Feral Jundi

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Jobs: Security Specialist, Afghanistan

     Ok, just to give a fair warning, this is one of those jobs requiring a little more than just a basic security background or service in the military.  These guys are looking for more of a manager/executive protection specialist type with some pretty extensive qualifications.  But it is the World Bank and they are probably paying a pretty good salary for a position like this.

     I am not the POC for this job, and follow the links below in order to apply.  Good luck and let me know how it goes. –Matt

Job #102307

Job Title Security Spec (Afghanistan)

Job Family General Services

Location Kabul, Afghanistan

Appointment International Hire

Job Posted 22-Nov-2010

Closing Date15-Dec-2010

Language RequirementsEnglish [Essential]

Background/General Description

The position of Security Specialist will be established in the World Bank Country Office in Kabul. The incumbent will serve in a full time capacity and on-call for emergencies. The incumbent will also provide security support to the International Finance Corporation (IFC). While reporting to the Senior Security Specialist, GSDSO, the Security Specialist  will discharge his assignment under the direct authority and guidance of the Country Manager.  Operational support, direction and technical supervision will be provided by the Senior Security Specialist (SSS) , the Global Security Operations Coordinator and the Head of Global Security, World Bank Corporate Security. From time to time there may be a requirement to provide security coverage in other countries in which the WBG operates. The duties of the Security Specialist are to provide security support to World Bank Group country office staff in the following areas:  a) security management; b) security awareness; c) contingency planning; d) protective services. Details of these duties are described below but other responsibilities may be added as needed.


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Afghanistan: Government Allows Aid Projects To Employ PSC’s Until Contracts Expire

     As the stomach turns….. So we go from disbanding the companies by December, to banning them in stages, to now allowing the aid folks to use PSC’s until their contracts expire? What’s next, start over and pretend this never happened? lol

    Another factor that might be driving this decision, besides the obvious ones brought up in the beginning, are the latest moves of some aid companies. That they are now making deals with the Taliban in order to do their thing.

     So what is worse, these groups hiring security or making deals with the Taliban to not attack them?  Even if we were to believe that they are not paying the Taliban, the Taliban are still getting some great PR out of the deal. They look like the ones who are in charge here, and not the Karzai government or coalition. Just one more reason why banning PSCs based on some time line was a bad idea. Instead, get rid of those ‘horrible’ PSC’s through the simple market mechanism called ‘a lack of demand’ and progress in the war effort.-Matt

Afghan official: Government allows aid projects to employ private guards till contracts expire

By Heidi Vogt


KABUL – Afghanistan will allow armed guards employed by private security companies to continue protecting aid and economic development projects in the country until their current contracts expire, a government official said Tuesday.

The decision comes despite an earlier order that all security companies disband by mid-December.

It also clears up uncertainty that had been hanging over large companies involved with ongoing aid and development projects for the U.S. and other foreign governments since a presidential decree to disband them was issued in August.

Many of the companies had said they would have to cease operations in volatile provinces in the south and east if they could not use private security guards to protect their workers and their projects.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Military News: Medal Of Honor For Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Afghanistan: The Largest US Embassy In The World, Just Got Bigger–511 Million Dollars Bigger!

     Not to mention the 40 million dollars being spent to build two Consulates, one in Mazar-I-Sharif and the other in Herat. So technically, it would be 551 million dollars. No doubt there will also be cost overruns, so this price will go higher.

     A couple of points about this contract worth noting. During the Iraq Embassy debate, there was much heartache about the size and cost of that thing. Of course this was one more dig for the opponents of the war and of the Bush administration. Now fast forward to this Embassy in Kabul, and it’s size and cost, and there was nothing really mentioned about it?  Politically speaking, it was barely a whimper in the news and I heard no bashing of the Obama administration over this move. Hell, I just found out about it today, and I track this stuff. lol

    And yet the expansion and due date of it being built, completely conflicts with the idea that we are wanting to pull out of Afghanistan any time soon. If anything, it just indicates a continuation of our commitment there. That kind of thing is the stuff that pisses off the Taliban big time.  Although I certainly hope that Crazy Karzai will get the picture that he needs to stop making deals with the Taliban, and put a little faith in the process under the new command of Petraeus.

    This Embassy expansion also signifies a certain future that the security contracting community will be a big part of. That would be the WPS program and all of it’s security requirements. These Consulates and Embassy will be packed with civilian specialists and diplomats, all tasked with going out into the hinterlands of Afghanistan to do their business. Private security contractors in the form of PSD teams will be the guys to get them out there and back in one piece. PSC’s will also be the guys protecting these Consulates and Embassy, and as the military draws down in the future, these folks will be very important to the static security mission there.

     Iraq will also be the one to watch as this progresses. There will be many lessons learned in Iraq that can be applied to Afghanistan and elsewhere in the world. The WPS program will certainly be an intriguing wartime venture between private industry and government to watch as this unfolds. –Matt

US to spend 500 million dollars on embassy in Afghanistan

Nov 3, 2010

KABUL — The United States is bolstering its presence in Afghanistan with a 500 million dollar expansion of its Kabul embassy and the construction of two consulates, it announced Wednesday.

Washington’s Kabul embassy is already its biggest in the world, with about 1,100 employees, projected to rise to 1,200 by the end of the year, officials said.

Hundreds have arrived over the course of this year as part of a “civilian surge” bringing development experts into the country to compliment the military effort already in its 10th year.

The United States and NATO have 150,000 troops in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban-led insurgency, following a military surge aimed at speeding an end to the war.

The embassy expansion contract was worth 511 million dollars and had been awarded under US law to an American company, Caddell Construction Inc., ambassador Karl Eikenberry said.

Another two contracts, worth 20 million dollars each, have been awarded for the construction of consulates in Herat, the main city in western Afghanistan, and Mazar-I-Sharif in the north, he said.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Afghanistan: Moving The Goal Post A Little Further For PSC Shutdown And Troop Withdrawal

     This is classic. In both of these stories below you can see a dramatic change from the original hardline stance of Obama and Karzai on this stuff.  I have mentioned in past blog posts on how both disbanding of PSC’s and troop withdrawals should not be based on some unrealistic timeline. Instead, they should be based on progress and reality on the ground. And guess what? The disbanding of PSC’s by December has changed now to ‘disbanding in stages’, and the July 2011 troop withdrawal date has switched to 2014 for a withdrawal. lol Talk about ‘moving the Goal Post’?-Matt

Afghan security companies to disband in stages

Obama officials moving away from 2011 Afghan date

Afghan security companies to disband in stages


Wed Nov 10, 2010

KABUL, Afghanistan – After weeks of negotiations, Afghan officials and foreign diplomats have agreed that a shutdown of private security companies in Afghanistan will have to be carried out in several stages, two officials familiar with the talks said Wednesday.

The development indicates a possible compromise over the controversial issue, which has occupied top international diplomats and Afghan officials since President Hamid Karzai in August ordered the closure of private companies that provide security guards in the country.

At the time, Karzai said private security companies would be replaced by Afghan security forces.

But he later backed away from a Dec. 17 deadline for the shutdown, after diplomats said the move threatens billions of dollars worth of reconstruction projects. Up to 40,000 private guards work in Afghanistan, mostly guarding embassies, military convoys and development projects.

An Afghan and a foreign official familiar with the negotiations said Wednesday the two sides now agree the shutdown should be gradual. They said sticking points remain, such as who would be guarding military convoys.

The government must come up with a proposal in five days on the phased shutdown, they also said. Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the negotiations are still ongoing.

Many companies on contracts with the U.S. Agency for International Development have said they can’t insure their staff without private guards.


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