Feral Jundi

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Company Spotlight: G4S, The World’s Largest Private Security Company

These two deals I posted below are separate interviews, but they give you a good idea where G4S is standing right now. This company is amazingly large and successful. Not only is it the largest PSC in the world, but this company is the world’s second largest employer, right behind Walmart. That is impressive.

The thing I clued into is their business in the Middle East. That Saudi Arabia and the UAE were their top customers. The trend here, is these countries are serious about their security, and threats against oil and business are what drives this interest in security.

Mr. Buckles, whom used to work for Avon as an analyst, also mentioned in the interview the key to success for the company and why he stuck around:

‘The sensible one is that Securicor had a policy of developing internal talent and offering prospects for rapid promotion. But there was also the offer of a Ford Escort. A company car for a young guy was very attractive,’ he says. By 2005, he headed G4S. ‘The rules of best practice are the same for all businesses, including supplying security,’ he says.
‘Take staff with you by rewarding achievement, identify new markets, manage risk while taking up opportunities, understand your customers and have a strong culture of ethical dealing. Applying these principles has been key for me.’

That is an interesting list, and many of these ideas are just another way of saying ‘take care of your people’ and ‘customer service and satisfaction’. But he also focused on managing risk, which is cool. G4S has certainly gobbled up many companies in a short period of time, and because of the current global chaos and government austerity moves, their timing has been excellent. In other words, they positioned themselves with enough services to take advantage of increased security related opportunities. They have also been profitable during a time when many companies in the world are hurting.

And to further the theme of taking care of your people. When G4S goes into a new region, like Latin America, and they become the best paying gig in town, then of course that company becomes the popular choice of the locals. I guess they have learned the lesson of ‘pay better than the next guy, if you want to attract the best’. Which is great, because if you pay peanuts, you will get monkeys. Paying better and good training are both key aspects of keeping your folks happy, along with providing excellent leadership. Here is the quote:

Unlike most FTSE 100 chief executives, Buckles, 50, has responsibility for staff working in high-risk situations, so how does he handle the stress?
Looking relaxed at G4S’s headquarters in Crawley, West Sussex, he says: ‘The best training is provided and every assignment is assessed for risk and ways of minimising it. Pressure comes with the job, but I’ve been in the security business long enough to know the importance of teamwork and good communication to ensure we are on top of every contract.’
G4S revenues rose by 4.7 per cent in the first three months of the year, driven by the emerging markets of Africa, Asia and South America, where demand is rising for expertise in areas such as moving cash, guarding airports and providing personal protection.
In some developing countries we are seen as a stronger force in terms of training and pay than local police and a better option for providing security,’

The mention of South America also coincides with what the Small Arms Survey mentioned about Latin America. That PSC’s there are the most armed in the world, outside of the conflict zones. Security is huge business in Latin America, and especially because of the drug wars and poor economy. Speaking of which, G4S is also active in Iraq and Afghanistan. So they are definitely intertwined in many aspects of the industry.

Of course there are also incidents where G4S has had some hiccups. This is the extreme challenge of the ‘head knowing what the tale is doing’ within such a large company.  For a smaller security company, the ability to manage and watch each contract is a little easier than for a large mega-corporation to do so. Given that set of circumstance, G4S has done remarkably well. That doesn’t mean they haven’t had their share of issues come up, but still, for it’s size and exposure to risk, it has navigated those issues very well. Ask yourself how much negative news you hear in the media about G4S, compared to other much smaller companies, and you can see what I mean?

Finally, the one thing that I think is really important to emphasize, and some companies have a hard time understanding this. You can assemble a great team, pay them well, be an outstanding leader for them, etc., but if you don’t have some kick ass marketing and sales personnel hunting around for new contracts and actually winning them, then the company will not expand and get more revenue. Why is that important? Well, in order to pay those great salaries, offer good training, and attract kick ass leaders, then you need some cash coming in. Malcolm Gladwell identified these folks as the ‘salesmen’ in his book the Tipping Point:

Chapter 2: The Law of the Few: Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen
The attainment of the tipping point that transforms a phenomenon into an influential trend usually requires the intervention of a number of influential types of people. In the disease epidemic model Gladwell introduced in Chapter 1, he demonstrated that many outbreaks could be traced back to a small group of infectors. Likewise, on the path toward the tipping point, many trends are ushered into popularity by small groups of individuals that can be classified as Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen.
Connectors are individuals who have ties in many different realms and act as conduits between them, helping to engender connections, relationships, and “cross-fertilization” that otherwise might not have ever occurred. Mavens are people who have a strong compulsion to help other consumers by helping them make informed decisions. Salesmen are people whose unusual charisma allows them to be extremely persuasive in inducing others’ buying decisions and behaviors. Gladwell identifies a number of examples of past trends and events that hinged on the influence and involvement of Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen at key moments in their development.(from wikisummaries)

