Feral Jundi

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Medical: DoD to Require H1N1 Flu Vaccinations for All Active Duty, But What About the 243,735 Contractors?

Filed under: Medical,Military News — Tags: , , , , , , — Matt @ 12:09 AM

Hachey said he expects DOD to begin administering the vaccine in the first half of October. The department has purchased 2.7 million doses, according to Hachey.

He said the vaccine will also be available to DOD civilians and military family members who want it.


   Interesting news, but I kind of would like to hear how the DoD plans to vaccinate all the contractors in the war as well?  Because after all, there are now more contractors than troops in places like Afghanistan, and each one of those contractors could easily pick up the flu at home and bring it back to the war zone they are working at and infect others.

   Now the DoD did mention they would offer the vaccine to ‘DoD civilians’, but what does that mean?  Is that all contractors, or just the ones that directly work for DoD at the PX’s and stuff?  I think this needs to be clarified, if H1N1 is truly a concern to the government?  I would like to hear a separate statement about what the DoD plans are for contractors.

   This flu could also impact the war effort, because if a bunch of contractors pick up H1N1 because they were not protected, and then took it back to a war zone and passed it on to the local populations, then that could be bad.  Especially if it got out that the foreigners ‘killed my brother’ by infecting him with H1N1. The Taliban or Al Qaeda could have a field day with this kind of stuff for propaganda purposes.  It is something to think about for the war planners out there, that’s if H1N1 is really a concern to the DoD. –Matt


DOD to require H1N1 flu vaccinations for all active-duty personnel

By Jennifer H. Svan, Stars and StripesFriday, September 4, 2009

Starting this fall, all active-duty personnel will be required to get vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus, Defense Department officials announced this week.

Health care workers, deploying troops, those serving on ships and submarines, and enlistees are among those who will get the vaccination first, said Army Dr. (Lt. Col.) Wayne Hachey, director of preventive medicine for Defense Department health affairs.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Industry Talk: No Respect, By Col. Oliver North

    Bravo to Col. Oliver North for having the courage to say what is right.  Contractors are an important part of this war effort, and there has been very little recognition of that fact. Semper Fi. –Matt


No Respect

Friday , August 28, 2009

By Col. Oliver North

Bagram, Afghanistan

It is amazing how a change of geography can alter perception. In the weeks leading up to this, my 16th FOX News deployment to cover the fight against radical Islamic terror, the news was full of attacks on civilian contractors. The target: Those who have been providing support for U.S. military and intelligence operations since Sept. 11, 2001.

“Contractor” is the new dirty word in the so-called mainstream media and in Washington. On Capitol Hill, contractors are the Rodney Dangerfields of the war – they just don’t “get no respect.” Here, where the war is being fought, contractors are regarded as essential to victory.

The attacks on civilian contractors didn’t begin with this summer’s hemorrhage of congressional leaks, sensational disclosures of classified information, threats of inquisitions and the appointment of a special prosecutor. Civilian contractors have been in the crosshairs of Congress since George Washington had to defend buying beans, bread, bandages and bullets from sutlers accompanying the Revolutionary Army. In the opening days of World War II, then-Senator Harry Truman became famous for threatening to “lock up” civilian contractors for producing sub-par munitions and President Dwight D. Eisenhower ominously warned against the threat of a “military-industrial complex.”

— Catch the ‘War Stories Classic: Flashpoint Vietnam: The Road to War,’ Monday, August 31 at 3 a.m. ET — only on FOX News Channel

However, all that is pale by comparison to the viscera now being aimed at civilian contractors supporting the campaigns in the land between the Tigris and Euphrates and in the shadow of the Hindu Kush. Though the mainstream media and congressional critics initially ignored the essential role played by civilian security and logistics contractors in the opening months of Operation Enduring Freedom, they went into high dudgeon when the Bush administration began preparations for liberating Iraq from Saddam Hussein.

It has gone downhill since.

