Feral Jundi

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

News: So What is Bob Woodward’s Secret Weapon in His Book?

Filed under: News,Technology — Tags: , — Matt @ 7:03 PM


     Doug brought this up, and it got me to thinking.  So far, thanks to Doug’s work and a little snooping around that I have done, we have come up with a ‘guess-timate’.  We think it is the combined information gathering program that has taken advantage of some of the latest technological advances out there.  Specifically Data Mining.

     The thing about all of this, is that integrating intelligence gathering and creating networks is not a new thing.  But extremely fast technologies that are able to process all this information coming from the various elements of the network is.  And the algorithms designed to seek out patterns and stuff, is the same kind of technology that you see in today’s search engines, like Google.  That is what is new about this war.

     So putting it all together, and creating a high speed, bad guy finding ‘machine’ could have a major impact on the war effort.  But who knows, it could be something crazier and more fantastic.  I still think the best weapon out there, is the brain of the fighting men and women, and the leaders that have to implement these strategies and carry out these missions. -Head Jundi



Secret killing program is key in Iraq, Woodward says


* Story Highlights

* Program likened to WWII-era Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb

* Author discloses the existence of secret operational capabilities in latest book

* National security advisor disputes Woodward’s conclusion about the Iraq surge


WASHINGTON (CNN) — The dramatic drop in violence in Iraq is due in large part to a secret program the U.S. military has used to kill terrorists, according to a new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bob Woodward.


The program — which Woodward compares to the World War II era Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb — must remain secret for now or it would “get people killed,” Woodward said Monday on CNN’s Larry King Live.


“It is a wonderful example of American ingenuity solving a problem in war, as we often have,” Woodward said.


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