countries and the lawyers of companies and organizations through meetings and negotiations. Just some food for thought, and I am sure there are other ideas of the way forward as well.

     By the way, it is funny how I continue to go back to this very simplistic licensing system that nations used to use for hundreds of years. I laugh because we are expending so much energy in trying to ‘reinvent the wheel’ when it comes to this stuff, and all we have to do is look to the past for the lessons learned. –Matt


The Struggle to Police Foreign Subcontractors in Iraq and Afghanistan

Billions at Stake, but U.S. Investigators Stymied by Murky Rules, Enforcement Obstacles

By Nick Schwellenbach and Lagan Sebert

August 29, 2010

To win hearts and minds in Afghanistan and Iraq, military experts want U.S. companies to contract with local firms for a variety of tasks like trucking, feeding troops, and providing security. The U.S. government’s “Afghan First” and “Iraqi First” initiatives increasingly seek to rely on local contractors, often through subcontracts, in part to stimulate their local economies.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Louisiana: Hurricane Katrina Anniversary–Why Security Contractors Were Called Upon

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