Critics on the left are quick to point to events like the 2007 incident in Baghdad that led to the prosecution of security contractors for using excessive force in carrying out protective duties. On Capitol Hill, members of Congress have threatened to cut the budgets of federal agencies that use security contractors instead of government employees to protect key personnel and sensitive installations. At the Pentagon — which uses more civilian contractors in the war effort than any other U.S. government entity — the response to the criticism was capitulation.

In April, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced plans to hire 30,000 additional Department of Defense employees to cut the percentage of work being done by contractors. The FY 2010 Defense Budget request replaces nearly 14,000 contractor personnel with government employees, even though the “lifetime cost” — counting government benefits and retirement — will more than double the expense to American taxpayers. The numbers don’t mesh, but when it comes to getting the press and politicians off the backs of Pentagon poobahs, cutting contractors loose is apparently a small price to pay.

Unfortunately, dollars may not be the only thing lost.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Publications: Contractor Support of U.S. Operations in USCENTCOM AOR, Iraq, and Afghanistan-as of June 30, 2009

 . There was a 19 % increase (from 10,743 to 13,232) of armed DoD PSCs in Iraq compared to the 2nd quarter FY 2009 census. This increase can be attributed to an increased need for PSCs to provide security as the military begins to drawdown forces and to our continued improved ability to account for subcontractors who are providing security services. 

. There was a 20% increase (from 4,111 to 5,165) of armed DoD PSCs in Afghanistan compared to the 1st quarter FY 2009 census. The increase correlates to the build up of forces in that AOR. 

    As promised, here is the link and a quick summary of the latest Program Support report on DoD contractors.  The most important statistic that you guys need to tell your friends, and enemies, is the one on security contractors up top. That and we now outnumber the troops in Afghanistan.

   Now remember, this is an increase from the last report, and not some yearly report.  So the numbers are skyrocketing, and as far as I can tell, we have a very important role in both wars.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Industry Talk: Pentagon Lays Out Detailed Regulations for Security Contractors

Filed under: Industry Talk — Tags: , , , , , — Matt @ 2:48 AM

   Wow, Max Weber eat your heart out. lol Good job to the Defense Department and this is a great step.  Congrats to all those that have been involved with pushing this through and giving the government the guidance necessary to make this a reality.

   Hopefully between now and August, some Kaizen will be applied to this document so it truly is something we can rally around and it will be interesting to hear what the voices in the industry have to say about it.

   As to the next crucial step–have enough regulators to actually enforce this stuff.  I know I am asking for too much, but if you want a quality product, the government is going to have to step up and monitor this stuff.  I do not advocate micro-managing, but I do advocate visiting all the sites out there where contractors are posted or driving at and get involved a little.  Get some shared reality and understand the job at hand for this industry, so you can apply these regulations with a little common sense.  We are not out there to do bad, we are out there because we want to protect the customer and represent the cause. –Matt


Pentagon lays out detailed regulations for security contractors

By Elizabeth Newell

July 17, 2009

The Defense Department released an interim final rule Friday laying out policy regarding the use of private security contractors in war zones.

The interim rule, which is effective immediately, modifies the Code of Federal Regulations to include policies and procedures for selecting, training, equipping and overseeing private security contractors.

The Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, which filed the rule, wrote that it is “of critical importance” to address insufficient policy and guidance regulating the actions of security contractors working for Defense and other agencies in war zones.

“It will procedurally close existing gaps in the oversight of private security contractors, ensure compliance with laws and regulations pertaining to inherently governmental functions, and ensure proper performance by armed contractors,” the rule stated.

The rule requires combatant commanders to develop detailed guidance for security contractors operating in their geographic area of responsibility. The guidance must address a range of specific issues, from ensuring private security contractors have the proper training and certification to carry weapons to coordinating communication between PSCs and military forces.

The rule, which is open for comment until Aug. 13, states that private security contractors must document and report incidents involving weapons discharges, attacks, deaths or injuries of PSCs or as a result of action by PSCs, or destruction of property. The contractors must also report any active, nonlethal countermeasures taken in response to a perceived threat if that incident “could significantly affect U.S. objectives with regard to the military mission or international relations.”

