Feral Jundi

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Technology: The ITT Dual Sensor Night Vision Goggle

     Interesting technology.  The problem in the past with NVG’s like thermal type or image intensifier type is that they were kind of limited.  With the thermal type, you couldn’t really make out details of what you were looking at-just the heat signature. (for hand held units).  For image intensifier types, you could make out details, but there was no contrast in the view.  (everything is green) The point is, you just don’t shoot at heat signatures and you have to be able to identify who or what it is. But with this little device, it combines the peanut butter with the chocolate-thermal with image intensifier, and the fused image is what you see below.  The question is, does it work as stated and will the troops like this thing?

     Overall, I think this is pretty cool and if it helps our guys track down and kill the bad guys, I am all about it. –Matt



The ITT DSNVG, Dual Sensor Night Vision Goggle is an optically fused monocular which combines both an image intensified tube and infrared (IR) microbolometer into one compact unit. The DSNVG monocular is approximately the same size as the AN/PVS-14. The DSNVG utilizes a separate battery pack which provides power for both helmet-mounted and hand-held use. The DSNVG can be mounted on the MICH/ACH helmet and will provide: flip-up, tilt, fore/aft adjustment; left/right eye use; and quick disconnect from the helmet.

The DSNVG is in production to provide fusion (via optical overlay) of I² and IR imagery, to provide the user with the following benefits:

1. Greater situational awareness due to improved threat detection under most battle?eld environments; compatible with traditional weapon system ranges.

2. Expanded viewing capability from high-light conditions to total darkness (no light) and through battlefield obscurants. Increases capability for urban operations.

3. Improved wearing comfort due to better weight balance resulting in less fatigue.

4. Easy-to-use controls similar to proven AN/PVS-14.


Friday, May 28, 2010

Technology: Vaper Wake Detection Dogs For Explosives… And COIN?

   After reading this, I was wondering to myself if these dogs could be used to sniff out Taliban or Al Qaeda operatives in population centers?  This team of scientists have actually bred a dog to detect the scent plume of individuals, and the level of sensitivity and utility of these types of animals are only limited by the imagination of the handlers.

   Here is one way I could envision using these dogs.  Enemy combatants that think they can disappear into population centers, could technically be tracked into those population centers by teams using these dogs and tracker teams.  All teams would have to do is patrol extensively through the crowds or set up check points and use the dogs to find folks that have trace explosive scents on their body.  To be able to sniff out entire crowds, like dogs sniff cars now, would make the game of finding these guys a little easier.

   These vapor wake or VW dogs could also be used to track down the IED teams or ambush teams.  Tracker dogs could sniff the wires of the device or even the spent brass, locate the position of the team and further get a stronger scent. The tracking team would probably follow the tracks into a population center, and that is where the VW dogs come in.  Once in the population center, do a cordon of the area, and then send in the VW dog teams.  You could put them at check points, and send guys in to sniff the crowds. The basic idea is that the dogs could be used to sniff groupings of humans in order to seek out the combatant, thus taking away a prime hiding spot for today’s enemies. If the village doesn’t want to rat the guy out, the dog could also be used as leverage in the negotiations with the village leaders.

   Either way, all and any thoughts should be given to using such animals for separating the enemy from the population, as well as finding combatants with explosives on them. –Matt



Could Owen, the Capitol Police’s Vapor Wake detection dog, be used for tracking operations in Afghanistan?

Vapor Wake Detection

The Vapor Wake Detection (VWD) Canine Team is a standard explosives detection canine team with the additional ability and training to detect carried or body-worn explosives.  The VWD canine samples the plume of air coming off a person and/or what they are carrying as the person passes through a choke point or within a crowd.  The canines can also detect an explosives vapor-wake after the person has transited an area and follow the vapor-wake to the explosive source.  The canines have been exceptionally successful in this form of detection in areas with a large congestion of pedestrian traffic without impeding traffic flow.

The canine is specifically bred and prepared its entire life to succeed at this type of work.  The puppy enters the Detector Dog Raising Program upon birth.  We engineer various environmental exposures and develop the puppy over the first 12 months of its life.  We use primarily Sporting Breeds for this activity due to the close proximity to people the canine must work.  Additionally, Sporting Breed can operate within a crowd causing less, if not any, disruption.  After the puppy, or now adult canine, completes the Detector Dog Raising Program it returns to Auburn University (AU) Canine Detection Training Center (CDTC).

The canine receives six weeks of vigorous training at the Canine Detection Training Center before a handler is assigned.  Upon the student/handler’s arrival they enter as a team into a 10-week basic explosives handler course.  Upon graduating the basic course the team receives a minimum of two additional weeks of training in their operational environment.  Continued training in the operational environment is critical to the team’s continued success.

Auburn’s College of Veterinary Medicine has several years of developing this program into what we feel is a strong and capable detection tool in the fight against terrorism.  Additionally, we’ve developed evaluation procedures/guidelines for certification which ensure the team is performing at an extremely high rate of proficiency.  Our Vapor-Wake work is copy write and patent pending.

Link to Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine here.

Vaper Wake Video here.


A nose for explosives

By Jordy Yager


It seemed like a normal morning last Wednesday as hordes of Senate staffers made their way through the Lower Senate Park to get to work by 9 a.m. But Owen, one of the U.S. Capitol Police’s newest hires, was weaving through the crowds, conducting serious undercover work.

