Feral Jundi

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Building Snowmobiles: The Scouting Movement

On my honor, I will do my best

To do my duty To God and my country

And to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight. –Scout Oath


Col. John Boyd On Grand Strategy

Evolve and exploit insight/initiative/adaptability/harmony together with a unifying vision, via a grand ideal or an overarching theme or a noble philosophy, as basis to:

         *Shape or influence events so that we not only amplify our spirit and strength but also influence the uncommitted or potential adversaries so that they are drawn toward our philosophy and are empathetic toward our success,

yet be able to

          *Operate inside adversary’s observation-orientation-decision-action loops or get inside his mind-time-space as basis to:

          *Penetrate adversary’s moral-mental-physical being in order to isolate him from his allies, pull him apart, and collapse his will to resist. 


    I am always fascinated by the power of ideas.  Here at FJ, I am always trying to find those ideas, and study how they came about and what makes them so powerful.  One of those ideas I want to talk about today, is the Boy Scouts and the Scouting Movement that was behind the development of the Boy Scouts.

   First off, I am an Eagle Scout and I am very proud of my Scouting background.  If you talk with some guys in the industry and military, you will find that there are quite a few of us Boy Scouts floating around out there. It is interesting to me that the military/police/firefighters/medical/security contracting industries all attract Scouts.  It is equally interesting to find out how Scouting has impacted all these folks in their careers. From the camping and hiking, to the navigation, knots and fieldcraft skills, the Boy Scouts is pretty cool. Not to mention the social connections you make with others, the love and dedication of your country and the respect you garner as a productive member of a community.

   But it goes beyond just being ‘cool’, because during my time at the Scouts, I was also introduced to leadership skills.  Leadership, as you know, is something that I am totally concerned with in this industry, and that is what makes the Scouts relevant to this blog. Not to mention all the land navigation stuff or first aid stuff we did, and I look back on my time with the Boy Scouts as not just cool, but essential life skills for all of my career choices.


Monday, September 21, 2009

Jobs: Protection Strategies Inc.–TWISS 2 Positions, Iraq

Filed under: Iraq,Jobs — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 9:05 PM

     Here you go.  About a week ago, we were talking about PSI entering into the TWISS game, and here comes the jobs.  This is not an endorsement of PSI and I am not the point of contact for this company.  Please do not send any resumes to me, because I will just delete them.  If you read the first couple paragraphs of the job notice, all the information you need to apply is there. Good luck.-Matt


     Protection Strategies Incorporated (PSI) employs a talent pool of highly skilled, seasoned security experts who possess national recognition and accreditations for their performance. Each professional staff member possesses an impressive background in safeguards and security, protective force services, project management, and security operations management conducted in field operations. PSI’s core corporate staff have over 120 years of combined national level security services experience performing personnel security background investigations and adjudications; chemical/biological countermeasures, weapons of mass destruction, emergency/contingency planning, risk analysis, vulnerability assessments, and advisory support to both government and commercial clients.


Funny Stuff: A Handy, Versatile Tote at a Tremendous Value

     There’s a sale going on, so go get your ‘Xe essential tote bag’ while they last! All the cool kids have one. By the way, I am not laughing at BW/Xe, I am laughing with them.  They probably get so much traffic (pro and negative) from all over the world, that I am sure business is brisk at the pro shop.  And to sell a freaking tote bag with Xe on it, is funny and priceless. –Matt


The ‘Xe’ Essential Tote Bag


A handy, versatile tote at a tremendous value.

600 denier polyester

Large main section with small interior self-fabric pockets

Left side pocket

Web handles

Dimensions: 12″h x 14″w x 6.5″d

Buy it here.

PMC 2.0: Mobile Phone Applications–Feral Jundi Has Been Mobified!

      You’re probably wondering what I am going on about now? Sorry, bare with me.  It’s called the future, and Feral Jundi has now been formatted for mobile phones.  That means if you have an iPhone or whatever, this blog will fit better and read better on your tiny little screen.  Or at least that is the goal, and I am looking forward to any input from the readership about how to make it better.

   Don’t worry though, and I am not getting rid of the web presence here.  It’s just that mobile phones are increasingly the preferred method for reading this stuff these days, and FJ must evolve.  A lot of the emails I get from folks, are all done through phones, and it is important to go with the flow on this and take advantage of this technology and cultural shift.

    Plus, I want to be that site you pull up while you are waiting at the doctor’s office or bank, and I want it to be very easy for you to do that.  Your time is important to me, and it shouldn’t be wasted trying to navigate through several layers of internet and processing just to get to FJ.  That little bit of free time that you have out there, is the most significant aspect of this discussion, because people are using those little windows of time to do what they do normally at home on a laptop or computer.


Military News: McChrystal–More Forces or ‘Mission Failure’

   So it all comes down to this?  This totally reminds me of the Petraeus/Iraq surge debate, and the political back and forth on Iraq strategy.  One of the things that I keep thinking about with this, is the impact on this industry. If these troops are approved, then contractors will be coming in to support that upswing in numbers.  If these troops are not approved, then the training of Afghans will become a priority, and no doubt, contractors will be important for that mission as well. Hell, contractors have been involved with training for awhile, and just look at all the Afghan Border Patrol contracts?

    In both scenarios, we will answer the call.-Matt


McChrystal: More Forces or ‘Mission Failure’

Top U.S. Commander For Afghan War Calls Next 12 Months Decisive

By Bob WoodwardWashington Post Staff WriterMonday, September 21, 2009

The top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan warns in an urgent, confidential assessment of the war that he needs more forces within the next year and bluntly states that without them, the eight-year conflict “will likely result in failure,” according to a copy of the 66-page document obtained by The Washington Post.


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