Feral Jundi

Friday, July 25, 2008

Cool Stuff: The Unbreakable Umbrella

     Ok, you are probably wondering why I would post this on Feral Jundi?  This product is not only a very tough umbrella, but can also be used for self defense or the protection of your client.  And if you are in countries that do not allow you to purchase a weapon or is very difficult to get, then this might be your ticket.  

     What I liked about it, is that it looks harmless.  But if you wanted to wail on someone with this thing, it is not going to break and it is going to do some damage.  And for those executive protection details that require you to be not armed, a tool like this might be the trick.  Just like using a rolled up magazine or the corner of a hardback book, this umbrella could be a very nice discreet self-defense tool to have around.  

   Thanks to Doug again for hooking me up with this info, and I guess Wired did a good little story on this product as well.  As for endorsements, it sounds like the Presidential Security Group (PSG) of the Philippines President uses this umbrella as a defensive tool. 

    And it is a fully functioning umbrella!  Which at the end of the day, protecting your client from the rain will probably be your highest use for such a product.  But sure would be handy to have something like this for the ‘what if’ situations.  It would also be a great gift for a loved one that is looking for a dual use product like this.  Be sure to check out the video on the website, to see a demonstration of this thing.  And as a disclaimer, I do not own this umbrella, nor do I work for the company.  I am just reporting on an interesting product that has some application to the security contracting industry.  –Head Jundi 


 From the Website of Real Self-Defense, LLC

     The Unbreakable Umbrella works just as well as a walking stick or cane but does not make you look funny or feel awkward. Whacks just as strong as a steel pipe but it weighs only 1 lb. and 11 oz. (775 g).

    * Legal to carry everywhere

    *Never raises suspicions

    *Does not make you look silly (no strange looks if carried by an able-bodied person)

     Our Unbreakable Umbrella has no unusual parts, no more metal than an average umbrella, it does not arouse suspicion, can be carried legally everywhere where any weapons are prohibited, unlike a walking stick it does not cause strange looks if carried by an able-bodied person, and it does protect from rain. Anyone who can use a stick for defense can use this umbrella.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cool Stuff: The WPPS Ring

Filed under: Cool Stuff — Tags: , — Matt @ 2:32 PM

         This is interesting.  This is the first time I have ever seen jewelry offered up for security contractors.  Personally, I don’t like wearing rings, but for some guys out there, this means a lot.  Especially if you are proud of your service as a contractor. Personally, I like a nice watch, like a Rolex or something.  I just thought the cross in the center of the ring was interesting, and had certain meaning. 

      The whole Knights Templar thing with the ‘shield and cross’, is a pretty common theme on patches and t-shirts.  So is eating bacon and pork.  Heck, I have even seen the shield and cross marked on helmets and drawn on the shields on gun tubs.  It’s not that contractors are particularly religious, it’s just that we are up against an enemy that is deadly religious and has been conducting their own crusade, and the KT cross is a symbol of mocking that religious extremism by using another form of religious extremism.  

      Of course no one really gives a crap about that stuff with our group, they just do it for the psychological edge, and it helps you get through the day.  I am not defending or putting it down.  That’s just how it is over there, and only those that have done any time over there, know what I mean.

       Then of course if you are religious, then that cross can be a good thing to have on you.  Just as long as you aren’t going on your own personal crusade and trying to convert or kill the masses. LOL  But like they say, there are no atheists in foxholes, and security contractors are no different than anyone else over there, in that regard.    

      The other little known fact that relates to this ring, is that’ Templar’ was a common call sign over there, and that is with all the companies, and not just with the WPPS companies.  –Head Jundi   

 Eagle Rings



 Gold WPPS ring


 WPPS ring, 14K Gold

Sterling Silver WPPS Ring

WPPS ring, Sterling Silver

The WPPS Ring

This ring was made in recognition and appreciation of the Worldwide Personal Protective Services.  WPPS is a program under the U.S. diplomatic effort to reconstruct Iraq and Afghanistan after the commencement of the War on Terrorism . It employs honorably United States discharged military and law enforcement citizens in a range of protection services for US personnel and facilities abroad.

The Templar Cross and shield represents Christianity and the protection it has offered to a country that has been attacked by threats domestic and international. The Eagle stands for Freedom and the term: “Armis Exposcere Pacem” is Latin for ‘They demand Peace through Force of Arms’. This ring serves as a symbol to honor and sacrifices many have given in the performance of their duties. This is the only ring in our collection made from computer-generated technology.

WPPS Ring Pricing

Heavy Sterling Silver $276

10K Yellow Gold $859

14K White or Yellow Gold $1230

18K White or Yellow Gold $1670

Company Website 

Friday, May 9, 2008

Cool Stuff: Hissatsu Folder

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Gear Review — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 11:19 AM

I like this knife a lot, and this is what I carry.  It is well built, and pretty evil looking.  It is not a field knife though, and I only recommend this knife as a defensive weapon for street carry (I recommend a multi-tool and a tough folder for field work)  If you are a fan of the large Hissatsu knives, then you will like this more compact version of the knife.  There are two locking mechanisms, and this has an opening assist mechanism(that can be removed if you want).  I would definitely recommend getting used to deploying this knife, and add a drop of good knife oil in it every once in awhile.  I would rate this as another quality product from CRKT and the Bugei Trading Company. –Matt

Buy the knife here.


The Hissatsu Folder

James Williams is actively involved in teaching Military special operations and government security professionals who must at times perform their daily high-risk duties in environments which do not allow them to carry firearms or a large fixed blade knife such as the Hissatsu–. At training sessions and demonstrations, they have asked James to design a folder with the defensive power of the Hissatsu that can be a concealed carry in a pocket or clipped comfortably under a jacket. The result is the CRKT Hissatsu– Folder. Blade length is 3.875″, which is safely under the legal limit in most jurisdictions, while blade finish is non-reflective black Teflon® coating.


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Cool Stuff: Spider Car

Filed under: Cool Stuff,Technology,Video — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 10:50 AM

Now mount a M 240 to this thing, and you have a party. Could you imagine going down the streets in Baghdad with this thing, and especially if it was faster, quiet, and well armored? LOL!! -Head Jundi

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cool Stuff: Air America Ballcap

Filed under: Cool Stuff — Tags: , , — Matt @ 11:47 AM

     I thought that this was cool. This is an old Air America ball cap. Whether it is genuine, or not, you will have to talk with the seller. I have been looking for old retro Air America t-shirts, with no luck. I have found patches though. Air America was an aviation contractor during the war in Southeast Asia. Back in the day, they were big, and their mission were extremely dangerous and far reaching. If anyone has any old Air America stuff that they have found, let me know, and I will post it here. –Head Jundi

Air America Ballcap


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