Feral Jundi

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Quotes: Marcus Luttrell on the Ability to Fight Alone

Filed under: Afghanistan,Quotes — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 11:31 AM

   Doug sent me this quote, and I thought it was awesome.  We have reinforced this idea within our troops and within our law enforcement, that they must work as a team to accomplish goals and missions.  And I agree, that is essential and a no brainer.  But what happens when you are alone, or your team was decimated? Situations like what Chris Turner was in, who had to think on their own in order to defend self and others at the UN guest house in Afghanistan.  Guys like Marcus Luttrell who had to survive on their own, and against the mountain men of Afghanistan after his team was wiped out. Most importantly, men or women who are all ‘heroes in waiting’, all silently standing by, waiting for fate to decide when they shall meet other super empowered individuals who wish to do harm.

   Let’s take it back even further in history.  Jeremiah Johnson, William Cody, Frederick Burnham and the rest of the rugged individuals who made up the West, operated on their own in non-permissive environments and kicked ass.  These are the same guys called upon by the US Army to hunt and kill indian combatants and influence the Scouting movement, both in the militaries of the world, and the Boy Scouting movement so popular throughout the world.

    The point is, super empowered individuals, armed with the intellect and mental toughness needed to prosecute their war, are shockingly effective.  In my view, the only way to defeat these types of warriors on the field of battle, is with another super empowered individual armed with the same mindset.

   So thanks to Doug and the rest of the readership who have helped to push along these ideas.  I need your help to build this snowmobile, and the end result is that the Feral Jundi readership will be armed with the ideas that will help them win the fight.  Think of FJ as a mental armory, and in this armory, we are trying to build some of the most lethal and radical ideas around. –Matt



     “The last hour had tought me a few major lessons, the main one being I must gain the ability to fight alone, in direct contrast to everything I had ever been taught.   SEALs as you know fight in teams, only in teams, each man relying entirely on the others to do exactly the right thing.  Thats how we do it, fighting as one in a team of four or maybe ten or even twenty, but always as one unit. One mind, one strategy.  We are, instinctively, always backing up, always covering, always moving to plug the gap or pave the way.  Thats what makes us great.

     But up here being hunted down, all alone—this was entirely another game.  And first I had to learn to move like an Afghan mountain man, stealthily, staying out of sight, making no sound, causing no disturbance.  Of course, we had learned all that back in California, but not on the heightened scale which was required up here, against a native enemy even more stealthy, quiet and unseen than we were.”

     I resolved that when I next had to strike out against my enemy, it would be with our customary deadly force, always ensuring I held the element of surprise.  Those are the tactics that invariably win conflicts for the truely ruthless underdog like the mujahidden, al Qaeda and from now on, me.” –Lone Survivor, by Marcus Luttrell, p. 275.

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