Owen has been rigorously trained in a cutting-edge explosive-sniffing technique known as vapor wake. Owen also has a tail that wags. He is a black Labrador.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Technology: Boron Nanowires Could Turn T-shirts Into Body Armor

   How cool would that be?  Not to mention the reduction for the soldier’s load or a reduction in the amount of medical claims for back problems do to wearing heavy armor. I like this kind of science and keep it up guys. –Matt


Boron nanowires could turn T-shirts into body armor

April 6, 2010

(Nanowerk News) A simple cotton T-shirt may one day be converted into tougher, more comfortable body armor for soldiers or police officers.

Researchers at the University of South Carolina, collaborating with others from China and Switzerland, drastically increased the toughness of a T-shirt by combining the carbon in the shirt’s cotton with boron – the third hardest material on earth. The result is a lightweight shirt reinforced with boron carbide, the same material used to protect tanks.

Dr. Xiaodong Li, USC College of Engineering and Computing Distinguished Professor in Mechanical Engineering, co-authored the recent article on the research in the journal, Advanced Materials.

“USC is playing a leading role in this area. This is a true breakthrough,” Li said, calling the research “a conceptual change in fabricating lightweight, fuel-efficient, super-strong and ultra-tough materials. This groundbreaking new study opens up unprecedented opportunities.”

The scientists started with plain, white T-shirts that were cut into thin strips and dipped into a boron solution. The strips were later removed from the solution and heated in an oven. The heat changes the cotton fibers into carbon fibers, which react with the boron solution and produce boron carbide.

The result is a fabric that’s lightweight but tougher and stiffer than the original T-shirt, yet flexible enough that it can be bent, said Li, who led the group from USC. That flexibility is an improvement over the heavy boron-carbide plates used in bulletproof vests and body armor.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

PMC 2.0: Cyber Bodyguards Set Up In Switzerland

   I put this up as a PMC 2.0, because I believe we will see more of this type of thing, but at larger and possibly more dangerous scales.  Think in terms of a PMC or PSC that can offer to protect (both electronically and physically) a country’s cyber affairs?  Someone has to protect the cell towers, the server farms, the cables, and the online presence of that country.

   Not to mention all of that country’s infrastructure or finance that is tied into computers and the internet.  Countries like Georgia were attacked by Russia, physically and online. Cyber warfare is a huge topic in the U.S. right now, and it scares the crap out of today’s planners.  For smaller countries, a PMC or PSC that could offer full spectrum services like what I am talking about, could be essential for their survival and future stability. –Matt


Cyber Bodyguards Set Up in Switzerland

Michael Cheek

Monday, April 5, 2010

In an effort to meet the growing needs of business people, the Electronic Bodyguards Group has formed in Switzerland to help protect business people from privacy and security threats in the electronic sphere. The group, formed by Peter Houppermans, a security consultant who helped build the UK’s Government Secure Intranet, brings together a variety of experts to address the threats.

The group markets its offerings to companies but also to senior executives and VIPs and is centered on the top end of the spectrum.

“VIPs typically walk into a less secure setup as soon as they leave their office,” Houppermans said. “Bodyguards only look at perimeter, but the guy in the carpark with a laptop can pose a threat as can a lost BlackBerry that cannot be remotely killed.”


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Aviation: Resupply By Robot? UAV Competition Heats Up

     This is cool.  When I was fighting forest fires back in the day, I worked on a couple fires where they used the K-max. It’s a funky helicopter, and that would be very interesting to see that aircraft as a UAV for resupply.

     I really think this concept is one that could revolutionize the way we do business out there in the war. I could see a unit’s drone archers using these things to transport people and gear into strategic positions in the mountains, as well as using these things to transport wounded off of the battlefield. Having an on call aircraft that a unit could control to do all sorts of crazy cool things, would be an extremely valuable tool on the battlefield.  My only advice to the developers is to think ‘Ak 47’ of the sky, when it comes to making it durable and dependable.  The feeds to control the thing must be dependable and encrypted as well, because I would hate for these machines to be captured by the enemy.

   The other point I wanted to make with this craft is that it should always fly with support drones.  That way, the main supply drone could keep flying, and the support ‘killer drones’ could work on enemy emplacements.  Swarms of these things could instantly focus on whatever needs attention, all to support the mother craft so it can reach it’s destination.  Of course everything should have a human interface, and have an elephant chisel in order to kill it.  Mechanisms must be in place to insure there will be no blue on blue incidents, once we get into the business of resupply by UAV. –Matt


K-Max being controlled by a drone archer.

Resupply by Robot? UAV Competition Heats Up

By Jack Mann

March 3rd, 2010

Resupplying combat troops in Afghanistan is a dangerous, slow and increasingly expensive undertaking.  Moving a truck filled with supplies 50 miles could require as many as 100 Marines, most of them to provide security, and take about 24 hours, according to DefenseNews.

Of course, it’s a lot faster to deliver supplies by helicopter, but that costs almost $10,000 per hour and puts airmen and helicopters at risk.  Airdrops by fixed-wing aircraft are safer, but much less accurate and just as expensive.

What’s a soldier to do? Employ UAVs, say Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Sikorsky.


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