Feral Jundi

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Building Snowmobiles: PMC’s and the Streisand Effect

    I know, I know, this is ridiculous and far to immature to pay attention to….. Or is it?  We see PMC’s continue to try and hide stuff, along with politicians and celebrities and a multitude of other types of organizations and individuals, and that evil internet just keeps facilitating the discovery of wrong doings.  The Streisand Effect (SE) is a prime example of how trying to hide stuff is sometimes not the best idea.

   I wanted to put this together for the readership, to emphasize how important it is to the true Jundi-ist to ‘have the courage to do what is right’ and ‘be the guy that does it right, when no one is looking’.  Especially for the companies out there who claim to have cleaned up their act or try to sweep under the rug any kind of wrong doing.  Pay heed, you will be found out, and it will get all over the net, and especially if you didn’t want it to.

    Companies have to know, that at one point or another, what comes around, goes around.  If you treat an employee bad, or screw over another company, or damage the reputation of a customer, all because of your lack of Kaizen/leadership/customer service and satisfaction, then of course someone is going to tell the world about your crap.  And the way they do it these days, is through the internet. You may want to censor it, but unfortunately for you, the internet usually finds a way.  That is not a threat from myself or anything, that is just the reality of what we are talking about.


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