Feral Jundi

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Industry Talk: The Booming Private Security Industries Of Pakistan And India

     Below I have posted two snapshots of the private security industries in Pakistan and India. In a nutshell, those industries are exploding with growth. In Pakistan, terrorism is the driver of this increase. In India it is a combination of economic expansion along with terrorism as the drivers.

     Of course Pakistan and India are very mistrustful of one another, and there is also the growth of their defense industries to meet the needs of their militaries. Interesting stuff and definitely an area to keep a watch on. –Matt

Boom in Pakistan’s private security industry

January 18, 2011

Pakistan’s deteriorating  law and order has led to a boom in the private security industry in the country. Companies are investing millions of dollars to train and update their security operations.

 An estimated 30,000 private security guards have found employment with 400 private security agencies that have sprung up in Pakistan in recent years. These guards are paid about ten thousand Pakistani rupees a month… well above the minimum wage of six thousand.

Specialist security guards and bodyguards make around 25 thousand rupees.

Training includes special focus on the deadliest of enemies, the suicide bomber. Iqbal Mahmood, the trainer at Security 2000 explains how to look for one. “If someone is draped in white dress, particularly resembling a white shroud is a sign that the person has come ready to die. This is usually the first sign, secondly when the body looks a bit out of proportions; particularly the chest is raised higher than a normal human being is another give away sign that this person might be a suicide bomber,” says Mahmood.

The security industry in Pakistan is worth around 60 million dollars a year. Visit any luxury hotel in Pakistan and you’ll see where the money is being spent.

Zahid Shah, Security Manager at Pearl Continental Hotel says, “We have tried to maintain and standardise our security arrangements by beefing up this location with various kinds of systems, there can be hydraulic blockers, there are electronic barriers, there are sniffer dogs, besides of course the manual arrangements which is comprising of the security guards and the supervisors that we have.”

Story here.


Booming private security agencies seek PE funding

Paramita Chatterjee & Pramugdha Mamgain

18 Jan, 2011

As rapid economic expansion creates a booming market for private security services, small and mid-sized companies in the sector are seeking risk capital infusion to further expansion plans. Growing public infrastructure in the form of roads, airports, shopping malls and commercial complexes has triggered a boom in the market for security services that is expected to grow five-fold to reach a size of 30,000 crore by 2015.


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Al Qaeda: New Strategy–Less Apocalypse, More Street Fighting

    For the most part, I would have to agree with this article. Although what the authors are forgetting is that when these people have an idea in their brain, they will continue to attempt the operation over and over again. They could take another decade to attempt the attack if it failed the first time around, or even wait twenty or thirty years. Time is not a factor to these folks. So it is important to remember that yes, they might focus on the Mumbai style urban warfare, but the apocalyptic stuff like 9/11 will always be on their mind.

    In essence, this urban warfare direction is the strategy ‘du jour’.  It still causes havoc and it still makes the news. And if done right, the terrorist team could get plenty of press out of the operation.

    As for the how, I simply point towards what these guys are doing in the war zones. War zones are the ultimate training grounds for what they want to do in peaceful urban populations, because they are able to refine methods or create new ones. They are able to learn how to assemble a one time use human weapon system, and the success rate of this weapon is dependent on how squared away the planners are. Planners can gain experience in the wars, and use that knowledge to great advantage for attacks against population centers that are not on a war footing. Soldiers and contractors in Afghanistan are armed and think about the defense 24/7. People in a city like Seattle might think about their next cup of coffee that day, and being armed or thinking about the defense or survival is the last thing on their minds.

    The other aspect to remember is the ability of an attacker to melt away into society. A swarming attack takes seconds to kick off, and if the attackers are able to maneuver as close as possible (wearing police, military, or medical uniforms), they can be more effective. This is tough to spot in a war zone, and I speculate that most don’t care to notice these things in peaceful cities. Even if attackers are not wearing uniforms, they can still blend in really well.

