Another great comic strip from LMS Defense and Righteous Duke Designs! Follow the LMS link or click on the image if you want a bigger picture of the comic. –Matt
LMS Defense link here.
Righteous Duke Designs here.
Another great comic strip from LMS Defense and Righteous Duke Designs! Follow the LMS link or click on the image if you want a bigger picture of the comic. –Matt
LMS Defense link here.
Righteous Duke Designs here.
Hat tip to Mark over at Zenpundit. I am always on the lookout for interesting war related artwork, and I think this stuff definitely qualifies. Al Farrow has been doing these types of sculptures for awhile and they are very involved and intricate. As you can see, these sculptures are made out of bone, bullets, guns, artillery shells, etc., and Al explains where he is going with all of these pieces in the video below.
In his first exhibition in Washington, DC, Al Farrow presents welded metal sculptures of religious structures, which are composed entirely of gun parts, bullets, artillery shells, and human bone. The works form striking commentaries on the militarism embedded in the histories of the three major religions. Farrows Christian reliquaries (in a series ironically titled The Trigger Finger of Santo Guerro) and exact-scale replicas of a Jewish synagogue and a Moslem mosque are based on historical models for which Farrow assembles appropriated gun parts symbolically related to the three religions.
The plate is very unique and if you go to his website, you will see a bunch of different plates he made that have defense themes. Stuff like Men With Uzis, B2 Bomber, and Nuclear Submarines. lol
Also, if you check out that video you will see that the gallery is also displaying Shepard Fairey’s stuff (famous for the Obama campaign posters)
I also put up a couple pieces to give you an idea of the detail and intricacies of his stuff. Check it out. -Matt
Website for Al Farrow artwork here.
Trigger Finger of Santa Guerro (I), Gun Parts, Bullets, Steel, Glass, Bone, 25"h X 14"dia., Reliquaries Sculptures
Mother & Daughter / Mortar Launchers, Polyester Resin with Clay Filler and Paint, 11.5" diam X 4.5" deep, Mimbres Series Sculptures
I chuckled when I first found out about this and was considering making this a ‘funny stuff’ post. But then I started really looking at this effort from a different point of view, and that is if you can reduce the theories of Clauswitz into a children’s book, then that is pretty damned cool and impressive. It would also really open up the world of strategy to children, and likewise shame adults who did not know about this strategy.
The other thing I like about this project is that I could see this book selling quite well to the defense industry families and military families of the world. Parents are always interested in the whole ‘Baby Einstein’ concept of buying products that could make their children smarter. Imagine a child learning the very basic elements of strategy at such a young age, and how that could apply to all of their endeavors for the rest of their lives? I know I have been personally inspired by the leading strategies of business and war, and this knowledge has been immensely helpful for understanding the world we live in. That knowledge of strategy could also make a person wealthy, help in conflict resolution, help in contests of business or war, or even help in their personal survival. Lot’s of positives that can come from this knowledge. So what’s next? A children’s illustrated guide for Sun Tzu or Col. John Boyd? –Matt
Blog for Children’s Illustrated Clauswitz here.
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