Feral Jundi

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Mexico: U.S. Consulate Attacked, No Injuries

   If anything, this was just to send a message.  If these guys really wanted to do some damage, they could have.  That is the next level of violence with the drug cartels in my opinion, and wait until we start seeing the whole IED game initiated. With that said, I certainly hope we are doing the things necessary to protect Americans working at the consulates. –Matt


U.S. Mexican Consulate Attacked

April 11, 2010


Unknown attackers threw explosives into the U.S. consulate in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, breaking windows and producing a disturbing blast but injuring no one, the consulate said Saturday night.

The attack happened around 11 p.m. on Friday evening and involved a “device which landed in a patio and exploded,” said Brian Quigley, the consular spokesman. “No employees were injured and nobody was there,” he said. But he called the incident “a serious matter.”

The incident marks the second attack against consular employees in Mexico in as many months.

On March 13, three people associated with the U.S. consulate in Ciudad Juárez were killed when hit men chased their vehicles through the city’s streets and gunned them down. The trio included a woman who was a consular employee, her husband and a third man in a separate car whose wife was a consulate employee.

Mr. Quigley said there was no indication that there was any connection between the March killings and the weekend attack.


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