    What is also important to note is that an assaulter force might wear body armor so they can effectively fight into pockets of human concentration once the attack is on. So a defense in urban population centers must have weapons that can not only knock these guys down, but the guard should be able to shoot the head or pelvic area of the attacker in order to shut down that terrorist. If not, they will just get back up and continue the assault.

     Being able to take the terrorist out at an appropriate distance will be important as well.  If you shoot one of these guys at pistol range, and they detonate, it could potentially kill you and destroy the barriers in place, which would then allow the swarmers behind that terrorist to penetrate deeper. The defense should allow for adequate stand off between vehicle/people traffic and the guards, and it should be layered or spread out. One bomb should not be able to take out the entire guard force. This can be hard to achieve in war zones, and really hard to achieve in urban population centers that are not in war zones. None the less, these things have to be thought about and planned for.

    Bottom line, a good urban defense needs preparation.  Police, private security, and the public will be the only ones in the position to stop these types of attacks in the urban setting. Although realistically, it will be the public that will be the ones to initially identify the attack and potentially stop it. Police and private security cannot be everywhere at once. AQ and company knows this and they are depending on the idea that a country’s citizenry is not capable of thwarting their attack.

    One thing governments can do to defeat them is to promote certain simplistic things that people can do in order to defeat a swarming suicide assaulter attack. It would take education via websites, public service announcements, posters, etc. to get the word out. Some ideas to promote is to get people using their smart phones. Tell them to take photos, to tweet, to chat, take pictures and video, but most importantly, just connect with authorities as soon as possible, and feed as much information to them as possible. Authorities would be wise to facilitate that connection any way possible via an Incident Command system that makes it one of their priorities.

    Another idea is to tell folks to always plan escape routes out of any building they are in and to not bunch up.  Remember, the suicide assaulter is looking for pockets of human concentration to shoot into or blow up.  The more spread out people are, the better. So as people get over the initial shock of the attack, hopefully some leader types within that group will get on the ball and tell people to separate and escape as best they can. To not wait for law enforcement to save them, but to take matters into their own hands and get out in an organized and hopefully logical matter. Hopefully someone in the group will be armed or use something as a weapon to maybe take out a terrorist. It’s either stop them, get the hell out of there, or hand your life over to these animals–you make the call.

    My opinion on the whole thing is that the government needs to put together an adequate program that can educate the local population on how they can help, and how they can defeat a Mumbai type attack. The government should also work more with entertainment shows that connect with the population. Spike TV’s Surviving Disaster was an excellent show, and they presented multiple scenarios that teach people exactly what they can do to protect self and defeat terrorists. To me, it is all about the message of ‘government needs your help’ and ‘police cannot be everywhere at once’. A population must get involved and they must be armed with the knowledge necessary to defeat this stuff. The police and security will always work on their job and continue to do what they can, but civilians must get in the game as well. After all, civilians are the target of these terrorists and they can either stand and fight, or hand over their lives to these heathens and give them the satisfaction and success they seek. –Matt


Mumbai Terror Assault

Mumbai attacker with AK-47. 

Al-Qaeda’s new strategy: Less apocalypse, more street fighting

By Steven Simon and Jonathan Stevenson

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The scene in Europe last week called to mind the heyday of the IRA in the 1970s or of Algerian terrorism in the 1990s: Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square were teeming with police, the Eiffel Tower was repeatedly evacuated, and everywhere, tourists were on edge. The threat, however, involved a newer brand of terrorist: The CIA and its European counterparts warned of an al-Qaeda plot to kill civilians in France, Germany and Britain, and alerted travelers, especially Americans, to be extra-vigilant.

Few operational details were released. But unlike many thwarted al-Qaeda operations of days gone by — such as the 2006 Heathrow plot in which several airliners bound from London to America were to be blown up at coordinated intervals — it was clear from news reports that the European plan called for less spectacular, smaller-scale attacks, perhaps using machine guns to strafe clusters of tourists near public landmarks.

