Feral Jundi

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Military News: McChrystal Steps Down, Petraeus Takes Over Afghanistan Post

     McChrystal is replaced by Petraeus.  The reason for McChrystal being let go is because of what was said in the Rolling Stone article.  The choice of Petraeus was the best choice for the continuity of the mission and strategy according to the President.-Matt


Petraeus to Replace McChrystal

Jonathan Weisman

JUNE 23, 2010

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama relieved Gen. Stanley McChrystal of commanding forces in Afghanistan, swiftly acting in the wake of derisive comments Gen. McChrystal and his aides made to Rolling Stone magazine, according to a White House official.

The president will announce the decision in the Rose Garden shortly. Gen. David Petraeus, the head of the military’s Central Command and the architect of the surge of forces into Iraq in 2007, will take over as the commanding general in Afghanistan, administration officials said.

The decision to put Gen. Petraeus in command sends a signal that the president stands behind the counterinsurgency tactics pushed hard by Gen. McChrystal and championed by Gen. Petraeus. Technically, as combatant commander in the military region that includes Afghanistan and the Middle East, Gen. Petraeus was Gen. McChrystal’s commanding officer.

By agreeing to take command, Gen. Petraeus himself was showing resolve to see the counterinsurgency effort through in Afghanistan.

Gen. McChrystal left the White House Wednesday morning after about a half-hour meeting with the president to discuss the critical comments the general and his aides made about top administration officials. The general was not seen returning to the White House for the Afghanistan strategy session later in the morning, as he has been expected, the Associated Press reported.

Mr. Obama had summoned Gen. McChrystal back to the White House for a face-to-face meeting to answer for critical comments he made about the administration that are raising questions about the general’s future.

Gen. McChrystal has apologized for the comments he made in this week’s issue of Rolling Stone magazine titled “The Runaway General.”

Gen. McChrystal is quoted as accusing U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry of undermining his efforts in Afghanistan. Aides to the general are quoted anonymously as saying Obama didn’t seem to know who McChrystal was when he appointed him to run the war early last year.

Story here.


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