. There was a 19 % increase (from 10,743 to 13,232) of armed DoD PSCs in Iraq compared to the 2nd quarter FY 2009 census. This increase can be attributed to an increased need for PSCs to provide security as the military begins to drawdown forces and to our continued improved ability to account for subcontractors who are providing security services.
. There was a 20% increase (from 4,111 to 5,165) of armed DoD PSCs in Afghanistan compared to the 1st quarter FY 2009 census. The increase correlates to the build up of forces in that AOR.
As promised, here is the link and a quick summary of the latest Program Support report on DoD contractors. The most important statistic that you guys need to tell your friends, and enemies, is the one on security contractors up top. That and we now outnumber the troops in Afghanistan.
Now remember, this is an increase from the last report, and not some yearly report. So the numbers are skyrocketing, and as far as I can tell, we have a very important role in both wars.
The other point I wanted to make, is the politics of the wars are driving things big time. If we want a fast drawdown in Iraq, then using civilian contractors is one way to add lubrication to that process. Same thing if we want to deploy faster in Afghanistan, and more and more, we are seeing the use of contractors as a way to get that machine running for whatever strategy has to be implemented immediately. I am sure if the generals and the administration had all the time in the world, they would probably do things differently, but right now, private industry is what is answering the call–and mightily. But don’t listen to me, listen to the statistics, and you be the judge. –Matt
July 2009
BACKGROUND: This update reports DoD contractor personnel numbers in theater and outlines DoD efforts to improve management of contractors accompanying U.S. forces. It covers DoD contractor personnel deployed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) area of responsibility (AOR) as of June 30, 2009.
. Ending 3rd quarter FY 2009, USCENTCOM reported approximately 243,735 contractor personnel working for the DoD in the USCENTCOM AOR. A breakdown of those personnel is provided below:
DoD Contractor Personnel in the USCENTCOM AOR
Total Contractors U.S. Citizens Third Country
Nationals Local/Host Country Nationals
Iraq Only 119,706 31,541 56,125 32,040
Afghanistan Only 73,968 10,036 11,806 51,126
Other USCENTCOM Locations 50,061 9,381 35,053 5,627
USCENTCOM AOR 243,735 50,958 102,984 89,793
Data does not include other U.S. Government Agencies/Departments
. These numbers reflect a 10% decrease (from 132.6K to
120K) in contractors in Iraq compared to the 2nd quarter FY 2009 census due to ongoing efforts to reduce the contractor footprint in Iraq.
. There was a 9% increase (from 68K to 74K) in contractor
personnel in Afghanistan compared to the 2nd quarter FY 2009 census due to increased OPTEMPO.
. There was a negligible increase in contractors AOR wide
(from 243K to 244K), with significant decreases in Iraq and
significant increases in Kuwait and Afghanistan.
. Contractors accompanying the force provide a broad range
of capabilities. The main categories of contracts in Iraq and
the percentages of contractors working on them are displayed
Iraq DoD Contractor Personnel Breakdown
by Type of Service Provided (as of 30 June 09)
General Data on the Number of Private Security Contractor
Personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan
. Private security contractors perform personal security,
convoy security, and static security missions. Not all private
security contractor personnel are armed.
. USCENTCOM reports, as of 30 June 2009, the following
distribution of private security contractors in Iraq and
Total U.S. Citizens/ Third Country National Local/Host Country National
Total DoD PSCs in Iraq 15,279, 802, 12,735, 1,742
Armed DoD PSCs in Iraq 13,232, 623, 11,580, 1,029
Total DoD PSCs in Afghanistan 5,198, 19 264, 4,915
Armed DoD PSCs in Afghanistan 5,165 13 257 4,895
We believe these numbers include most subcontractors and service contractors hired by prime contractors under DoD contracts.
. There was a 19 % increase (from 10,743 to 13,232) of armed DoD PSCs in Iraq compared to the 2nd quarter FY 2009 census. This increase can be attributed to an increased need for PSCs to provide security as the military begins to drawdown forces and to our continued improved ability to account for subcontractors who are providing security services.
. There was a 20% increase (from 4,111 to 5,165) of armed
DoD PSCs in Afghanistan compared to the 1st quarter FY 2009
census. The increase correlates to the build up of forces in
that AOR.
General Conditions Regarding Contracts and Contractor Personnel
. The Combatant Commander has provided specific guidance on arming contractor personnel and private security contractors in the USCENTCOM AOR through a series of Fragmentary Orders (FRAGOs) and other authoritative guidance, including the following:
. Private security contractor personnel are not authorized
to participate in offensive operations and must comply with
specific USCENTCOM Rules for the Use of Force (RUF). Under these RUF, private security contractor personnel are authorized to use deadly force only when necessary in: self-defense, defense of facilities / persons as specified in their contract; prevention of life-threatening acts directed against civilians; or defense of Coalition-approved property specified within their contract.
