Feral Jundi

Monday, December 10, 2018

Film: Triple Frontier

Filed under: Film,South America — Tags: , , , , — Matt @ 1:35 PM

This just came up on my radar and I had to post it here. It has the same feel of Sicario if folks were interested in that film. The actors in this are some heavyweights as well and it is neat to see groups like Netflix put stuff like this together. Now the question is if the story works?

My interest in it is obvious. This is a story about former special operations folks who decide to go rob a drug cartel as a means to supplement their ‘retirement’. I think the comment I had heard the most on FB that rings true, is what infantryman or soldier has not thought about robbing thugs like that? lol

As to the background, Mark Boal was the writer for this and apparently there were some big names attached to this at one point (Tom Hanks, Tom Hardy, Mark Wahlberg, Will Smith, etc.). Here is a the plot. The title is in reference to this area of South America. March 2019 is the release date. –Matt


Five former Special Forces operatives reunite to plan a heist in a sparsely populated multi-border zone of South America. For the first time in their prestigious careers these unsung heroes undertake this dangerous mission for self instead of country. But when events take an unexpected turn and threaten to spiral out of control, their skills, their loyalties and their morals are pushed to a breaking point in an epic battle for survival.


The cast of Triple Frontier


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