Feral Jundi

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Military News: Gates Recommends Mattis For Central Command Job

   What a strange and crazy couple of weeks.  Who would have guessed that all of this shuffling of military leadership would have happened, and like this?  We get rid of McChrystal because of comments his team made in a Rolling Stones article, we pull Petraeus from CENTCOM and make him the guy in charge of Afghanistan, and now the toughs as nails Marine named Mattis will be in charge of CENTCOM. What a ride! Interesting stuff and I look forward to how this new mix of leadership will pan out for the overall war effort. –Matt


Gates Recommends Mattis for Central Command Job

By Jim GaramoneAmerican Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, July 8, 2010 – Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates today recommended Marine Corps Gen. James N. Mattis to be the next commander of U.S. Central Command.

Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has recommended to President Barack Obama that he nominate Marine Corps Gen. James N. Mattis, commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command, to succeed Army Gen. David H. Petraeus as commander of U.S.

If confirmed by the Senate, Mattis will succeed Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, who now commands U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Mattis currently is commander of U.S. Joint Forces Command.

“General Mattis has proven to be one of the military’s most innovative and iconoclastic thinkers,” Gates said during a Pentagon news conference today. “His insights into the nature of warfare in the 21st century have influenced my own views about how the armed forces must be shaped and postured for the future.”


Afghanistan: Update On Robert Langdon, By Elena Fon

     Elena has been kind enough to give us all an update on the condition of Robert Langdon, and it doesn’t sound good.  Bill Shaw made a comment on how horrible the prisons are in Afghanistan, and I certainly do not doubt that Robert is suffering there. And with the great news about Bill Shaw’s release, and the dismal report he gave about the prisons there, Robert Langdon (and Phil Young for that matter) should be the next focus.

     So what needs to be done?  Well for one, it takes pressure on the Australian government and their folks in Afghanistan, for them to influence the Afghans with the hopes of getting Rob back to Australia. You can sign the petition below and you can get the word out. You can also join the Robert Langdon FB page and pass this stuff on to any media types and your friends.  The more publicity for this case, the better. Also, you can write your consulate in Afghanistan, and hopefully they can apply some pressure on the Australians to do more. –Matt

Facebook for Robert Langdon here.

Edit: July 11, 2010- Here is an update from Elena.  Check it out:

Hi again Matt,

Would you please add the following to your latest post on Rob( and spread the word on Facebook and Twitter)?

First of all want to thank those people who have signed the petition and have spread the word.

However, there are still only 324 signatures on the petition and I am disappointed at the very few people who actually contacted me offering their help. I truly appreciate those who did so, but I was surprised that those who did respond  I can count on the fingers of one hand – what I did get was an overflow of Nigerian scammers offering to make me their heiress if only I supplied them with my bank account details. Not quite what I was hoping for.

Rob’s Legal Position at a Critical Stage.

 Rob is currently awaiting the final stage of the appeal process which will decide whether he is to hang or not.

Karim’s family have agreed on the amount of the ibra (compensation) payment to be paid and Rob’s family have raised the money. There will be a civil hearing

where this matter will be recorded. This will clear the way for Rob’s final appeal against his death sentence to the Afghan criminal division of the Supreme Court. This hearing will decide his fate; his sentence of death by hanging will either be upheld or commuted to a term of imprisonment.

If his death sentence is upheld there is no further avenue of appeal except a plea of clemency to President Hamid Karzai by the Australian government. There is every indication that the Australian government have decided Rob is expendable. Indeed they are doing their utmost to keep Rob’s case out of sight and deter those who want to save Rob and bring him home  I speak from personal experience of this.The Appeal hearing is slated to take place within the next 2-3 months. Now is the time to let the Australian government know what you think .  After the hearing, it may be too late; if it suits the current political agenda Rob could be executed shortly after sentencing.

So please everybody get writing. See above for details of the Australian Embassy in Kabul. But also it is so important to write to the Australian PM Julia Gillard, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT, Australia 2600.  With a copy to the Leader of the Opposition: Tony Abbott, address as above. It will only take a few minutes but it could help save Rob’s life.

Bad faith of the Australian government The Australian government is renowned for it’s uselessness in helping it’s citizens in trouble abroad. There is an old joke here that if you’re in trouble overseas, throw away your Aussie passport and say you’re a US citizen. A few recent examples of the general policy of inaction of the Australian government.

