Feral Jundi

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Industry Talk: US Drops The Hammer On AED, Watan Group, And EODT

   In October I posted the Senate Armed Services Committee report that slammed a couple of companies in Afghanistan. The thing is like a hit list now, and the US government is doing a follow up by banning or investigating these companies further. I am sure there will be more to come. –Matt

Edit: 12/10/2010 Found some more stuff, and this is dealing with the raid on EODT. Check it out.

Monitor reveals reason for EOD Technology raid

By Josh FloryDecember 9, 2010

A federal watchdog indicated Thursday that this week’s raid on a local defense contractor is aimed at bringing accountability to those who have tried to take advantage of the situation in Iraq.

Stuart Bowen is the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, a position created by Congress in 2004 to provide accountability for the use of funds for Iraq relief and reconstruction. In an interview Thursday, Bowen said his office has more than 100 ongoing cases, including a case related to Wednesday’s raid on Lenoir City contractor EOD Technology.

The IG said most of the cases are executed through task forces, such as the one that participated in the Wednesday raid. He added that the U.S. Army’s criminal investigation division ‘played a major role’ in getting that case put together. Bowen, a graduate of the University of the South, said his agency also works closely with the Defense Criminal Investigative Service, which is an arm of the Defense Department’s Office of Inspector General.

‘This is not the first, and it won’t be the last, time that we work with those agencies … as well as (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to hold accountable those who have taken advantage of the chaotic situation in Iraq for their criminal, personal benefit,’ said Bowen.

Asked if that’s what he believes happened in the case of EODT, Bowen replied, ‘Yes, that is why the search was carried out.’

In a statement issued Wednesday, EODT officials said they didn’t know of anything that could have triggered the raid. ‘We obviously would not have been selected for some of the sensitive and important projects we handle for our country around the world had we not been thoroughly investigated before and found to be trustworthy,’ the statement said……

Read the rest here.

U.S. bans contractor from further aid programs

US blacklists Afghan security firm tied to Karzai

Homeland Security, ICE agents raid EOD Technology in Lenoir City

U.S. bans contractor from further aid programs

By Ken Dilanian

December 8, 2010

The U.S. government Wednesday took the unusual step of banning an American firm from being awarded new federal contracts due to evidence of “serious corporate misconduct” uncovered in an investigation of the company’s work on aid programs in Pakistan and Afghanistan.The move by the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, to suspend the Academy for Educational Development, or AED, a Washington-based nonprofit corporation that does extensive federal contracting, highlights longstanding concerns about the way the United States delivers foreign aid through a network of American contractors that some critics deride as “Beltway Bandits.”AED has 65 contracts and grant agreements with USAID worth $640 million, according to agency spokesman Lars Anderson.The suspension prevents AED from winning new contracts with any federal agency, Anderson said. USAID is now examining whether to seek debarment of the company, a step which would mean the loss of all its federal contracts.USAID’s inspector general declined to release details of the alleged wrongdoing by AED, citing an ongoing investigation. But in a recently published report to Congress, the office noted that USAID “terminated a 5-year, $150 million cooperative agreement after [investigators] found evidence of fraud” relating to the purchase of household kits obtained by AED in Pakistan’s tribal areas.The investigation revealed evidence of collusion between vendors and AED, resulting in overpayment for certain goods, the report said. The investigation also discovered that AED had inappropriately hired relatives of a person hired by USAID to oversee the program.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Weapons Stuff: Midwest Industries/US PALM AK Handguard Topcover

     This product caught my eye as another upgrade to the venerable Kalashnikov. Most importantly, it is an upgrade that allows you to utilize the weapon’s iron sites if the red dot you have on the thing goes down.

     I also like it as an upgrade that would be helpful for enhancing the marksmanship of your local national guard force. If you installed a red dot sight that did not require batteries (like a Trijicon RMR) on an AK outfitted with a rail like this, then you could help that soldier/guard in a couple of ways.

     If their eyesight sucks, then having a red dot for them to put on a target would make it easier for them to hit something. These third world war zones we fight in have local populations who are victims of years of poor nutrition, and this is what leads to poor eyesight. Places like Africa or Afghanistan come to mind as examples.

     The other benefit is the simplicity of hitting something with a weapon. Lining up the front sight post with the rear sight notch sounds simple enough, but it is amazing how this simple concept can be incredibly difficult to convey to someone that has never shot a weapon.  Putting a red dot on the target and pulling the trigger is a lot more simpler to teach.

     Of course you want to teach the fundamentals as best you can, but if time is an issue and you need to spin up a guard force quick, an AK that is easy to aim could help out a bunch.

    Not to mention night time shooting.  If you have a guard force on a post at night, what kind of night time capability do they have? Most private guard forces that I have seen had nothing.  So giving a guard force some kind of night shooting capability would be a plus, and it would also give those guards a better feeling about their own ability to hit something.