In filing the rule, Defense officials said the timing was critical, as the increase of troops in Afghanistan will result in a corresponding rise in the number of private security contractors there.

Doug Brooks, president of the International Peace Operations Association, which represents private security firms, said the rule codifies practices Defense has been implementing for awhile. It makes sense to formalize lessons learned in Iraq so they can apply in Afghanistan, he said. Until now those lessons have been addressed piecemeal through amendments to contracts with security firms.

“A lot of the contractual issues have been largely sorted out in Iraq, but we’re seeing them pop up again in Afghanistan,” Brooks said. “They’re going to have to be sorted out in Afghanistan, which can be a little bit of a painful process, so this is good.”

Erik Quist, general counsel for EOD Technology Inc., a Tennessee-based firm providing security and ordnance disposal services, agreed that most of the rule’s requirements mirror what Defense has been writing into security service contracts.

“It’s not new, it’s not burdensome and the fact that there is now, at this level of government, an official articulation and direction of the process, that’s very important,” Quist said. “If we know what the process should be we don’t have to fret that if something’s absent from our contract, we won’t know what to do. Institutionalizing these requirements under the pending new rule is an important part of the overall effort to protect the taxpayer’s best interests while at the same time establish a process to utilize the very valuable role private security companies can play in supporting the government.”

Story here.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Quotes: Secretary of Defense Gates Answers a Question About Contractors

Filed under: Quotes — Tags: , , , — Matt @ 4:15 AM

   I thought that this was an interesting little quote and worthy of a mention here on FJ. On a funny note, notice the liberal use of ‘and’ in Sec. Gate’s replies?-Matt


SEC. GATES: So now I’ll take a few questions. Yes, sir?

Q     Sir, Sergeant — (inaudible) — from 57-TRANS. A question, the subject is civilian contractors, especially down-range, the populace of over 2,000 civilian contractors doing or taking our jobs — i.e., truck drivers. Is there — the reasoning on that, sir?

SEC. GATES: Well, you’re talking about down-range or here at home?

Q     (Off mike.) Both, sir.

SEC. GATES: What we’re trying to do — and I think that the Congress has obviously taken a lot of interest in this, and I think, at the high point in Iraq we had on the order of 160,000 contractors, and probably only about a third of them were actually American contractors.

     And the contractors did everything but running the dining facility (DEFAC) and doing the laundry, doing the cleaning chores, doing some security work. But, the need was to try and free up as many soldiers for actual combat duty, rather than having them do things that civilian contractors could do. The problem is, we’ve — I think we let it grow without the kind of controls that we should, in terms of looking at it repeatedly.

     And I’ll just give you an example of what we’re working on right now — and, frankly, prompted by some questions from Senator Webb, and it was how we have turned over increasing numbers of training roles to civilian contractors, and where should we have a combat veteran doing that training, and where could we have a civilian doing it? And I think we’ve — we really had no idea where that line should be drawn. And we’re going back and looking at that now.

      And so, for example, for the Air Force it probably doesn’t make any sense to have a combat-capable pilot teach somebody how to fly for the first time in a Beechcraft just to get that kind of “Flying 101.” On the other hand, when that person graduates to an F-15 or an F-16, it probably ought to be a combat trained veteran or a person in uniform who’s teaching them. So, we’re kind of going back through all of these roles, at this point, to figure out where military ought to be doing these things and where civilian contractors can be.

      To tell you the truth, we’ve got a contractor problem on the civilian side of the government as well. I discovered, when we started working on this issue, that I actually have more contractors working in the Office of the Secretary of Defense than I do Civil Servants. And we’re going to fix that too. So, it is a problem.

      And I think that there is enough of a demand signal for experienced soldiers that nobody has to worry about losing their job. But, the question is, how can we make the best possible use of our soldiers and the skills that they’ve acquired?        And so you’ve raised an issue that’s taken a lot of our time and that we’re focused on, and it’s one that we need to get better control of.

Link to quote here.


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