Feral Jundi

Friday, August 28, 2009

Books: The Tactical Trainer: A Few Thoughts On Training And Training Management From A Former Special Operations Soldier, By Msg. Paul R. Howe, U.S. Army Retired

Filed under: Books,Training — Tags: , , , , , , — Matt @ 12:46 AM

    Add this to your reading list.  Paul Howe has produced another outstanding resource for the military/police/contractor community.  For the record, I have not read this book because it just came out.  If any FJ readers have anything to say about the book, let it rip in the comments section, because I would be very interested to hear any feedback on the thing. –Matt


The Tactical Trainer: A Few Thoughts On Training And Training Management From A Former Special Operations Soldier

By Msg. Paul R. Howe, U.S. Army Retired

     I will be describing how to structure high risk tactical courses in this book.  I have developed these courses through my years of instruction with CSAT (Combat Shooting and Tactics).  While I describe various techniques, I will limit any description of tactics as the bad guys have a tendency to study our work.  Sometimes, I will be generic and it will be so on purpose.

     I will also describe some “near misses” and training accidents in this work.  This is not to demean or cast a shadow on those involved.  It is necessary to learn from our mistakes.  If we cover them up, they will be repeated at the same price-the loss of a human life.  My goal is to always give safer and more efficient training techniques to fix the problem.  These safety techniques will come through a logical stair-stepped methodology.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Film: ‘District 9’, Another Attack on PMC’s

Filed under: Fiji,Film,South Africa,South America — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 1:36 PM

As the movie begins, a wave of violent prawn unrest — not unlike the one that rocked South Africa’s real townships only last month — has prompted the good people of Jo’burg to crave even greater distance from their subhuman neighbors, and a forced relocation of all alien residents to a Guantánamo-style tent city known as District 10 has become law. Enter Multi-National United, a smarmy private military contractor that places the relocation in the hands of one Wikus van der Merwe (Sharlto Copley), a not very bright corporate lackey who also happens to be married to the boss’s daughter. 

   I wanted to post this portion of the review, because it is an important aspect of this movie.  Instead of using military forces or police forces in South Africa, the movie makers here decided to use a Private Military Company called Multi-National United as the evil ‘relocation’ forces, or what we will call ‘hollywood’s default evil storm troopers of death and wanton destruction’.  Why the movie did not have enough guts to use the country’s actual military or police forces for this part, is certainly telling.

   Other than that, I would like to see this movie, just because it seems like really interesting science fiction.  Not your typical sci-fi. –Matt


District 9: Divide and Conquer

Alien invasion as apartheid metaphor? It works in this film.


By Scott Foundas

Published on August 11, 2009

Directed by Neill Blomkamp. Starring Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, and David James. Rated R.


Sunday, August 9, 2009

Crime: British Contractor Kills Two Colleagues in Iraq

Filed under: Crime,Iraq — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 1:05 PM

   Tragic.  For those that know the deceased and for the families, I am sorry you are having to go through this. –Matt


British Contractor Kills Two Colleagues in Iraq

By Ernesto LondoñoWashington Post Foreign ServiceSunday, August 9, 2009

BAGHDAD, Aug. 9 — A British private security contractor was taken into custody by Iraqi authorities in Baghdad’s Green Zone early Sunday after he fatally shot two colleagues, Iraqi officials said.

The gunman, identified as Danny Fitzsimmons, also shot an Iraqi as he attempted to flee the compound, according to Iraqi officials and two other sources familiar with the incident. The Iraqi man was critically wounded, Maj. Gen. Abdul Karim Khalaf, a spokesman at Iraq’s Interior Ministry said.


Saturday, April 25, 2009

Industry Talk: The Mercenary Debate-Three Views

2. “To examine what American policy should be. It is our view that the challenges and opportunities of our time transcend the assumptions and vocabulary used by both the Left and Right in recent years, and that we need to move beyond the defense of obsolete positions.” (from AI’s Stated Purpose)

     There is a part of me that says, where is the balance(2 against, 1 for) or why use such a charged and biased word to title such a debate?  In today’s lexicon, Mercenary is used in the derogatory sense.  So it would kind of be like having a debate about prostitution and calling it the ‘The Whore Debate-Three Views’. LOL.  I mean how do you start a serious debate about such a thing, when even the title is stacked against the subject itself?  

