Feral Jundi

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Weapons Stuff: Finding Good Deals on Ammunition

Filed under: Training,Weapons Stuff — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 10:27 AM

     This little post will be quick.  A huge part of this industry, is training.  In order to keep your shooting skills sharp, you do a ton of dry firing, but eventually you need to ‘pull some trigger’ and shoot some live stuff.  So how do you find good deals on the ammunition you need?  Well, I have found one answer to that question. 

     At Gun Deals.com , they actually have a section dedicated to searching the web for the best prices on ammunition.  And not only does it do that, but it accepts suggestions from anyone, about where to get the best deals on ammo.  So it is a hybrid search engine of a sorts.  The bottom line, is you just input what ammo you are looking for, and all the current prices for tons of different manufacturers will come up. 

     It is one of those sites, that you could use for last minute purchases, or you could continue to watch it over time, and move in on a good deal when you see it.  There are similar sites out there, and if anyone else has a favorite ammunition deals search engine besides just a plain Google Search or going to a gun show, I am all ears.  -Head Jundi 


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