Feral Jundi

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

History: The Christmas Truce of 1914

Filed under: History — Tags: , , — Matt @ 11:50 AM

     You know, I always like to look back in history and gain some perspectives on war and the conditions of men during that war.  And being in a war or just being away from family during the holidays is very tough.  This is the time when you think about family, and you wish you were with them.  And if you are in a really crappy location doing tough things out there in this war, then the comforts and memories of home during the holidays really sink in. It sucks, and you do what you can to get by and keep pressing forward with your job.   

    In the case of World War 1, I can only imagine how terrible that war was.  A good indicator of how bad it was, is the fact that the soldiers on both sides agreed to a truce to celebrate Christmas.  It must have been quite a thing to one day be slogging around in a freezing cold, bloody, and muddy trench, while trying to kill the enemy in a nearby trench, and then stop the next day to celebrate Christmas with that same enemy combatant.  Both sides must have been so incredibly tired and mentally drained about the whole thing, to just put it all to the side for just one day of peace.  Quite a thing indeed.  

     Where ever you are out there, hang in there and Merry Christmas from Feral Jundi. –Matt  




This is part of a 10 page letter from an unknown British soldier who recorded events and incidents with the Germans during the 1914 Christmas Truce during World War 1.


    This will be the most memorable Christmas I’ve ever spent or likely to spend: since about tea time yesterday I don’t think theres been a shot fired on either side up to now. Last night turned a very clear frost moonlight night, so soon after dusk we had some decent fires going and had a few carols and songs.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Industry Talk: A Call for Help from Free Range International

Filed under: Afghanistan,Industry Talk — Tags: , , — Matt @ 11:13 AM

     Hey guys and gals, the gang over at Free Range International needs our help. On one of their last missions, some checkpoint thugs ripped off their body armor.  Read the ‘Shakedown’ story, to get the details.  Tim and company are doing good things over there, and they are not some large Blackwater type group, with endless resources available to them.  So when things like body armor are taken, that is a huge cost for a small business to eat.  Also, if anyone in country has kit that they might be able to sell for a good price, then that might be an option as well.  Either way, if you go to Tim’s blog, he has a donation page set up and you can contact him through the site.  –Head Jundi


From the site:

Our work is dangerous and replacing our stolen body armor is expensive. Shem and I could use a little help. Please contribute what you can today so we can order 2 more sets soon, inshallah. 

(Read the full story on how we lost our armor at Shakedown).

Story Here


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Technology: New Honeycomb Tire is ‘Bulletproof’

Filed under: Technology — Tags: , , — Matt @ 6:39 PM

    I really like the concept of this tire.  Getting a flat on the road, is definitely a bummer deal in a war zone.  So ideas like this, are what I like to see.  Hopefully the private industry will be able to hook into stuff like this.  –Head Jundi



November 17, 2008 6:10 AM PST

New honeycomb tire is ‘bulletproof’

Posted by Mark Rutherford

The University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Wausau, Wis., company have come up with a 37-inch, bullet and bomb-proof Humvee tire based on a polymeric web so cool looking there’s no need for hub caps.

Resilient Technologies and Wisconsin-Madison’s Polymer Engineering Center are creating a “non-pneumatic tire” (no air required) that will support the weight of add-on armor, survive an IED attack, and still make a 50 mph getaway. It’s basically a round honeycomb wrapped with a thick, black tread.


News: Kilcullen on Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan,News — Tags: , , — Matt @ 1:26 AM

The New Yorker

George Packer

November 14, 2008

Kilcullen on Afghanistan: “It’s Still Winnable, But Only Just.”

I wrote about David Kilcullen two years ago, in a piece called “Knowing the Enemy.” Few experts understand counterinsurgency and counterterrorism better than this former Australian army officer and anthropology Ph.D, who has advised the American, British, and Australian governments, was one of General Petraeus’s strategic whizzes at the start of the surge, in early 2007, and writes so well that you’d never imagine he’s spent his whole career in government, the military, and academia. Kilcullen is now a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, which has provided Obama with foreign-policy advisers and advice.

This week, Kilcullen agreed to do an e-mail Q. & A. on Afghanistan and Pakistan, where he’s spent a lot of time, and where the most pressing foreign crisis awaits the new Administration. Though Kilcullen is still an adviser to the State Department, he emphasized that his views are his own. And they are characteristically blunt.

The White House briefed both campaigns on Afghanistan before the election. Apparently that’s how little time we have to turn things around. So how bad is it?

It’s bad: violence is way up, Taliban influence has spread at the local level, and popular confidence in the government and the international community is waning fast. It’s still winnable, but only just, and to turn this thing around will take an extremely major effort starting with local-level governance, political strategy, giving the Afghan people a well-founded feeling of security, and dealing with the active sanctuary in Pakistan. A normal U.S. government transition takes six to nine months, by the time new political appointees are confirmed, briefed, and in position. But nine months out from now will be the height of the Afghan fighting season, and less than a month out from critical Presidential elections in Afghanistan. If we do this the “normal” way, it will be too late for the Obama Administration to grip it up. I think this is shaping up to be one of the smoothest transitions on record, with the current Administration going out of its way to assist and facilitate. That said, the incoming Administration has a steep learning curve, and has inherited a dire situation—so whatever we do, it’s not going to be easy.

It sounds like you’re proposing classic counterinsurgency strategy: a combination of offensive and defensive military operations, political and economic development, and diplomacy. Isn’t that what we’ve been doing these past seven years? Have we just not been doing enough of all these? Or do we need to change strategy to something fundamentally new?


Friday, November 14, 2008

Building Snowmobiles: Pope John and The Supersonic Monastary

Filed under: Building Snowmobiles — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 12:25 PM

    This is a little old, but still a cool article.  It was written at the beginning of the year, and it is a dedication to ‘Pope John and his Supersonic Monastary’ (Col. John Boyd and his ideas). But most importantly, it is an article that focuses on what parts of Boyd’s ideas we have successfully used in this current war, and what leaders have been influenced by Boyd. It is a great read, and very easy to understand.

     Some of the things that I keyed in on, that I have never heard of before, was the Cockpit or Crew Resource Management(CRM) concept and how it is being used by various groups. I will touch more on this in future articles but in summary, CRM can be defined as a management system which makes optimum use of all available resources – equipment, procedures and people – to promote safety and enhance the efficiency of flight operations. Or share in the decision making process, so nothing is missed and the right decision is made to achieve the goal.  I think there is something there for our industry, and I will build that snowmobile in the future.  Enjoy the article below, and be sure to read the comments section too.  –Head Jundi


This is a story about success and failure. It is a story about Iraq, and of something much bigger than Iraq. It is, perhaps, a small look into what makes victory, and defeat. It is a tale of infantrymen, of brave soldiers in dusty alleys a world away. It is a story of generals and strategies, too.

But to understand our newfound success there, to know a little of how we achieved it and most importantly, how to keep it, we need to move away from that Mesopotamian desert and those boots on the ground, and back to a different desert on the other side of the world a half century ago. For there, a vision was vouchsafed to a most unlikely warrior priest… the kind of insight that comes once or twice in all of human history.

There are some diverse threads to connect here. But if you have the patience to take a walk with me, you may perhaps see things in a way you have not seen them before.

Part 1

Part 2 


Wikipedia for Cockpit Resource Management 

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