Feral Jundi

Monday, January 4, 2010

Call To Action: A Fraud On Facebook, By Eeben Barlow

Filed under: Call To Action — Tags: , , — Matt @ 9:33 AM

   Hey gang, get the word out.  Whomever is posing as Eeben on Facebook, is not cool.  So if you are a part of that group or fan page or whatever, that is not him who is running it.  So definitely flag it, definitely drop yourself from it, and do not give them any information. –Matt



By Eeben Barlow

Normally, I tend to ignore imposters as I have personally met several people over the years impersonating me or claiming to have started Executive Outcomes or even to have commanded it, managed it or planned its actions.

However, I was recently alerted to my apparent Facebook page. The person impersonating me on Facebook is using both my name and the company logo of Executive Outcomes.

I have tried to contact Facebook to report this issue of “identity theft” but have not been successful. Additionally, many people who visit this blog have written and asked me why I don’t respond to them on Facebook. The answer is quite simply: I have never had a Facebook profile.

To those of you who have tried to contact me on Facebook, I am sorry that someone has been using my name and EO’s logo to bait you. This lurker and identity thief must have a very devious and nefarious reason for doing this.

But, given my inability to have Facebook take action against this waster, I have decided to do so myself and expose this dishrag as both a fraud and an imposter. Added to that is his apparent attempt to use the name of a once-great company to either gather intelligence or generate business for himself. One can sink no lower than that, especially as I doubt if he would have had the moral fibre to have been part of EO.

Due to my own self-imposed blog policy (to refuse the use of foul language), I am forced to only tell this fraud to stop using my name and the logo and name of Executive Outcomes and to get a life.

Link to Eeben’s blog post here.

This is the link to the Facebook page here.

Edit: 01/05/2010 – Here is another page that Eeben identified here. Here is another one here.


  1. Hi Matt,

    Thanks for this – it is much appreciated. I have discovered several other such targets who I shall attack on a one-by-one basis.



    Comment by Eeben Barlow — Monday, January 4, 2010 @ 5:48 PM

  2. Eeben,

    No problem, and I added the other one that you identified. The readership is definitely aware now and getting the word out. -Matt

    Comment by headjundi — Monday, January 4, 2010 @ 8:56 PM

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