Feral Jundi

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

History: The Logistics Nightmare of the Soviets in Afghanistan

Filed under: Afghanistan,History — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 2:06 PM

Soviets Helicopter in Afghanistan

“The war was a contest by both sides to control the other’s logistics. The Soviet lines of communication (LOC) were a double lane highway network which wound through the Hindu Kush Mountains – some of the most inhospitable terrain on earth. The Soviet presence depended on its ability to keep the roads open. Much of the Soviet combat in Afghanistan was a fight for control of the road network. The resistance destroyed over 11,000 Soviet trucks. The DRA truck losses were reportedly higher. The Mujahideen ability to interdict the LOC was a constant concern to the Soviet and prevented them from maintaining a larger occupation force in Afghanistan.”


PDF File Here for Report on Soviet Lessons in Afghanistan



Wednesday, December 24, 2008

History: The Christmas Truce of 1914

Filed under: History — Tags: , , — Matt @ 11:50 AM

     You know, I always like to look back in history and gain some perspectives on war and the conditions of men during that war.  And being in a war or just being away from family during the holidays is very tough.  This is the time when you think about family, and you wish you were with them.  And if you are in a really crappy location doing tough things out there in this war, then the comforts and memories of home during the holidays really sink in. It sucks, and you do what you can to get by and keep pressing forward with your job.   

    In the case of World War 1, I can only imagine how terrible that war was.  A good indicator of how bad it was, is the fact that the soldiers on both sides agreed to a truce to celebrate Christmas.  It must have been quite a thing to one day be slogging around in a freezing cold, bloody, and muddy trench, while trying to kill the enemy in a nearby trench, and then stop the next day to celebrate Christmas with that same enemy combatant.  Both sides must have been so incredibly tired and mentally drained about the whole thing, to just put it all to the side for just one day of peace.  Quite a thing indeed.  

     Where ever you are out there, hang in there and Merry Christmas from Feral Jundi. –Matt  




This is part of a 10 page letter from an unknown British soldier who recorded events and incidents with the Germans during the 1914 Christmas Truce during World War 1.


    This will be the most memorable Christmas I’ve ever spent or likely to spend: since about tea time yesterday I don’t think theres been a shot fired on either side up to now. Last night turned a very clear frost moonlight night, so soon after dusk we had some decent fires going and had a few carols and songs.


Thursday, November 27, 2008

History: Private Security Contractor Myles Standish, and Thanksgiving

Filed under: History — Tags: , , — Matt @ 1:54 PM

   This story was from last year, but I thought I would bring it up again for turkey day.  Enjoy and happy holidays. –Head Jundi


Thanksgiving, the colonies security,  and the private security contractor Myles Standish that made it all happen.

Link Here

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Books: Patriot Pirates by Robert H. Patton

Filed under: Books,History — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 12:57 PM


     I got a chance to read through this book at Barnes and Noble the other day.  I am not a Revolutionary War history buff or anything, but as a security contractor, I was certainly intrigued.  If Max Weber was to read this book, he would have ‘crapped nickels’. LOL

   Bottom line, thanks to these privateers or private naval companies, we were able to fight the British on the high seas.  And guess what, we made fighting the British a profitable venture for these PNC’s through ‘legalized piracy’.  Crazy.  Can you imagine if the US gave a company like Blackwater a ‘letter of marque‘ and said ‘we can’t pay you, but if you attack Somali pirates for us, you can keep all the plundered goods’?

    The one thing this book brings up, that has some parallels to today’s private contractors, is the concept of profitable patriotism.  Patriotism in itself is a good thing, but who says you cannot be a patriot, and make some good money in the process?  It’s the American way, as this book has so blatantly pointed out.                Although I think privateering might not be that popular of an idea in today’s politically correct world. But combining patriotism and profitability can and should be a concept we should not frown upon, and it is a combination that can be incredibly effective if regulated by the state properly.  World War 2 and the military industry, pulled us out of the depths of despair after the Great Depression–don’t tell me some factories did not make some profit off of that war? Or the massive reconstruction contracts after that war?  KBR eat your heart out. 

     And by regulation, I mean making sure that the laws are followed, as well as the contracts, yet still allowing for the free market to dictate the ebb and flow of the industry.  And with globalization, regulation amongst the companies for this war, is increasingly difficult.  As America puts more regulation on it’s own  industry, and yet is unable to impact the global industry with the same regulations, then that is where we hinder our free market efficiency for this war.  It is a problem that impacts most industry out there, and ours is not immune to this. –Head Jundi




From Publishers Weekly

Patton (The Pattons: A Personal History of an American Family) turns his attention to an often overlooked aspect of the Revolutionary War: maritime privateering, or legalized piracy. Patton is careful to distinguish the mixed motives of these patriot pirates, for often there was less patriotism than simple greed. Nevertheless, their work fulfilled George Washington’s strategic aim to win the war by exhausting Britain into giving up the struggle. In what Patton terms a massive seaborne insurgency that dwarfed the efforts of the colonists’ small navy, thousands of privateers nettled British shipping, sometimes gaining vast fortunes. Privateering also turned into a handy political issue when Benjamin Franklin, the American representative in France, succeeded in persuading his hosts to allow Yankee skippers to sell their booty in French ports—a breach of the country’s neutrality that aggravated diplomatic tensions, as Franklin knew it would, and helped cement Paris’s commitment to American independence. Patton gives an absorbing exhumation of an undersung subject that will be of particular interest to Revolution buffs. (May 20) 

Buy the Book Here

Thursday, November 20, 2008

History: How the Royal Navy Dealt with the Pirate Blackbeard

Filed under: History,Maritime Security,United Kingdom — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 10:58 PM

Royal Navy


How the Royal Navy Dealt with the Pirate Blackbeard..

In the 19th century, British warships largely eradicated piracy when they policed the oceans. The death penalty for piracy on the high seas remained on the statute books until 1998. Modern piracy ranges from maritime mugging to stealing from merchant ships with the crew held at gunpoint. 

Wiki for Blackbeard 

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