 These salesmen are a vital component of any company. To put a former security contractor or a military guy in such an important position is a nice gesture, but if they do not have the talent to do the job, then you will not get the contracts. What you really need is a professional with a gift, who can ‘sell snow to an Eskimo’ as they say. (like maybe an Avon salesman? lol) It also reminds me of a quote that Donald Trump made recently about negotiators. Here it is:

“You know, I can send two executives into a room. They can say the same thing. One guy comes home with the bacon and the other one doesn’t. And I’ve seen it a thousand times. It’s the messenger.”

The question a company should ask is do they have the right messenger, negotiator, or salesman to win that contract for the company and increase that company’s standing in the market? And to bring this back to G4S, they obviously have some very talented people working on this for them. –Matt

NICK BUCKLES INTERVIEW: I deal with trouble in Kabul, Baghdad …and Wimbledon
By David White
18th June 2011
As the world’s top tennis players and half a million fans prepare for the glamour and glory of the 125th Wimbledon tournament starting tomorrow, their safety will be in the hands of Nick Buckles.
‘There will be 700 uniformed staff to search vehicles and bags, check tickets and provide on-court protection and escorts for players,’ says the boss of G4S, the world’s biggest private security company.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Industry Talk: A Review Of ‘States Of Security’

Or at least a review of the PSC part of this survey. Although I did find it disconcerting that they talked with several ‘private security commentators’ and industry professionals, but made no effort to contact this blog. I mean there are only a handful of us folks who actually work in this industry, and write about it on a day to day basis. To not recognize the significance of such a resource, tells me that perhaps they were lazy or did not care to gain that kind of insight? Such information would have made a better product, and all it would have taken is an email….Oh what a burden? lol  With that said, let me highlight some of the pros and cons of this survey.

The lack of information about PSC’s and their weapons use in the maritime security market is disappointing. These figures would have been very useful for pointing out deficiencies or strengths in this part of the industry. And if you were to make the connection between the statistic of low rates of armed PSC’s and Western Europe, and the fact that most of today’s maritime security PSC usage comes from this region, then you can see exactly what I am getting at here. If these countries are adverse to arming PSC’s, and yet those same PSC’s are the majority of security out there protecting vessels from heavily armed pirates, then that is not a good ratio.

Furthermore, their data on the types of weapons contractors are using out there is off. The type of weapons that contractors are using and have available to them, is far more varied than what they listed. I will leave it at that.

I would have also liked some more statistics and focus on homemade weaponry. With the internet and the availability of opensource information about the proper construction of weapons, I would be very curious as to the state of DIY weapons manufacturing out there. It would have also brought more attention to the concept of Opensource Military Hardware.

I do want to give praise for the effort, and it was very informative.  It was very interesting to know that there are more PSC’s than police, and yet the police and the militaries of the world have far more weapons.  To me, this is shocking. PSC’s are increasingly becoming the front line troops when it comes to terrorism, drug wars, pirates, etc., and yet here we are throwing guards into harms way without these very basic tools of defense and self protection.

I have not been able to read the rest of the survey, but I would be interested to hear about the small arms usage of terrorists, pirates, drug cartels, etc. if such a statistic could be formulated. I imagine this figure would be pretty startling. But the most disturbing aspect of such a statistic, is the idea that we are using all of these unarmed private security forces to defend against these heavily armed malcontents. I am already seeing this with the maritime security industry, and that alone has been a battle to promote the idea of putting armed guards on boats. And not just armed, but armed with sufficient firepower to deal with the potential threats.

To me, it is an issue of safety for the guard and an issue of actually providing ‘real security’ services to the client, as opposed to providing security theater. Every guard out there should be able to look their client in the eye and say ‘I am ready to take on any and all threats, in the defense of you and your property’. Guards that are unarmed or poorly trained will contribute to failure–which equates to more industry scrutiny and consternation.

The survey noted this, and also noted the important efforts of this industry to get squared away.  Things like signing the ICoC or rallying around the Montreux Document are all signs that the industry wants accountability, and they want to give the client the confidence to use their services.

But as the survey has noted, time and time again, it is the governments of the world who have dropped the ball when it comes to regulating or coming up with the laws to properly manage this industry. I have done much to highlight these deficiencies in the past on this blog, and will continue to do so. I will also continue to provide solutions for countries and clients, to help them get the best service and contract they can get out of their PSC’s and PMC’s. I will also continue to do my part to promote a business/warrior ethos called Jundism amongst my peers, as well as promote real security solutions to the world’s complex security environments.