Nigel Brennan was an Australian aid worker kidnapped in Somalia along  with a Canadian woman. The Brennan family were told by the Dept of Foreign Affairs and

Trade  to do nothing on their own behalf to help their son. Seven months later DFAT coolly informed them there was nothing they could do; case closed.  The Brennans then hired a Canadian hostage expert who had to start from scratch as the Australian authorities refused to fill him in.  Finally, after eight more months of negotiations, Nigel Brennan was released and came home to his family.

There are currently 3 young Australian drug mules on death row in Bali (part of the Bali 9). Now I hold no brief for drug-smugglers but the news report that our

former PM Kevin Rudd had asked his Indonesian counterpart if he would kindly delay   their executions in an election year took my breath away for it’s sheer cynicism.

Britt Lapthorne was a young Aussie backpacker on holiday in Croatia in 2008 when she disappeared, to be found later in the sea reduced to a headless, limbless torso. The Australian govt put it about she had probably committed suicide and forbade her family to do anything off their own bat ( sound familiar?)  but to leave it all up to them as they didn’t want to damage trade relations with Croatia.  Witnesses came forward ….. and were ignored and by the time the Lapthorne family decided to take matters into their own hands, it was too late, a cover-up had taken place. To this day nobody has  been tried for Britt Lapthorne’s murder.

So what chance Robert Langdon?

As the organiser of the campaign to Save Rob Langdon I urge you to contact me if you want to help, know rRob, have any news of him or have any suggestions what to do.

I am on Facebook and you can email me: fon_elenaisabel.com.au

Again a big thank you to those who have shown their support so far.  I need lots more of you.



Robert Langdon

Where’s the support for Rob Langdon that he so badly needs ?

By Elena Fon

The great news is that Bill Shaw has been released from his ordeal at Pol e Charki and his innocence vindicated.

His release was due in no small part to the huge efforts of Lisa and Liz, his daughter and wife, in their very active and public  campaign for his release. Thousands of people signed the on-line petition and wrote to their MP and the British PM David Cameron to protest at the blatant miscarriage of justice Bill was subjected to.  No clearer proof exists of people- power. The British government could not afford to ignore the collective opinion so forcefully expressed. Without the efforts of Liz, Lisa and everyone who joined them Bill Shaw might still be in an Afghan prison

 So why aren’t people flocking to help Rob Langdon in his time of need?  If it’s left up to the Australian government he will likely be executed according to the wrongful sentence handed down by the corrupt Afghan courts. Rob needs more than good wishes, he needs help right now. Help from his mates, from strangers, from anybody who doesn’t want to see a man wrongfully hanged.

I have very recently received a report that Rob ” is in a very bad way” and that for some unknowable reason he refuses to join the other European prisoners in the relative safety of the  high security wing in Pol e Charki prison in Kabul. And that he recently refused an invitation sent by the other European prisoners, including South African  psc Philip Young),see feraljundi 19 June2010, to join them, the only people who can offer Rob some support and solidarity. Instead Rob apparently prefers to remain in a cramped crowded cell with 22 other men, Afghans and drug-smugglers,  with no English conversation at all.

 In fact I’m wondering if Rob does receive any visits, food, mail? Is he even aware that people wish him well and want to help him? Does anybody have any hard facts here?

Rob, needs your help and sooner rather than later.

For full details of Rob’s case I refer you to my article in the June issue of the Overwatch Report here.

There is also a petition you can sign here.

But come on, guys, you can do more than just a signature. Help me to organise a Bill Shaw type campaign, and bring Rob home to Australia to serve his sentence.

Contact Elena:  fon_elenaisabel@yahoo.com.au

Australian Embassy in Afghanistan here.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Industry Talk: A Critique Of Professor Allison Stanger’s CWC Testimony On What Is ‘Inherently Governmental’

     Interesting testimony from Professor Stanger.  Finally we are starting to see some movement towards acknowledging the existence of the LoM in DC, and it is fun to see where it goes. Although in the case with this testimony, Stanger forgot some key historical points to add to the inherently governmental debate.  She sure did use the privateer analogy, but made no mention of their contribution or size of industry during the Revolutionary War or War of 1812.

    Matter of fact, her entire testimony and point of view is lacking historical reference–as if contractors have no place in the history of this country.  Of course that is totally wrong, and I think I have made a good case on this blog about that history.  It is just troubling to me that a person of her stature and intellect would choose to ignore that stuff in such a key intellectual debate. I thought she was under oath? lol

    I also wanted to post this, because much of her testimony is being quoted and used by the various critics and reporters out there covering this industry.  So if everyone is rallying around her testimony, it is kind of important to read what she has to say, and give an alternative point of view to provide some balance.