    Finally, if they break the red dot, lose the sight, or sell it, you will always have the iron sights as a back up.  Hopefully they would value having that red dot sight on their weapon because it would enhance their ability to be lethal. Cool product and a very smart upgrade for anyone interested in putting a red dot sight on an AK.-Matt

Midwest Industries link to product here.


Trijicon RMR here.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Industry Talk: Karzai Abandons Plan To Scrap Private Security Firms

Filed under: Afghanistan,Industry Talk — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:06 AM

     Thanks to James over at DVM for sending me this one.  Finally, this stupid plan is dead and everyone can go back to work. lol. –Matt

Karzai abandons plan to scrap private security firms

6 December 2010

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has abandoned plans to scrap private security firms in the country by mid-December, the interior ministry says.

Fifty-four private security firms have been dissolved in recent weeks in a drive to clamp down on the industry.

But interior ministry officials said most of the 52 mainly Afghan firms remaining would retain their licences.

Private security firms provide guards at everything from diplomatic missions, aid agencies and supply convoys.

Correspondents say that some security firms have been mired in controversy ever since the US-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

In October a US Senate report found evidence that many Afghan security personnel paid with US taxpayers’ money to guard American bases were hand in glove with the Taliban insurgents intent on killing coalition troops.

In August, President Karzai gave private security companies four months to end operations in Afghanistan following concerns that some contractors empowered warlords and power brokers operating outside government control.

But recently aides to the president have advised him that the move to disband the network completely was ill-advised, as the security forces could not fill the gap.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Cool Stuff: Operation Outpost

    Now this is cool.  This company was founded by two contractors operating in Afghanistan and what they have set up is a way for folks who are deployed to hook each other up with needed equipment and items out in the field. A war zone Craigslist of a sorts. It kind of reminds me of the guns and ammo exchange clubs you would see on the forums.

    On those sites, guys would have stuff they wanted to get rid of, and they would either sell it or trade for something else with some other contractor. Although with this site, I don’t think they plan on doing any weapons related stuff, and it seems to be all just equipment and other necessities of field living.

    I really like the option of being able to donate as well.  There are people out there who care about the troops and contractors, and want to contribute some way to the war effort.  This site is a great way to connect these supporters to the guys out in the field, and fill some specific needs of field living. Be sure to read all the details below and go to their website to see how to join. –Matt




Operation Outpost was created by two people who, while deployed to Afghanistan, recognized a need for forward deployed individuals to be able to buy, sell, trade, and receive donated items that increased their standard of living in remote areas.  The purpose of this site is to provide these individuals the opportunity to contact each other in an effort to obtain items that they require to make it day to day.

Additionally, Operation Outpost is proud to offer the “Donation” option to our members.  We have heard time and time again of people back home that want to donate various items but have no idea of what to send, who to send it to, or where to send it.  The donations option will allow the member to list items they wish someone would donate to them personally or to their unit.  Individuals from around the world can view this page and chose what donation they would like to send.  Patriots can also list items they would like to donate, this way forward deployed members can view all donations listed, and if interested, can contact the donor and provide the necessary information for the donation to be shipped.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Industry Talk: AEGIS Defence Gets TFBSO Contract In Iraq, EODT Wins FOB Lindsey Deuce Contract In Afghanistan

    This is a quick update on some news with two companies and their contracts won.  If any readers have anything else to add to these two deals, feel free to comment below. –Matt

Contract Award Date: November 16, 2010

Contract Award Number: W91GDW-11-C-9000

Contract Award Dollar Amount: $3,037,880.14 (EST)


Nov 26, 2010

The contract is to provide all resources, personnel, equipment and management necessary for the technical management, oversight, transportation of Task Force members, and security support of the TFBSO economic revitalization activities performed predominantly in the Baghdad region, or on request to other areas throughout Iraq as required. Security services include security program management, anti-terrorism support and analyses, movement/escort security, transportation support, and close personal protection. The Contractor will provide security advisors and planners to facilitate, coordinate and implement security requirements and contingency plans. The proposed period of performance for this contract will be 68 calendar days or 25 November 2010 – 31 January 2011. The estimated dollar value is $3,343,662.11

FBO link here.


EODT Awarded Security Contract at Forward Operating Base Lindsey Deuce, Afghanistan

LENOIR CITY, TN (November 29, 2010) – EOD Technology, Inc. (EODT) has been awarded a task order by the Kandahar Regional Contracting Center to perform security services at Forward Operating Base (FOB) Lindsey Deuce in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Under this task order, EODT will conduct defensive security and surveillance operations designed to protect Coalition Forces. Security operations will be performed within the confines of FOB Lindsey Deuce.

This task order was awarded under the Area of Operations (AO) Mountain Warrior Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract for providing security services in support of Coalition Force missions throughout the Mountain Warrior Area of Operation.

In addition to securing military installations in Afghanistan, EODT provides construction and mine action services, to include demining and battle area clearance, in Afghanistan and other locations worldwide.

Story here.

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