It is also very interesting to me that the Police and Military forces of the world get far more respect than PSC’s, and yet here we are, taking on more and more responsibilities and dealing with more complex threats. Everything a cop or soldier might encounter, PSC’s could encounter as well. And yet PSC’s continue to do what they do with less arms, less legal authority, less regulation, less training, less accountability and all because we are less cost. We have ‘cheaper’ down, we have ‘faster’ down, but we still have a ways to go when it comes to ‘better’. But I am optimistic, because we are slowly evolving, learning, improving our standing as ‘better’, despite the nation state’s inability to keep up with regulations/management/accountability. –Matt

On Growth

The private security sector has been booming since the mid-1980s and continues to grow steadily (van Dijk, 2008,
p. 217). Recent estimates show that the security market is worth about USD 100–165 billion per year, and that it has
been growing at an annual rate of 7–8 per cent.4 The scale of growth is further illustrated by significant increases in
the number of personnel employed over time and across regions:


Friday, June 17, 2011

Iraq: In Rebuilding Iraq’s Oil Industry, US Subcontractors Hold Sway

“The strategic interest of the United States is in new oil supplies arriving on the world market, to lower prices,” Mr. Kuzyaev said.
“It is not important that we did not take part in the coalition,” he said, referring to the military operations in Iraq. “For America, the important thing is open access to reserves. And that is what is happening in Iraq.”

This is an area of Iraq reconstruction that everyone is watching. Because every drop of oil that can be extracted out of the ground in Iraq, will only help to feed a very hungry global oil market.

The article below also made a key point which is worth mentioning again. US companies will definitely play a crucial part in building and maintaining oil infrastructure and drilling in Iraq. Although it would have been nice for the US and it’s coalition partners to have even more of a share of oil contracts there, but politically speaking, it just wasn’t in the cards.

Probably the biggest point to mention here is how much money American companies stand to make with their oil services contracts:

“Iraq is a huge opportunity for contractors,” Alex Munton, a Middle East analyst for Wood Mackenzie, a research and consulting firm based in Edinburgh, said by telephone.
Mr. Munton estimated that about half of the $150 billion the international majors are expected to invest at Iraqi oil fields over the next decade would go to drilling subcontractors — most of it to the big four operators, which all have ties to the Texas oil industry.

And with that kind of money and company presence in Iraq, security will be very important in these post war years. Companies like Edinburgh International are already in the mix for energy security work in Iraq, and I expect to see more of that. –Matt

In Rebuilding Iraq’s Oil Industry, U.S. Subcontractors Hold Sway
June 16, 2011
When Iraq auctioned rights to rebuild and expand its oil industry two years ago, the Russian company Lukoil won a hefty portion — a field holding about 10 percent of Iraq’s known oil reserves.
It seemed a geopolitical victory for Lukoil. And because only one of the 11 fields that the Iraqis auctioned off  went to an American oil company — Exxon Mobil — it also seemed as if few petroleum benefits would flow to the country that took the lead role in the war, the United States.
The auction’s outcome helped defuse criticism in the Arab world that the United States had invaded Iraq for its oil. “No one, even the United States, can steal the oil,” the Iraqi government spokesman, Ali al-Dabbagh, said at the time.
But American companies can, apparently, drill for the oil.
In fact, American drilling companies stand to make tens of billions of dollars from the new petroleum activity in Iraq long before any of the oil producers start seeing any returns on their investments.
Lukoil and many of the other international oil companies that won fields in the auction are now subcontracting mostly with the four largely American oil services companies that are global leaders in their field: Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherford International and Schlumberger. Those four have won the largest portion of the subcontracts to drill for oil, build wells and refurbish old equipment.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Industry Talk: DoS Awards $10 Billion CJPS Contract To Five Companies

Did you know that the Criminal Justice Program Support or CJPS  was the ‘contract to watch in 2010’? lol Although the second article below goes into some very compelling reasons why this is a contract to watch from now and into the future.  This thing is worth $50 Billion and is an 8 year contract.

This is also a highly competitive contract due to the amount of money involved. As the wars wind down in Iraq and Afghanistan, companies will be seeking other projects. Although with WPS and other post war security requirements in those countries, security contractors will have the hands full. But as the troops leave, the massive logistical requirements decrease, and companies will have to find other projects to make up the difference.

To get a good idea of what I am talking about, all you have to do is read DynCorp’s forward looking statements on where they think the market is going. CJPS fits well into their plans.  Here is a quote:

The company continues to look toward its future. Specifically, it’s seeking to break into the intelligence and international development spheres, President Steven Schorer said.
“We’re interested in moving into the intelligence arena to see if we could transplant our capabilities there,” Schorer said. “And we’re looking to move from conflict to stabilization and development. We’re trying to help countries coming out of a conflict environment.”