The Multi-National Force – Iraq (MNF-I) issues to approved
private security contractor personnel a weapons card authorizing them to carry a weapon. This weapons card also contains the guidance for the RUF and the contractor personnel’s signature acknowledging the difference between the RUF and the Rules of Engagement.
. Private security contractor personnel in Iraq must be
properly licensed to carry arms in accordance with host nation
law and must receive USCENTCOM / Coalition Forces’ approval of their operations. As of January 2009, a Stationing Agreement(SA) between the United States and the Republic of Iraq on the withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the organization of their activities during their temporary presence in Iraq replaced the Coalition Provisional Authority Order 17 (CPA 17) that expired 31 December, 2008. On 30 December, 2008, Iraq’s Ministry of Interior (MOI) issued an order that established Joint
Committees to review existing policies and to develop new policies and procedures. The order also called for a grace period until the Committee’s recommendations are agreed to by the MOI. Committee members include representatives from MOI, GOI, MNF-I and U.S. Embassy Iraq. JCC I/A participates as requested.
These committees will discuss and implement the following:
. Licensing of contractors
. Registration of firearms and personal security weaponry
. Vehicle registration
. Licensing of pilots and aircrafts related to personnel
and security operations
. Customs, duties, tariffs, taxation and inspections
. Entry, Exit procedures and use of DoD assets to transport
members of the U.S. Forces, DoD Civilian component, U.S.
contractors, U.S. Embassy personnel, and other members of the
Coalition Force
. MNF-I forces are authorized to stop, search, seize
weapons, and detain civilians armed under MNF -I Fragmentary
Order, 07-428 (Armed Contractors / DoD Civilians and PSCs), if
MNF-I forces observe a RUF violation, exhibitions of criminal
behavior, or conduct that threatens security.
. DoD contractor personnel armed by DoD authority must
report any use of force, including the firing of a weapon. This
requirement and the required information to be submitted are
identified within the terms of the contract and MNF-I FRAGO,
07-428. MNF-I forces must report any use of force by a civilian
armed under the requirements of this FRAGO to their chain of
Improvements to Management and Oversight of DoD Contractors
. Joint Operational Contract Support Planners (JOCSP).
Fourteen (14) JOCSPs are allocated among the COCOMs. Planners
assist the CCDR in identifying gaps where contractor support
capability may be required. They will then help to integrate
required contractor support into plans and synchronize
requirements with subordinate commands, the Military Departments,
Defense Agencies, other U.S. Government (USG) Agencies, and
coalition partners.
. Joint Contingency Acquisition Support Office. The ADUSD
(Program Support) is institutionalizing the establishment of the
current Joint Contracting Command structure for future
contingencies. This organization, called the JCASO, will have
the capability to perform program management and operational
synchronization of all theater related contracting support
efforts. ADUSD (Program Support) conducted a pilot
implementation of the concept during EUCOM exercise Austere
Challenge in April 2008 and exercised the concept again in EUCOM
and PACOM exercises in 2009. On October 20, 2008, ADUSD (Program
Support) fielded the provisional JCASO organization, thus meeting
its end of FY 2008 target goal ahead of schedule. Full
Operational Capability (FOC) is scheduled at the end of the 1st
quarter FY 2010.
. Synchronized Predeployment and Operational Tracker
(SPOT). We continue to transition from manual accounting of
contractor personnel to a web-based, database tool, called SPOT,
to track contractor personnel and contractor capability in
theater. A SPOT-generated Letter of Authorization is now
required for contractors receiving government furnished support
in the CENTCOM AOR. This requirement has led to a substantial
increase in registered contractors; there are now 167,500 active
records of contractors in SPOT. Initial deployment of Joint
Asset Management and Movement System (JAMMS) scanners to Kuwait,
Iraq, and Afghanistan is complete. This scanning equipment
captures movements of contractor personnel through key life
support and movement nodes using their identification cards.
. Authority of the Joint Contracting Command for Iraq and
Afghanistan (JCC-I/A) to pre-clear all contracts and task orders
to be implemented in Iraq and Afghanistan. The USCENTCOM
established a Joint Contracting Command, reporting to MNF-I to
provide centralized management and responsive operational
contracting support to ongoing operations in Iraq and
Afghanistan. The JCC-I/A commander has the authority to approve
statements of work and terms and conditions that relate to the
delivery of supplies and services in or to Iraq or Afghanistan.
This requirement will ensure contracts contain the appropriate
terms and conditions for work to be accomplished in Iraq and
Afghanistan and will ensure the planned work is in consonance
with in-country commanders’ plans.
. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Department of
Defense and the Department of State (DoS) on USG Private Security
Contractors (PSCs). On December 5, 2007, the DoD and the DoS
signed an MOA defining a framework for improving accountability
and strengthening operations of USG PSCs in Iraq. This MOA
covers a broad range of management policies and procedures to
achieve more effective management coordination of PSC operations
in Iraq. MNF-I FRAGO 07-428 was published on 15 December 2007
implementing the MOA.
. Increase in Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
staffing to strengthen pre- and post-award contract oversight.
DCMA agreed to expand its presence in theater and take
responsibility for the administration of the more complex
contracts that require specialized and critical oversight
. Implementation of Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
authority over DoD contractors. Secretary of Defense memorandum,
“UCMJ Jurisdiction Over DoD Civilian Employees, DoD Contractor
Personnel, and Other Persons Serving With or Accompanying the
Armed Forces Overseas During Declared War and in Contingency
Operations,” was signed March 10, 2008. This memo addresses
concurrent authority and defines the authorities and policies for
the implementation of UCMJ authority to DoD civilians and DoD
contractor personnel.
. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS)
and Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) changes. On March 31,
2008 DoD adopted an interim rule amending the DFARS to implement
DoD policy regarding contractor personnel authorized to accompany
U.S. Armed Forces deployed outside the United States. On
February 28, 2008 changes to the FAR were finalized addressing
the issues of contractor personnel that are providing support to
the U.S. Government outside the United States but are not covered
by the DFARS rule.
. Final 854 Report submitted. This report, required by
section 854 of the FY 2007 NDAA, was submitted on April 17, 2008.
The report outlined a strategic policy framework for program
management of DoD contractors and contractor personnel and
updated status on the initiatives related to contract management
and oversight. A General Officer Steering Committee (GOSC) has
been established to manage implementation.
. DoD documents being published, updated, and integrated.
. Rewrite of DoD Instruction (DoDI) 3020.41. A revised
version of DoD 3020.41, “Program Management of Operational
Contract Support for Contingency Operations,” formerly entitled
“Contractor Personnel Authorized to Accompany the U.S. Armed
Forces,” is in final coordination. This version contains
significant changes to the existing instruction including: (1)
incorporation of lessons learned from current operations; (2)
requirements for the development of contractor oversight plans;
(3) requirements for adequate military personnel necessary to
execute contract oversight; and, (4) standards of medical care
for deployed contractors.
. DoDI 3020.50 on U.S. Government Private Security
Contractors Operating in a Designated Area of Combat Operations.
This instruction has been signed. This DoDI prescribes the
selection, accountability, training, equipping, and conduct of
personnel performing private security functions under a covered
contract in a designated area of combat operations for both DoD
and DoS PSCs. It also prescribes incident reporting, use of and
accountability for equipment, rules for the use of force, and a
process for the discipline or removal, as appropriate, of U.S.
Government Private Security Contractor (USG PSC) personnel. The
DoDI responds to requirements of section 862 of the FY 2008 NDAA.
. DoD Directive (DoDD 3020.49) on Orchestrating,
Synchronizing, and Integrating Program Management of Contingency
Acquisition Planning and its Operational Execution. This new
Directive was signed on March 24, 2009. It establishes policy
and assigns responsibilities for program management for the
preparation and execution of acquisitions for contingency
operations, and for the accountability, integration and
management of all contractors supporting the DoD and all USG PSCs
operating in an area of contingency operations.
. Memorandum of Understanding between DoS, DoD and USAID
Relating to Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Section 861 of
the NDAA for FY 2008 requires the identification of common
databases among the DoD, DoS, and USAID to serve as repositories
of information on contracts and contractor personnel in Iraq and
Afghanistan. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed on
July 8, 2008. In it, the Agencies agreed that SPOT will serve as
the interagency database for information on contractor personnel.
. Establishment of a “911” Response Capability. A
DepSecDef memorandum providing guidance on the responsibility to
respond to reports that these contractor and civilian employees
have allegedly committed crimes or who are reported to be the
victims of crimes was issued September 10, 2008.
. Continued development of an Operational Contract Support
Concept of Operations (CONOPS). The CONOPs, currently out for
comment, outlines how the operational and acquisition communities
plan and execute OCS during complex operations involving support,
not just to the joint force, but to our multinational, other
government agency and interagency partners as well.
. Programs of Instruction for the non-acquisition
workforce. Contingency Contracting is taught by the Defense
Acquisition University (DAU) as a special subject for key
acquisition personnel. We have developed Programs of Instruction(POI) on contingency acquisition for our non acquisition
workforce to be taught at military staff and senior staff
colleges. This training focuses all leaders on determining
requirements, translating those requirements into SOWs, and then overseeing work.
Link to publication here.