    Either way, I am glad to see the discussion take place, and read what the views are. It is important to learn what the pros and cons are for this industry, and insure we are focusing on alleviating any fears brought up in these kinds of debates as best we can. What’s curious to me, is that none of these so called experts on the subject have made any attempt to contact myself or anyone else within the network.  

     Maybe they are quietly reading FJ and the other sites, and developing their opinions that way?  But really, if they intend to get any kind of shared reality about the subject, they need to reach out, as opposed to staying within their safe network of like minded people. 

   Also, feel free to send AI a quick note if you disagree or even agree with any of these points of views.  I posted the email for the editor of AI, and if they gaffe you off, please remind them of their third stated purpose of AI. Also, throw the letter or comments up in the comments section here, if no one will listen to you at AI.  That way if they are reading FJ, they will at least see some feedback. –Matt   

3. “Third, though its name is The American Interest, our pages are open to the world…the AI invites citizens of all nations into the American national dialogue, convinced that Americans have much to learn from the experience and perspectives of others.”  


The Mercenary Debate

Three Views (May-June 2009)

Deborah Avant

In September 2007, armed guards assigned to protect U.S. diplomats and employed by the private security company Blackwater USA opened fire in crowded Nisour Square in central Baghdad. The incident wounded 24 and left 17 Iraqi civilians dead, including an infant. In the wake of the shooting, the press erupted with stories about how dependent the U.S. military had become on “mercenaries”, particularly in Iraq. Some of the coverage focused on the contractors’ aggressive tactics and how they threaten to undermine the campaign to win “hearts and minds” in Iraq. Other articles concentrated on the lack of effective oversight and legal accountability of private security forces. Still others focused on Blackwater’s political connections and practices. But very few examined the larger question of what hired guns might do to democratic governance in the United States.

In recent years, scholars and policymakers have converged on the view that democracy is a key variable for predicting both the internal and external behavior of states. Many argue that political norms favoring non-violent solutions and citizen participation in governance make it harder for leaders in democracies to steer the ship of state into war. Others claim that democracies, once engaged in a fight, are more likely to win since they more carefully calculate the benefits and costs of military action. Perhaps most prominently, democratic peace theory is taken virtually as a “law” throughout both government and the academy.

Deborah Avant is professor of political science at the University of California, Irvine, a fellow at the Pacific Council on International Policy, and author of The Market for Force: The Consequences of Privatizing Security (Cambridge University Press 2005).

Story Link Here


The Mercenary Debate

Three Views

Max Boot

Mercenaries get a bad rap. The very word has become so anathematized that it is no longer used by those it describes, practitioners of one of the world’s oldest professions. Nowadays they prefer to be called “security contractors” and their employers prefer to be known as private military or security companies. This is an understandable if not entirely logical consequence of the state monopolization of warfare, which began in the late 18th century when governments became strong enough to conscript their own citizens to fight rather than rely on hired “free lances.” The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars seemed to confirm that citizen armies were superior to the traditional mix of aristocrats and mercenaries employed by the ancien régimes, and before long almost everyone was emulating the French example. Along the way there arose the widespread belief that the use of citizen-soldiers was superior not only practically but also morally; there was something distasteful, even unethical, about hiring a professional soldier, often a foreigner, to fight on one’s behalf. Much better, leaders assumed, to force their own civilians to fight upon pain of punishment. This mindset has now become so deeply entrenched that it is easy to ignore the long and distinguished history of mercenaries, and their legitimate uses down to the present day.


Friday, February 13, 2009

War Art: Security Contractor Industry Comics, by LMS Defense and Company

Filed under: War Art — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 12:37 PM

   Hey gang, this is a treat. These guys have put together an excellent industry comic.  Also, stand by for future art from the good folks at LMS.  Here is a link to the photo at their blog. This one is called ‘The business, it’s a-changing…’. For credit, “Duke” is the artist, and LMS Defense has the copyright. –Matt 

——————————————————————-    LMS Defense 

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