   What I will do is go through some of the key points and give the Feral Jundi point of view or POV.  Maybe the professor can come up in the comments section and care to provide further input or explanation? Anyhoo, lets get started shall we?

Stanger Testimony: Contracting for moving security is largely a post-Cold War development, and our missions in Iraq and Afghanistan today are wholly dependent on it.

Feral Jundi POV: Actually, the history of privateers hauling colonists to the new world was the first use of armed contractors for a ‘moving security’ example.  We also depended on contractors moving supplies during all of our early wars in the form of camp followers. The Pinkertons were used to protect Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. During the Indian Wars and expansion into the West, armed security contractors were vital to the security of wagon trains, stage coaches, ranch/cattle protection, law enforcement, and scouts.  “Eight civilians have received Medals of Honor including Dr. Mary Edwards Walker (the only woman to ever receive the award), one civilian scout and two civilian Naval pilots during the Civil War, and 4 civilian scouts during the Indian Campaigns (including William Cody…”Buffalo Bill”).” America has a rich history of contracting with armed security for protection or combat operations that certainly required ‘moving security’.

Stanger Testimony: Using Friedman’s minimalist definition, the use of contractors in the realms of security and justice demand the strictest scrutiny.  Even under this leanest of definitions, moving security contractors are performing inherently governmental functions, since they are actively involved in defending the nation against foreign enemies. 

Feral Jundi POV: Allison forgets that defending a nation against foreign enemies is the first point mentioned by Friedman, in his minimalist list, and the most important.  To me, a nation’s first goal above all else is survival.  To use all and any means necessary and available to defend a nation.  That means using a standing army and private industry if necessary.  Yet again, the historical context for this argument is the existence of Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11.  It’s existence symbolizes our nation’s desire to uphold the right to use private industry during times of war, and the clause for granting Letters of Marque and Reprisal is right there next to the authority to Declare War.  That is significant.

     And from a strategist’s point of view, I want every available tool in my hands to conduct war and defeat an enemy.  It is why George Washington relied upon his standing  armies, his volunteer militias, as well as his privateers, and it is why we are using private industry in such a way now. It answers a need for manpower.

   You could also make an argument that the Second Amendment is an essential tool for the defense of a nation. ‘A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.’  So would Milton Friedman or Allison Stanger argue that the Second Amendment conflicts with what their definition of inherently governmental is or what the state should allow for the defense of a country?

Stanger Testimony: There are additional grounds for concern about the use of armed security contractors that have yet to receive appropriate attention.  From a constitutional perspective, Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution gives Congress the power to grant letters of marque and reprisal, yet armed privateers have been deployed in both Iraq and 

Afghanistan without such explicit authorization. 

Feral Jundi POV: This is the key point of this whole testimony that I wanted the reader to focus in on.  Allison brought it up, but it is interesting to me that she would make no recommendations for congress to actually use it? Nor did she care to elaborate on the significance of this law. That it does symbolize America’s relationship with armed security and private industry during times of war.  By not bringing that history into the discussion, the commission has nothing to really build off of for an opinion on the law itself.  If I were to advise congress, I would just tell them that they have had the power and right to do anything they want (and for a long time) in regards to controlling and licensing private industry during times of war.  They are law makers, they have the law to do such a thing in their war fighting tool kit, and they could have actually set up the kind of legal conditions and checks and balances with private industry that this whole commission is concerned with trying to understand.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Funny Stuff: The Osombie Bin Laden Target By OPSGEAR

Industry Talk: DoS Awards Northrop Grumman African Training Contract (ACOTA)

    Interesting news and I know a few guys out there will be glad to find this out.  If any of the readers have anything to add, please feel free to comment below. –Matt


U.S. Department of State Awards Northrop Grumman African Training Contract

July 6, 2010

The U.S. Department of State has awarded a contract to Northrop Grumman Corporation to continue providing staff to conduct peacekeeping operations and humanitarianism assistance training for the African Contingency Operations Training and Assistance (ACOTA) program.

The contract has a potential value of $150 million over five years.

“The ACOTA program is to arguably the most successful engagement program that the U.S. State Department has had in Africa. The objective is to enable participating nations’ militaries to develop their own trained unit capacity to provide peacekeeping support operations where required,” said Mike Devlin, Northrop Grumman Technical Services International Program Director. “We are most pleased that we have been again selected to continue successfully supporting the ACOTA mission.”


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