Feral Jundi

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cool Stuff: Author And Contractor Rob Krott Has A Blog

   Here is another blog to put up on your RSS reader folks, and I look forward to future posts from Rob about all things contracting, or whatever interests him.  It’s just cool he is blogging, and I hope to see others follow his lead.

   I also posted his book awhile back and I am sure he has sold a few since then. It’s a cool book and goes into some of his interesting contracting history, before security contracting blew up during these current wars. Places like Balkans or Somalia, and you can read a little more about his book at his new website/blog. He also did a podcast with Jake Allen awhile back, and you can check that out here.

   Finally, James who is the designer and creator behind such projects as Death Valley Magazine, is responsible for putting together this website for Rob.  So if you are interested in getting your own blog started, and want to enter into the ring of new media, then there is one resource for you to tap into. I am sure James will pop up and provide some info about what he can do for you. –Matt

Rob Krott’s blog and website here.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Maritime Security: Somali Pirates And Armed Security Personnel In 4 Shootouts, Pirate Season Begins

     So according to this article, and the history of modern piracy in the GoA, this is the pirate season.  A perfect combination of weather and sea conditions are allowing pirates to do their deed.  And guess what?  Naval forces, as well as vessels that have armed security, are ready for them and giving the pirates a run for their money.

     From the looks of it, folks have been busy out there.  The one story to clue in on, is the results of putting armed security on Spanish tuna boats.  This was endorsed by Spain’s government, and it looks to me like this is working out for them. The pirates attacked their boats, and armed security repelled the attacks and called for backup.  Perfect.

     As for the Juicebox Commandos who continue to promote this idea that putting armed security on boats will cause an ‘arms race’ or is just ‘too risky’, is just dumb. It also shows a lack of compassion for the crews of these boats. The right to self defense is a basic human right that no one should be denied, and especially on the high seas.

     What is causing the arms race in my opinion, is the ship owners and insurance companies that keep paying these multi-million dollar ransoms to pirates, and in turn, the pirates are able to buy better and more lethal weapons and equipment for piracy ventures.  Until piracy becomes a high risk and low odds venture for them, they will continue to attack.

     Now that more and more boats are getting armed security and the navies of the world are finally getting aggressive, these pirates are starting to learn the hard way that their business venture is becoming increasingly more dangerous.  I think that is great news, and bravo to all the security forces out there that are dishing it back to these booger eaters. Bravo to the ship owners who care enough to put armed security on the boats. That is called ‘taking care of your people’, and that is the way it should be out there. –Matt


Somali pirates, security personnel in 4 shootouts



NAIROBI, Kenya — Swarms of Somali pirates are moving into the waters off East Africa, triggering four shootouts Friday including a skirmish with French military personnel that sunk a pirate skiff, officials said.

The end of the monsoon season and the resulting calmer waters signal the beginning of the most dangerous period for ships traveling the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean. Nearly half the 47 ships hijacked off Somalia last year were taken in March and April.

Cmdr. John Harbour of the European Union Naval Force said a spike in attacks was very likely in coming weeks. But this season, ship owners and sailors are more prepared to try to evade pirates, fight back, or have armed security onboard, raising the likelihood of violence.

“We know the monsoon is over. We know they’re coming,” Harbour said. “We’re taking the fight to the pirates.”

In the most serious skirmish Friday, six pirates attacked a vessel before breaking off and chasing the French fishing boat Torre Giulia, Harbour said. Two other French fishing vessels nearby — the Jalenduic and the Trevignon — aided the Torre Giula.

A French military detachment onboard the Trevignon fired warning shots at the pirates, but failed to stop the attack. The Trevignon approached the skiff and collided with it, said Harbour, sinking the skiff and throwing the pirates into the water. Four were rescued and a military aircraft was searching for the other two, he said.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Maritime Security: Lessons From Sri Lanka For Combating Terrorists At Sea

   This was a cool little report, and I had no idea that LTTE was conducting swarming attacks like this. This also gives me pause in regards to our current maritimes security challenges.  What if Somali pirates started using swarming methods in order to take down boats?  Could a security team on a ship, hold off 25 to 30 speed boats, all buzzing around a ship like angry bees? Do security teams have the kind of firepower necessary to sustain a defense against something like this? Who knows, but it is something to think about.

   The other concern is if Al Qaeda and all of their little proxies started using the techniques of LTTE in order kick off some kind of sea based terror campaign?  Well low and behold, I just found a little report that barely got any mention of just such a thing. All I know is having a good defensive plan on a boat, with sufficient firepower (and a QRF if possible), will be key.  Especially for the ships that are massive floating bombs, like the natural gas tankers.  I could see a swarm attack against one of those just in order to capture it (much like terrorists hijacked a ship for their attack in Mumbai), then rig the thing for detonation and run it into a city port or industrial port somewhere.

   As for the professional navies out there and their defense?  I think they are pretty much covered for the defense, with plenty of armaments and surveillance stuff. But they are not immune either, and instances like the USS Cole attack in Yemen, are a prime example of such things. Check it out. –Matt


Current maritime challenges, a Sri Lankan perspective

January 9, 2010

The summerised version of the speech delivered by Navy commander Vice Admiral TSG Samarasinghe at the biannual Langkawi International Maritime Conference and Maritime Aerospace Exhibition (LIMA) at Langkawi Island, Malaysia in December 2009 on the theme “The changing nature of maritime security: challenges and the application of technology”.

Most of you seafarers, would have passed this Dondra-light many a time. As an island nation with this strategic location, the Sri Lanka Navy has a huge task and responsibility in protecting the territorial the contiguous and the Exclusive Economic Zone with the added responsibility of a large search and rescue region and in the near future a even large area after ratification of the continental margins.


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Maritime Security: Dr. Ron Paul On Piracy And The Letter Of Marque And Reprisal

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Maritime Security: Somali Militants Training Pirates

Filed under: Al Qaeda,Maritime Security,Somalia — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 7:56 AM

   So here we go.  This is the trend to watch, and jihadist privateering is now a reality.  My guess is that not only will piracy be lucrative for Al-Shabab, but they will soon be front and center with the drug trade and smuggling. And hey, they might even make some time to play holy war in Yemen. Stay tuned. –Matt


Somali militants training pirates

‘Relationship of convenience’: Canadian report

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stewart Bell,  National Post

The Somali militant group Al-Shabab has been arming and training pirates in exchange for a share of their spoils, says a newly released Canadian intelligence document.

Al-Shabab has formed a “relationship of convenience” with one of the two main pirate networks operating off the Horn of Africa, the “Top Secret” intelligence assessment says.

The report describes an “Islamist extremism-piracy nexus” that involves Al-Shabab providing “weapons, combat training and local protection” to the Mudug pirates of southern Somalia.


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