Has al-Qaeda become dispirited? No.

Recent plots, including the Mumbai raid in November 2008, the Times Square car bomb attempt in May of this year and now the plot in Europe, show that al-Qaeda is not only operationally alive and well, but has transformed its post-Afghanistan tactical retreat into a formidable new strategy. In the early part of the last decade, al-Qaeda had no choice but to use conventional explosives and old-fashioned terrorist tactics to hit soft targets, the 2002 bombing of nightclubs in Bali being perhaps the best example. With its leadership under siege in Pakistan, it lacked the capacity to mount sophisticated and coordinated attacks that would match, let alone exceed, the innovation or shock value on display on Sept. 11, 2001, or even in the USS Cole operation the year before.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mexico: Drug Cartels Cripple Pemex Operations In Basin

     This sucks for Mexico and Pemex, but until they do the things necessary to properly secure these pipelines, then they will continue to lose their so called ‘backbone of the nation’. If Pemex cannot trust local Mexican security companies, then hire globally. There are plenty of companies around the world who are providing security to oil companies operating in places like Iraq. Mexico is at war with these cartels and it would make sense to deploy military or contract security with experience in war zones to secure this vital national asset.

     Either lose that money to thieves, or spend that money to defend your property and livelihood. That is my thought on the matter.

     One other point that comes to mind about this troubling issue. If the drug cartels could do this to Pemex and Mexico, then why couldn’t they do this to oil platforms/drilling rigs? Especially the US owned rigs, because eventually the cartels are going to want to send a message to the US. Our money is helping to fuel Mexico’s war against the cartels, and we are naive to think that our actions will not invite any retaliation. Imagine a dozen BP style disasters? All I know is that if oil companies have not posted security on each rig, then we are giving an open invitation to terrorists and criminals to do all sorts of terrible things. –Matt


Mexican drug cartels cripple Pemex operations in basin

September 06, 2010

By Tracy Wilkinson

The meandering network of pipes, wells and tankers belonging to the gigantic state oil company Pemex have long been an easy target of crooks and drug traffickers who siphon off natural gas, gasoline and even crude, robbing the Mexican treasury of hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

Now the cartels have taken sabotage to a new level: They’ve hobbled key operations in parts of the Burgos Basin, home to Mexico’s biggest natural gas fields.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Somalia: Respected Islamic Scholars Declare War As ‘Un-Islamic’

   You know, I think this is pretty significant.  There have been some new and startling developments in the war in Somalia, and I think it is important to highlight what is really going on.  The other reason I want to post this, is to set the record as to who is really responsible for all of this chaos over there.

   First off, my message to these extremists groups in Somalia is that Blackwater did not bomb your mosques.  Nor did Blackwater dig up Sufi graves and hide the bodies.  Nope.  Nor did Blackwater allow piracy to continue under their watch in Somalia, or cut off food supplies to the people of Somalia via banning the World Food Program food shipments, or proclaim that a 13 year old girl who was gang raped by thugs to be a whore and then have her stoned to death in public.  Nope, Blackwater didn’t do any of that.

    But I will tell you who did.  It was al Shabab and company, and now that Somalia’s true Islamic scholars have spoken and rejected their war, from here on out they will have that hanging over them. How can you wage holy war, when you don’t have a case for such a thing?

   Further more, I will go as far as to say that al Shabab and company care more about power and making money, than living some kind of purist lifestyle under Sharia Law.  In other words, I call them hypocrites.  You administer your form of sick justice on helpless little girls, yet look the other way when it comes to piracy, desecrating graves, bombing of mosques, chewing khat, recklessly launching mortars into population centers and otherwise making a hard life for the people of Somalia, even worse.  And now you have lost the support of the guys who are more knowledgeable of Islam than you. And last I checked, these scholars said nothing about Blackwater at the Garowe Islamic conference. Nope, they were referring to your now ‘un-holy war’ and you have no one to blame but yourselves.

