Feral Jundi

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Industry Talk: Foreclosure Freeze Could Put Security Clearances At Risk

     This popped up on my radar and I thought this was very interesting. I have not received any emails from contractors who are dealing with this problem, but I am sure it impacts a few out there. If anyone has experienced any issues related to this, feel free to comment below. –Matt


Foreclosure freeze could put security clearances at risk

By Dina ElBoghdady and Dana Hedgpeth

October 20, 2010

The sudden moratorium on many foreclosures across the country has unexpectedly put some federal workers and contractors in jeopardy of losing their security clearances because of the heightened uncertainty clouding their finances, according to lawyers who handle these cases.

Employees with security clearances are monitored by the government for financial problems that would make them vulnerable to bribery or blackmail. And with many financial companies adopting some form of foreclosure freeze in recent weeks, it’s taking longer for some delinquent borrowers to resolve their mortgage cases and put their troubles behind them, the lawyers said.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Government Work: TSA To Give 10,000 Workers Clearances

   Well, there you have it guys and gals.  If you wanted to get a clearance, you can now get one through the mighty TSA. lol Interesting move, and I am wondering what this will buy them?  I mean did they not get briefed on threats before this latest move, or is this just a push to try and weed out some bad seeds? If it is, then TSA will soon find out that they will lose many employees.  Which is good, but what is also equally important is the leadership out in the field and giving your employees good training and guidance. I would also focus on customer service and satisfaction, and it seems government just does a terrible job in this department. Clearances will not make up for poor performance or worse yet, loose lips.  Because now this will be 10,000 individuals who have to be depended upon to watch what they say and do, all because they now have access to sensitive information. –Matt


Sir, is this your foot?

TSA to Clear 10,000 Workers for Access to Classified Intelligence

February 12, 2010

The Transportation Security Administration plans to clear 10,000 workers for access to secret intelligence, Fox News has learned.

The move comes as a slew of security agencies try to improve intelligence-sharing in the wake of the attempted Christmas Day bombing. However, a TSA spokesman told Fox News that the plan to give thousands of workers security clearance was developed in July 2008, and that the background checks started one year ago.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Industry Talk: DoD Lacks Standards for Hiring Foreign Nationals, GAO Says

Defense was ordered to establish departmentwide standards under Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 but has been hindered by bureaucratic wrangling and a lack of leadership, GAO said in a report released July 31. 

   As you have seen, I like to put the best quotes that summarizes the story, front and center.  And the two key points are bureaucratic wrangling and a lack of leadership.  Ding, ding, ding, and the GAO wins a prize!!!

   If you have been a FJ reader for a bit, you would know that leadership is a big thing here.  It is one of the dominant themes of Jundism as well, and I am glad to see that the GAO is willing to call it like it is.

     This is a total lack of leadership, plain and simple. And what kills me with this, is that they are now just talking about standards for LNs.  How many thousands of LN’s have we hired for this war, and yet no standard background check or skills assessment?  That we have depended upon the companies to pick and choose, and apply whatever standard they think is acceptable?


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