Feral Jundi

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cool Stuff: The WPPS Ring

Filed under: Cool Stuff — Tags: , — Matt @ 2:32 PM

         This is interesting.  This is the first time I have ever seen jewelry offered up for security contractors.  Personally, I don’t like wearing rings, but for some guys out there, this means a lot.  Especially if you are proud of your service as a contractor. Personally, I like a nice watch, like a Rolex or something.  I just thought the cross in the center of the ring was interesting, and had certain meaning. 

      The whole Knights Templar thing with the ‘shield and cross’, is a pretty common theme on patches and t-shirts.  So is eating bacon and pork.  Heck, I have even seen the shield and cross marked on helmets and drawn on the shields on gun tubs.  It’s not that contractors are particularly religious, it’s just that we are up against an enemy that is deadly religious and has been conducting their own crusade, and the KT cross is a symbol of mocking that religious extremism by using another form of religious extremism.  

      Of course no one really gives a crap about that stuff with our group, they just do it for the psychological edge, and it helps you get through the day.  I am not defending or putting it down.  That’s just how it is over there, and only those that have done any time over there, know what I mean.

       Then of course if you are religious, then that cross can be a good thing to have on you.  Just as long as you aren’t going on your own personal crusade and trying to convert or kill the masses. LOL  But like they say, there are no atheists in foxholes, and security contractors are no different than anyone else over there, in that regard.    

      The other little known fact that relates to this ring, is that’ Templar’ was a common call sign over there, and that is with all the companies, and not just with the WPPS companies.  –Head Jundi   

 Eagle Rings



 Gold WPPS ring


 WPPS ring, 14K Gold

Sterling Silver WPPS Ring

WPPS ring, Sterling Silver

The WPPS Ring

This ring was made in recognition and appreciation of the Worldwide Personal Protective Services.  WPPS is a program under the U.S. diplomatic effort to reconstruct Iraq and Afghanistan after the commencement of the War on Terrorism . It employs honorably United States discharged military and law enforcement citizens in a range of protection services for US personnel and facilities abroad.

The Templar Cross and shield represents Christianity and the protection it has offered to a country that has been attacked by threats domestic and international. The Eagle stands for Freedom and the term: “Armis Exposcere Pacem” is Latin for ‘They demand Peace through Force of Arms’. This ring serves as a symbol to honor and sacrifices many have given in the performance of their duties. This is the only ring in our collection made from computer-generated technology.

WPPS Ring Pricing

Heavy Sterling Silver $276

10K Yellow Gold $859

14K White or Yellow Gold $1230

18K White or Yellow Gold $1670

Company Website 


  1. I made this ring at the request of a whole group of contractors working in Iraq and Afganistan. Someone saw my USMC ring and other designs and asked me if I could make a ring up especially for them. It took about six months of sketches going back and forth before they finally arrived at the final look. All were pleased with the outcome. Mike Carroll

    Comment by Mike — Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 2:46 AM

  2. Mike,

    Bravo to you and the crew that designed such a cool ring. Take care.

    Comment by headjundi — Thursday, June 18, 2009 @ 3:01 PM

  3. This is great, I wish someone would make a more 'generic' one encompassing all PMC/PSC, and without the cross. (This is a beautiful ring, don't get me wrong. )

    Comment by James — Wednesday, May 18, 2011 @ 3:21 PM

  4. OK, I went to the company website. The pic of the ring there looks like a badly done knock off of the one posted here. The eagle on it looks like a chicken that been out in the rain all day. What gives?
    I guarantee if I spent the coin for one of these (and I'm thinking about it) I'd be upset if I opened the box and it didn't look as good as the one above.

    Comment by josey — Saturday, October 15, 2011 @ 11:18 AM

  5. Josey,
    Our company has 2 versions of the WPPS eagle ring design.
    The first one pictured is a Computer Aided Design (CAD), machine produced, allowing for the precision cuts. Our hand carved version was produced using the art of lost wax method of casting; hand sculpted out of wax, as are 99% of our remaining eagle designs.
    This CAD version was produced as a special order, and is also available through our company. We have mixed opinions of which design is the most appealing.
    If you have any further questions, or are interested in ordering our CAD version, please call or email us. Thank you for your comments. Mike Carroll

    Comment by Mike Carroll — Monday, February 17, 2014 @ 8:05 AM

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