   On a side note, I do think it is funny that islamic extremists fear contractors as much as they do.  It used to be that the Marines or Special Forces where the ones that everyone feared or put the blame on for everything.  But hey, if you guys want to make us into the new bogeyman, so be it……. Boo! lol –Matt


Aweys rejects clerics’ verdict on Somalia war

11 May 11, 2010

The Islamist leader of Somalia’s Hizbul- Islam rebel group Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys dismissed the declarations of the country’s most respected Islamic scholars, who were in attendance at the recently concluded Garowe Islamic conference, Radio Garowe reports.

The Islamic conference was held last month in Garowe, capital of Puntland in northern Somalia, where more than 50 respected Somali clerics declared that the ongoing war in Somalia as un-Islamic.Aweys defended the war his waging against the foreign troops and UN-backed government as “in accordance with Islamic law.’“The war we are waging is in accordance with Islamic law, because we are not after power. We want to implement Sharia Law in the country,” said the 65-year old cleric.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Somalia: Pirates Vs. Islamists–A Dispute Over Business

   Finally some reportage that gave some commonsense analysis on this latest move in Somalia.  Hizbul Islam are attacking pirate havens because they want to control the ports.  Shabab has their ports, and Hizbul Islam wants their ports.  It totally makes business sense, and strategic sense, if they want to capitalize on all the piracy related operations going on out there.

   Now what is interesting to me is how the media sucked into the spin that Hizbul Islam was trying to produce about their latest move.  That somehow what they were doing was righteous and piracy is an anti-islamic business. pffft. Whatever chews your khat. Bravo to Mr. Wadham for calling it like it is and getting the real story out.

   One final point.  We show sorrow and outrage over the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico with the oil spill disaster there.  So my question is what happens when pirates take a chemical tanker (oops, that just happened) on behalf of an extremist group like al Shabab or Hizbul Islam, and they sink that thing or crash it into some western port? Will we then realize that assigning armed escorts to each boat/floating weapon system out there is something that should be required? Why must we wait for a disaster like this to happen, before we do something about it? –Matt


Somali Pirates vs. Islamists: A Dispute Over Business

By Nick Wadhams/Nairobi

Friday, May. 07, 2010

Even by the jaded standards of the failed state of Somalia, this week’s news was enough to raise eyebrows: one of the country’s two competing Islamist factions, Hizbul Islam, stormed into the coastal city of Harardhere and drove out the pirates who have run amok in the waters off the Horn of Africa, wreaking havoc on global shipping and confounding the world’s navies.

“Piracy has become too much. It’s an anti-Islamic business, and we won’t accept it,” Hizbul Islam spokesman Sheik Mohamed Ali Abdinasr told TIME. “We want to bring law and order to that country of Somalia, and we want to show the good name of Somalis.”

But what may at first glance appear to be a showdown between two trends that have coexisted in relative peace in Somalia until now — piracy and Islamic radicalism — is actually a cunning power play for resources.

First, a bit of background. One of the best ways to thrive as a Somali businessman is to import just about anything — cars, food or clothing, for example. Very little gets produced in Somalia. And in the absence of central government authority, which collapsed 19 years ago, the best way for any armed group to finance itself is to control one of Somalia’s ports.

The Western-backed Transitional Federal Government gets much of its very limited revenue from the Mogadishu port, one of the few patches of Somali real estate over which it maintains control. Hizbul Islam’s capture of the pirate lair at Harardhere may have been motivated primarily by the fact that it was driven out of the southern port of Kismayo late last year by the al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militia. Experts say Hizbul Islam attacked Harardhere because it needed a new port to control.

“They lost their foothold in Kismayo when they fell out with Shabab,” says Roger Middleton, a piracy expert at the London-based Chatham House think tank. “Moving to Harardhere seems to me like a move to find some territory that they can control and to have a port in order to try to make some money.”


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