Feral Jundi

Monday, April 7, 2008

Weapons Stuff: Daniel Defense Omega Rail™ 7.0

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Weapons Stuff:  The Daniel Defense Omega Rail 7.0

By Head Jundi

 April 07, 2008   

     Well, I have to tell you, I like this product. I do not own this product, but it definitely has grabbed my attention. This meets a couple of the prerequisites I have for contracting equipment and weapons stuff. And that is lightweight, simple to use, and tough as nails. I am excited about this product, and here are a few of the highlights.

     First, it is a free-floating rail, that requires no modification of your weapon. That is great for contracting, because if you are issued a weapon from your company, they often frown on you making any permanent changes to it. Like cutting off and/or removing the delta ring, in-case you want to add a free floating rail system.

     The free-floating rail aspect of this, is great, and it sounds pretty solid from the various reviews I have read. Anything to take any kind of pressure off of a barrel, is great, and only helps for accuracy beyond the typical ranges. I also like rails, because invariably, you need to attach stuff to your weapon. (lights, fore-grips, etc.) Although, my rule of thumb is always to keep stuff streamlined and clean, but have the ability to add stuff if the mission requires. (more…)

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