CJPS definitely falls under stabilization and development. Thanks to Cannoneer#4 for giving me the heads up on this. I have a ton of police contractors that enquire about this stuff all the time. Hopefully recruitment picks up and guys are able to hook up some contracts?

Finally, I am not sure who the other companies are in this recent award, other than what was mentioned? I have an idea, based on past awards:

DynCorp International
Justice Services International
MPRI An L3 Company
PAE Government Services
Civilian Police International
(INL on Feb. 15 had awarded the first round of contracts to four other vendors: BlueLaw International, Bering Strait Orion Management Joint Venture, Team Crucible, and Navigator Development Group.)

So if any readers have anything further to add, please feel free to do so in the comments. –Matt

State Department Awards $10B International Law Enforcement Contract to Five Companies
June 14, 2011
By Tim Watson
The U.S. State Department‘s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs has awarded five companies including DynCorp International, PAE Group and AECOM Technology Corporation an indefinite delivery / indefinite quantity multiple award contract worth up to an aggregate $10 billion.
The companies will compete for task orders to provide advisers, other specialists and mission support services to develop criminal justice sectors worldwide . PAE expects its industry experts to train civilian police and criminal justice officials.
The contract has a one-year base performance period and four option years.
“Supporting the development of law enforcement and criminal justice programs around the world is one of our core competencies and we bring decades of experience to these programs,” said DynCorp President Steve Schorer. “We are honored to have the opportunity to compete for task orders under this contract and look forward to supporting this important program.”
“PAE is committed to the relationship we have forged with INL in support of the CivPol program over the past seven years,” said PAE President Mike Dignam. “CJPS gives PAE an opportunity to broaden its reach and provide criminal justice sector support and police training to new regions of the world while continuing operations already underway in many others.”
Story here.

2010 Must-Follow Contract
State readies $50B international criminal justice contract
The agency needs contractors to support nation-building efforts
By Heather Hayes
Oct 29, 2009
By any standard, a contract with a value in the billions will get serious attention, and that’s especially true in a recession. So industry observers and government contractors expect that when the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) releases a request for proposals for the $50 billion, eight-year Criminal Justice Program Support (CJPS) contract later this fall, the jockeying by companies to get on board will be intense.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Games: Blackwater, The Video Game

Now this is interesting.  With the amount of celebrity and notoriety that Erik Prince brings to the table, this would make financial sense to actually produce a video game.  These things are huge money makers, and by having Mr. Prince’s blessing for such a thing, could really elevate the interest in the game and equate to sales.

I compare it to football players or sports coaches endorsing video games. These folks are inserted into the story and visual effects of the game, and give the player a feeling that they are actually playing for that team. It is also why players love first person shooter games that are endorsed by former special forces troopers.  Call it the John Madden Effect. lol

So what kind of money are we talking about for video games?  Just look at how much money Call of Duty: Black Ops made?  It set a record on it’s first day of release, making 360 million dollars! As of February of this year, the total amount earned was well over a billion dollars! Who knows where it is at now and you get the picture.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that video games rival movies these days, for the amount of money they make and for the entertainment value.  A game like this can also give Mr. Prince a chance to do some serious strategic communications by showing every player that plays this game, exactly the kind of complex environments companies like this operate in. Video games, like movies, can also benefit from any publicity associated with the thing. So events in the UAE, or wherever, are actually excellent means of driving up the brand name called ‘Blackwater’. –Matt

Infamous Real-Life Mercenaries To Star In Blackwater, The Video Game
By Owen Good
June 8, 2011
Blackwater Worldwide, the real-life mercenary team linked to the killing of civilians and noncombatants in Iraq during US operations there, will be the subject of a Kinect-supported video game coming to the Xbox 360 later this year.
Published by 505 Games and titled, simply, Blackwater, the game is being produced in consultation with the private security contractor’s founder, the former Navy SEAL Erik Prince.
A news release called it “an intense, cinematic shooter experience”, set in a fictional North African town, in which players, as Blackwater operatives, battle two warlords’ factions to protect the city.
“This game and its immersive Kinect-based approach will give players the chance to experience what it is like to be on a Blackwater team on a mission without being dropped into a real combat situation,” Prince said in a statement issued by 505. The game was developed with in conjunction with former Blackwater members “to ensure accuracy of moves, gestures and gameplay,” the 505 release said. “The game also features a selection of officially-licensed weapons for your soldier to choose from.”


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